It User Fundamentals

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Lecture: 03

Instructor Sanam Fayaz

- the programs and other operating
information used by a computer.
Types of Software
▪ System Software
▪ Application Software
System Software
System software is a type of The operating system and System software is a software
computer program that is utility programs that control that provides platform to other
designed to run a computer's a computer system and allow software. Some examples can
hardware and application you to use your computer. be operating systems, antivirus
programs. software, disk formatting
software, Computer language
translators etc.
Utility Programs
▪ Utility program: Software ▪ Utility software is software designed to help to
that performs a specific analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer.
task, usually related to It is used to support the computer infrastructure - in
managing or maintaining contrast to application software, which is aimed at
the computer system. directly performing tasks that benefit ordinary users.

▪ Many utilities are built into

operating systems
▪ Utilities are also available
as stand-alone products and
as suites
Application Software
▪ Programs that allow a user ▪ It also includes the category of mobile apps,
to perform specific tasks on including communication apps such as WhatsApp or
a computer. games.

▪ An application is any
program, or group of
programs, that is designed
for the end user.
Applications software (also
called end-user programs)
include such things as
database programs, word
processors, Web browsers
and spreadsheets.
The Operating System

▪ Operating system: A
collection of programs that
manage and coordinate the
activities taking place within a
computer system.
▪ Acts as an
between the
user and the
The Operating System

▪ Command line vs. graphical

user interface (GUI)
▪ Most operating systems
use GUI today
Differences Among Operating Systems

▪ Personal vs. server operating system

▪ Personal operating system: designed to be installed on a
single computer
▪ Server operating system: designed to be installed on a
network server
▪ Client computers still use a personal operating system
▪ Server operating system controls access to network resources
Operating Systems for
Personal Computers and Servers
▪ DOS: Disk Operating System
▪ PC-DOS: Created originally for IBM microcomputers
▪ MS-DOS: used with IBM-compatible computers
▪ DOS traditionally used a command-line interface
▪ Can enter DOS commands in Windows
▪ Windows: The predominate personal operating system
developed by Microsoft Corporation

▪ Windows 95 and Windows 98

▪ Windows NT (New Technology
▪ Windows Me (Millennium Edition)
▪ Windows XP: Replaced both Windows 2000 and
Windows Me
▪ Windows Vista: Replaced Windows XP
▪ Windows 7: released Oct. 2009
▪ Windows 8: October 25, 2012
▪ Windows 10: July 29, 2015
Mac OS
▪ Mac OS: Proprietary operating
system for computers made by
Apple Corporation

▪ Originally set the standard

for graphical user
▪ Mac OS X Mavericks:
Most recent personal
▪ UNIX: Operating system
developed in the late 1960s for
midrange servers
▪ More expensive, requires a
higher level of technical
▪ tends to be harder to install,
maintain, and upgrade.
▪ Linux: Version (flavor) of UNIX available without charge
over the Internet
▪ Increasingly being used with personal computers,
servers, mainframes, and supercomputers
▪ Is open-source software: has been collaboratively
modified by volunteer programmers all over the world
▪ Originally used a command line interface, most recent
versions use a GUI
▪ Much less expensive than Windows or Mac OS
Operating Systems for
Mobile Phones and Other Devices

▪ Windows Mobile: Designed for mobile phones

▪ Look and feel of desktop versions

▪ Android: Linux based OS developed by Open Handset

Alliance (including Google)

▪ iOS is a mobile operating system created and

developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware.
Operating Systems for
Mobile Phones and Other Devices
▪ BlackBerry Operating System: Designed for BlackBerry devices

▪ Palm OS and Palm webOS: Designed for Palm devices

▪ Symbian OS: Designed for use with smartphones

Quick Quiz…

Which of the following is the most recent

personal version of Windows?
a. Windows 10
b. Windows Leopard
c. Windows XP

Linux is an open source operating system

available for free via the Internet.
True or False

The operating system most commonly used on

Apple personal computers is
Are you Ready
For an Activity?

Then follow next steps.

Check the OS (Android) version of your Phone

Step 02 Step 04

Open Phone Menu Select About Phone

Step 05
Step 01 Step 03
Here comes the
Turn on Your Phone Tap System Setting information of OS
That’s Enough
for Today !

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