Poverty Lecture - B P Vani
Poverty Lecture - B P Vani
Poverty Lecture - B P Vani
B.P. Vani
ISEC, Bangalore
Income Poverty
• Poverty is multidimensional
• Deprivation in income, illiteracy, malnutrition,
mortality, morbidity, access to water and
sanitation, vulnerability to economic shocks etc..
• Since measurement in many cases are
difficult and Income deprivation in most
cases, not always, linked with other forms of
deprivation here the concentration is only on
Income Poverty.
Need for Poverty Estimate
• Poverty estimates are important ingredient to
design, monitor and implement appropriate
anti-poverty policies.
- Poverty by regions, socio-economic groups
- Determinants of poverty
• A good measure
History of Poverty line: Working
Group 1962
• Rs. 20/- percapita per month in 1960-61
prices by Perspective Planning Division.
- Magic number
- Doesnot distinguish between Rural and
- Rs. 18/-per capita per month for Urban
and Rs. 15/- per capita per month for
Rural areas
PL based on Calorie Norm: Y K
Alagh Committee
• Planning Commission(Y K Alagh, 1979)-
Rs. 49.09 per capita per month for Rural
based on 2400 Kcal and Rs. 56.65 for
Urban based on 2100 Kcal in 1973-74.
Reduction in
percentage points 8.7 8.7 8.7 65.4 26.2 91.6
Tendulkars estimate
2009-10 33.8 20.9 29.8 278.2 76.5 354.7
2011-12 25.7 13.7 21.9 216.7 53.1 269.8
Reduction in
percentage points 8.1 7.2 7.9 61.5 23.4 84.9
Monthly income of 10 individuals
Sl. No village 1 village 2 village 3
1 250 200 150
2 375 325 275
3 500 450 450
4 625 575 625
5 750 700 750
6 875 875 875
7 1000 1000 1000
8 1125 1125 1125
9 1250 1250 1250
10 1375 1375 1375
Focus Axiom
Monotonicity Axiom
Transfer Axiom
Decomposability Axiom
1 z yi
n i 1 z
HCR , 0
n ( z z y ), 1
PGI 1 i
i 1
n z z y , 2
m 2
SPG 1 i
i 1
Percentage Distribution of Poor by Social Group at State Level, 2011–
State/UT % Share of Poor to Total Poor
ST SC OBC Others All State/UT ST SC OBC Others All
Pradesh 16.1 25.4 43.2 15.3 100 Maharashtra 28.2 17.5 28.6 25.7 100
Pradesh 65.5 0.5 13.8 20.2 100 Manipur 39.5 4.6 46.1 9.8 100
Assam 15.4 8.5 28.0 48.0 100 Meghalaya 96.0 0.0 0.1 3.9 100
Bihar 2.7 26.8 58.6 11.9 100 Mizoram 87.3 0.0 10.2 2.4 100
Chhattisgarh 42.2 17.7 38.2 1.8 100 Nagaland 94.1 1.5 1.9 2.4 100
Delhi 0.0* 39.6 17.6 42.8 100 Odisha 40.5 26.0 25.9 7.6 100
Goa 0.0* 25.4* 31.7 42.9 100 Puducherry 2.3 25.2 65.4 7.1 100
Gujarat 38.3 7.2 43.8 10.8 100 Punjab 0.3 72.8 13.6 13.3 100
Haryana 0.5* 49.4 33.4 16.7 100 Rajasthan 41.4 24.5 29.6 4.5 100
Pradesh 8.3 45.5 6.6 39.7 100 Sikkim 36.4 10.6* 49.3 3.7 100
Jammu and
Kashmir 13.7* 20.5 8.3 57.6 100 Tamil Nadu 2.7 33.8 63.2 0.4 100
Jharkhand 32.9 16.2 41.7 9.3 100 Tripura 62.1 15.0 5.6 17.3 100
8.7 26.2 47.2 18.0
Karnataka (5.8_) (16.7) (53.1) (24.4) 100 Uttar Pradesh 1.0 33.0 57.2 8.8 100
Kerala 6.6* 18.5 58.3 16.6 100 Uttarakhand 4.7 28.2 26.3 40.8 100
Pradesh 38.3 21.4 31.0 9.3 100 West Bengal 12.1 28.7 8.2 51.1 100
17.4 25.4 41.4 15.8
All India (8.9) (19.0) (44.1) (28.0) 100
Trends in Incidence of Poverty: Karnataka and All India
Rural Urban Total
No. of Poor No. of Poor No. of Poor
Year % of poor (million) % of poor (million) % of poor (million)
1993-94 56.6 16.7 34.2 4.1 49.5 20.8
2004-05 37.5 13.5 25.9 5.2 33.4 18.7
2009-10 26.1 9.7 19.6 4.5 23.6 14.2
2011-12 24.5 9.3 15.3 3.7 20.9 13.0
All India
1993-94 50.1 327.7 31.8 74.9 45.3 403.0
2004-05 41.8 325.8 25.7 81.4 37.2 407.2
2009-10 33.8 278.2 20.9 76.5 29.8 354.7
2011-12 25.7 216.7 13.7 53.1 21.9 269.8
Note: Estimates are based on mixed reference period(MRP) of distribution of monthly percapita
consumption expenditure of the National Sample Survey. 20
Types of Ration Card Possessed by Different Groups of Households
Type of Ration Card Possessed
No Card Anthyodaya BPL Other(APL) Total
Above Poverty Line 10.2 4.7 44.6 15.9 75.5
Below Poverty Line 2.8 1.9 17.4 2.5 24.5
Total - Rural Karnataka 13.0 6.6 62.0 18.5 100.0
Above Poverty Line 34.7 1.1 24.1 24.8 84.7
Below Poverty Line 1.6 1.7 10.3 1.7 15.3
Total - Urban Karnataka 36.4 2.7 34.3 26.6 100.0
Total (Rural+Urban)
Above Poverty Line 19.1 3.4 37.2 19.2 78.8
Below Poverty Line 2.4 1.8 14.8 2.2 21.2
Total Karnataka State 21.4 5.2 52.0 21.4 100.0
Identifying Poor
• Identification of poor constitutes a critical component
of poverty alleviation since these are the families who
are targeted for central and state assistance for the
income and employment generating anti poverty
programme and also social welfare programme.
• State identifies beneficiaries based on guidance from
Ministry of Rural Development
• Guidance keep changing from one BPL census to
• The different BPL census are 1992 census, 1997
census, 2002 census and 2011 census i.e., Saxena
BPL Census(1992)
• All households below Rs, 11,000 hh
income per annum are termed poor.
Contribution of deprivation in