The document is an overview of Java presented to C++ programmers. It discusses Java's history and appeal, including its platform independence through bytecode compilation and safety features like automatic memory management. It compares Java and C++, noting Java's lack of pointers but inclusion of interfaces, single inheritance, and virtual functions. The document also covers Java libraries, documentation, and GUI tools. It provides examples and references additional Java resources.
The document is an overview of Java presented to C++ programmers. It discusses Java's history and appeal, including its platform independence through bytecode compilation and safety features like automatic memory management. It compares Java and C++, noting Java's lack of pointers but inclusion of interfaces, single inheritance, and virtual functions. The document also covers Java libraries, documentation, and GUI tools. It provides examples and references additional Java resources.
The document is an overview of Java presented to C++ programmers. It discusses Java's history and appeal, including its platform independence through bytecode compilation and safety features like automatic memory management. It compares Java and C++, noting Java's lack of pointers but inclusion of interfaces, single inheritance, and virtual functions. The document also covers Java libraries, documentation, and GUI tools. It provides examples and references additional Java resources.
The document is an overview of Java presented to C++ programmers. It discusses Java's history and appeal, including its platform independence through bytecode compilation and safety features like automatic memory management. It compares Java and C++, noting Java's lack of pointers but inclusion of interfaces, single inheritance, and virtual functions. The document also covers Java libraries, documentation, and GUI tools. It provides examples and references additional Java resources.
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An overview for C++
programmers Wagner Truppel
March 1st, 2004
The early history • James Gosling, Sun Microsystems • Not the usual start for a prog. language • Consumer electronics, 1991 • Mosaic and the Internet, 1994 • The revolution: applets, 1995 • Since then, many improvements and additions have been made to the language •
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 2
Why is Java so appealing ? • Platform independent • Safe • Easy to learn • Powerful, well-documented, and easy-to-use libraries to perform many complicated tasks
• During this presentation, we’ll look into each of these
qualities, and more • Comparison to C++ • Hands-on activities Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 3 Platform independence • Sun’s motto for Java: write once, run anywhere
• It’s a great idea, but…
• how’s it done ? • what are the drawbacks ?
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 4
Platform independence
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 5
Platform independence • Wait… so does it mean that Java is an interpreted language ? Yes, source is compiled into bytecodes. • Aren’t interpreted languages inherently slower than compiled ones ? Yes. • Why you should not care so much, though: • Java trades speed for • platform independence • safety (more on this later) • Java compilers are pretty darn good anyway • Still, if you’re really worried about speed, you may always use the so-called just-in-time (JIT) compilers. Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 6 Safe and easy to learn • The first thing to note here is that these are relative terms • In this talk, we’ll compare Java and C++ • The general consensus is that Java is easier to learn and use than C++, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
• Is Java safer than C++ ?
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 7 Safer than C++ ? • What do we mean by “safe” anyway ? Less prone to programmer mistakes • Java achieves better safety than C++ by • providing sandboxes (won’t talk much about them here) • checking every array access for out-of-bounds errors • eliminating direct access to pointer operations • automatically reclaiming any (heap) memory space not in use (automatic garbage collection) • having a less fragile approach to multiple inheritance • making every function virtual • providing, generally speaking, a simpler syntax than C++ Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 8 No pointers ? • Some people claim that Java has no pointers… Not true! • All objects are accessed through references, which are automatically de-referenced pointers • However, the pointer nature of these references is hidden from the programmer. Why ? • Reduced number of pointer-related errors
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 9
Automatic garbage collection • Objects are always allocated in the heap, using new, as in Foo f = new Foo(); • itself is always allocated in the stack f • the object referenced by f is allocated in the heap • recall that memory allocation in C++ is not so simple • Java keeps track of how many valid references exist for each object – when an object has no more references to it, the memory space it occupies in the heap gets reclaimed • No, it doesn’t mean that you may be sloppy • Automatic garbage collection has pros and cons • Pro: prevents many common memory allocation bugs • Con: has a negative impact on your program’s efficiency
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 10
No multiple inheritance ? • C++ inheritance forces the inheritance of both data and behavior (code) • That’s a very fragile approach – in order to inherit some behavior your class may have to gain some data as well, even if it’s not really needed • Java solves that problem and at the same time eliminates the need for multiple inheritance by defining something called an interface • Interfaces only define the expected behavior of a set of functions, like a contract – no data and no implementation • A class may implement as many interfaces as needed • Of course, regular inheritance between classes is still allowed, but a class may inherit from only one other class - no multiple class inheritance in Java
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 11
Functions are always virtual • All (non-static) functions in Java follow a late- binding process • Which function code is actually executed depends on the actual run-time type of the object on which the function is being called, not on the object’s declared type at compile time • In C++, unless one declares a function to be virtual, the code to be executed is decided at compile time • Thus, in Java, all (non-static) functions are virtual • Late-binding is a little slower but prevents common hard-to-find bugs
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 12
Other differences between Java & C++ • (Almost) everything is an object • Only primitive types (boolean, char, int, long, float, double) are not objects • Function arguments are always passed by value • Objects are not copied – only their references are • Neat solution to name collisions (packages) • No separation between header and implementation • No operator overloading • No structs • No generics (templates) and no enums (constant enumerations) until Java 2, 1.5 Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 13 A few other nice things about Java • Inherently multi-threaded • Threads are supported at the language level and are also objects • Much nicer compiler and run-time error messages than C++ • Exception handling is idiomatic – every Sun- written library uses it and does so consistently • Powerful and easy-to-use libraries for data structures, multi-threading, networking, I/O, graphics, GUI
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 14
Other cool stuff • Javadoc • Auto-documenting your code • Your comments are nicely formatted into a set of HTML pages • C++ has something similar: Doxygen
Hot from the Sun… • Current release version: Java 2, 1.4.2 • Java 2, version 1.5 beta is out • Support for generics (templates) • Autoboxing • Enhanced for loop • Enumerated types • Static import • C-style formatted input/output • Variable arguments • and more… •
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 17
References – online • The creators of Java • • The Java Developer Connection is a must. In particul ar, their Tech Tips free mailing list is awesome • • A cool site to keep in touch with Java news • • This site's free subscription mailing lists are excellent •
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 18
References – books I (basics) • The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics • Thinking in Java ( • The JFC Swing Tutorial • Java in a Nutshell • Java Cookbook • The Elements of Java Style
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 19
References – books II (intermediate) • Practical Java Programming Language Guide • Effective Java Programming Language Guide • Java Pitfalls: Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds to Improve Programs • Design Patterns Java Workbook • GoF’s Design Patterns (C++)
Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 20
Questions ? I’d like to thank • all of you for coming (and staying !) • Titus Winters and Dan Berger, for organizing these talks and for inviting me to give this one Mar 1st, 2004 Java for C++ programmers 21