Lect 4 Unconstraint Optimization

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Optimization of Functions of Multiple Variables: Unconstrained Optimization

To study functions of multiple variables, which are more
difficult in graphical representation and tedious
calculations involved in mathematical analysis for
unconstrained optimization.
To study the above with the gradient vector and the
Hessian matrix.
To discuss the implementation of the technique through
Necessary condition
In case of multivariable functions a necessary condition for a
stationary point of the function f(X) is that each partial
derivative is equal to zero.
 f
 x  x  
 

 1 
 f  
 x  x  
 2 
x f    0
 
  
 f 
  x 

 x n 
 
The gradient vector of f(X), at X=X*, defined as
above, must be equal to zero.
A matrix will be positive definite if all its Eigen values
are positive and the matrix will be negative definite if
its Eigen values are negative.
Another test that can be used to find the positive
definiteness of a matrix A of order n involves
evaluation of the determinants.
a 11 a1 2 a1 3
a 11 a1 2
A1  a11 A2  A3  a 2 1 a2 2 a23
a 21 a2 2
a 31 a3 2 a33
a11 a1 2 a1 3  a1 n
a 21 a2 2 a23  a2 n
An  a 3 1 a3 2 a33  a3 n

a n1 an 2 an3  an n
The matrix A will be positive definite if and only if all the
values A1, A2, A3, …. An are positive.
The matrix A will be negative definite if and only if the
sign of Aj is (-1)j for j = 1,2, …. n
If some of the Aj are positive and remaining Aj are zero,
then the matrix A will be positive semi definite.
Sufficient condition
For a stationary point X* to be an extreme point, the
matrix of second order partial derivatives (Hessian matrix)
of f(X) evaluated at X* must be:
1. Positive definite when X* is a point of relative
2. Negative definite when X* is a relative maximum point.
3. If some of the Eigen values of the Hessian at X* are
positive and some Negative, or if some are zero, the
stationary point, X*, is neither a local maximum nor a
local minimum.

Analyze the function

f  x  x  x  x  2x1 x2  2x1 x3  4x1  5x3  2
classify the stationary points as maxima, minima and
points of inflection
 f 
  
x 
 x1    2 x  2 x  2 x  4  0 
 f   1 2 3

x f    
x    2 x1  2 x 2
  0 
  
 x 2   2 x  2 x  5   0 
 f   3 1

  
x 
 x 3 
Example …contd.

Solving these simultaneous equations we get

X* =[½ ½ -2]
2 f 2 f 2 f
 2,  2,  2
 x12

2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f
  2,   0,  2
x1x2 x2 x1 x2 x3 x3x2 x1x3 x3x1
Example …contd.
Hessian of f(X) is
  2 2 2 2 2 2
H  2  2 0   I  H   2   2 0  0
2 0  2  2 0 2

(λ+2) (λ+2) (λ+2)-2 (2)(λ+2)+2 (2) (λ+2)= 0
 (λ+2)[ λ2 + 4 λ + 4 – 4 + 4]=0
(λ+2)3 = 0
 λ1 = -2 λ2 = -2 λ3 = -2
Since all Eigen values are negative, the function attains a
Maximum at the point [½ ½ -2]
Saddle point
In case of function of two variables, f(x, y), the Hessian
matrix may be neither negative nor positive definite at a
point (x*,y*) at which

f f
  0
x y
In such case the point (x*,y*) is called saddle point.
The characteristic of a saddle point is that it corresponds to a
relative minimum or maximum of f(x, y) with respect to one
variable, say, x (the other variable being fixed at y = y*) and
the relative minimum or maximum of f(x, y) with respect to
second variable, y (the other variable being fixed at x*)
Consider the function
f  x, y   x  y
2 2
f f
For this function,  2x  2 y
x y

The first order derivatives are zero at (0,0)

The Hessian matrix of f at (0,0) is given by
2 0 2 0
H    H  I  0
0  2 0 2
  2     2    0  4    0    2 or   2
Since this matrix is neither positive definite nor negative
definite the point (0,0) is saddle point.
Find the extreme points of the function

f  x1, x2   x  x  2x  4x  6

 Solution:
The necessary conditions for the existence of an extreme
point are
 0  x1  3 x1  4   0
 x1
 0  x2 3 x2  8  0
These equations are satisfied at the points (0,0) , (0,-8/3)
(-4/3, 0) and (-4/3,-8/3)
To find nature of these points we use sufficiency conditions.
The second order partial derivatives of f are
 f
 f
  6 x1  4    6 x2  8 
 x1
x 2

 f 2
 x1 x 2
The Hessian matrix of f is given by

6x1  4 0 
H  
 0 6 x2  8 
The nature of the extreme points are given below
(0,0) - positive definite – relative minimum – f (0,0) =6
(0,-8/3) - In definite – saddle point – f (0,-8/3) = 418/27
 (-4/3,0 ) - In definite – saddle point – f (-4/3,0 ) = 194/27
(-4/3,-8/3) - negative definite - relative maximum
f (-4/3,-8/3) =50/3

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