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Research Presentation - Thesis-Psu-Sas

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

Master of Arts in Education- Communication Arts (English)

Urdaneta City


Background of the Study
Language is so much a part of our daily activities. It is
not something that is inherited; it is an art that can be
passed on from one generation to the next only by
intensive generation. It is difficult to realize the
enormously important role that language plays in our
social behavior. According to Engle (2009), without the
language used in creative writing or other means of
communication by words, all history would disappear.
There would be no way of re-creating past experiences
and communicating them to others. By simply writing
as one of the means in communication, we can pass the
past events and let the new generation knows what
happened during those times. Stories had always been
part of people’s lives.
Creative writing is the process of writing stories or narrations
that focuses more on entertaining and telling a story than
simply relating facts. It is a form of fiction, or created work.
Generally speaking, any story that uses figurative language, a
narrative story arc, or other elements that allow the writer to
focus on the narrative and writing rather than the simple
relay of facts can fall into the creative writing category. Short
stories and novels are perhaps the most common forms of
creative writing. A short story is a piece of prose writing that
is usually 6,000 words or fewer; it generally follows a plot
structure, which includes an introduction or exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement or
resolution. This plot structure can be altered to suit the
author's purposes, but usually at least some of these
elements are included in the story (Jeynes, 2014).
Creative writing can technically be considered any writing
of original composition. In this sense; creative writing is a
more contemporary and process-oriented name for what
has been traditionally called literature, including the
variety of its genres (Witty et al. 2011). Creative writers
typically decide an emphasis in fiction, and they usually
start with short stories (Bolano, 2010). Turabian (2009)
said that writing is difficult since writing is more complex
and more abstract than talking. Moreover, Seratin (2010)
supported this view when he started that writing could be
a torment to students. In addition, according to Aguilar
(2010), writing is definitely “hard work”. Therefore, it is
evidently true that writing poses a number of problems to
students, as it is a skill that is difficult to master.
Since then, research has helped identify more
effective ways to improve the quality of writing. An
early review of the literature found that teaching and
studying grammar had no effect on the quality of one’s
writing (Braddock, Lloyd-Jones & Schoer, 1963). At the
conclusion of the study, researchers found no
statistically significant differences in writing quality
between the grammar-focused treatment groups and
the no-grammar treatment groups. Hence, the
grammar does not increase writing quality. Although
knowledge of grammar is important to proper writing,
the way that content is produced is not dependent
upon correct grammar, but is more of an intuitive
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the creative writing
performance of Senior Teacher Education students in
Urdaneta City University enrolled in English for
Occupational Purposes (EOP) during the first semester of
the academic year 2015-2016.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. sex;
b. mother tongue;
c. most preferred reading material in English;
d. linguistic intelligence; and
e. English proficiency?
Profile of the Senior Teacher
Education Students
Profile Variables Frequency Percentage

Age Young (18-21) 21 70

Old (22 above) 9 30

Sex Female 21 70

Male 9 30
Profile Variables Frequency Percentage

Mother Tongue Ilocano 19 63.3

Tagalog 8 26.7

Pangasinan 3 10

Most Preferred Fiction

Reading Material 18 60.0

General References
6 20.0

4 13.3

1 3.3

Special References
1 3.3
Profile Variables Frequency Percentage

Linguistic High Linguistic 16 53.33

Intelligence Intelligence (HLI)
(mean=3.50) Moderate Linguistic 13 43.33
Intelligence (MLI)
Very High Linguistic 1 3.34
Intelligence (VHLI)
Low Linguistic 0 0
Intelligence (LLI)
Slight Linguistic 0 0
Intelligence (SLI)
English Proficiency Satisfactory 19 63.33

Poor 9 30

Very Satisfactory 2 6.67

Outstanding 0 0
Areas of English Proficiency
Descriptive Equivalent

Very Satisfactory
Grammar 14.37

Reading Comprehension 8.53

Vocabulary 6.33

English Proficiency 29.23
In terms of Age, twenty one or 70% were young (18-21 years old)
and nine or 30% were old (22 above years old); in Sex, twenty one
or 70% were female and nine or 30% were male; in Mother
Tongue, nineteen or 63.3% of the respondents used Ilocano,
eight or 26.7% used Tagalog and three or 10% used Pangasinan as
their mother tongue; in Most Preferred Reading Material,
eighteen or 60% of the respondents were exposed to fiction, six
or 20% were general references, four or 13.3% were periodicals
and both non-fiction and special references were one or 3.3%; in
Linguistic Intelligence, sixteen or 53.33% of the respondents got
“high linguistic intelligence”, thirteen or 43.33% got “moderate
linguistic intelligence” and one respondent or 3.34% got “very
high linguistic intelligence”. The mean of the respondents in
linguistic intelligence test was 3.50; in English Proficiency,
nineteen or 63.33% of the respondents belonged to “satisfactory”,
nine or 30% belonged to “poor” and the two respondents or
6.67% belonged to “very satisfactory”. The mean of the English
proficiency test was 29.23.

Most of the respondents belong to 18-21 years old as

young, female and Ilocano as their mother tongue.
They are exposed to fiction. Respondents have high
linguistic intelligence. The English proficiency of the
respondents is “satisfactory”.
The teacher should use a variety of reading
materials for both young and old learners aside from
fiction like non-fiction, general references, periodicals
and special references that will lead to very high
linguistic intelligence and engage the students in
several reading and writing activities for the wide
range of vocabulary, idioms and comprehension as
2. Whatis the performance level of
Senior Teacher Education
students in creative writing:
a. creativity;
b. coherent structure; and
c. adherence to topic?
Creative Writing Performance Level of
the Respondents
Coherent Adherence to Creative
Creativity DE DE DE DE
Structure Topic Writing

Story 1 84 AP 82 AP 82 AP 82.67 AP

Story 2 84 AP 83 AP 83 AP 83.33 AP

Mean 84 AP 82.5 AP 82.5 AP 83 AP

The average of 84 in creativity from the creative
short story writing of the respondents as indicated by
the mean which is Approaching Proficient level of
performance as the descriptive equivalent. 82.5 as the
average indicated under the mean of coherent
structure of the respondents which has a performance
level of Approaching Proficient. Adherence to topic
has the mean of 82.5 as the average of the respondents
with descriptive equivalent of Approaching Proficient
level of performance. The overall average of creative
short story writing is 83 as the overall mean of the
respondents. It indicates that the respondents overall
performance level in creative writing is Approaching

The creative writing performance of

the Senior Teacher education Students
is Approaching Proficiency.

External and internal motivation should be

explored especially in creativity, coherent structure
and adherence to topic in encouraging better
writing performance of the college students for
them to reach the writing standards expected in
their course.
3. Is there a significant
relationship between the
performance level of Senior
Teacher Education students
and their profile variables?
Significant Relationship between the Creative Writing
Performance Level of the Respondents and their Profile
Profile Variables Sig Remarks Decision

Age 0.130 Not Significant Rejected

Sex 0.242 Not Significant Rejected

Mother Tongue 0.820 Not Significant Rejected

Most Preferred
0.520 Not Significant Rejected
Reading Material

0.254 Not Significant Rejected
Intelligence Test
The relationship of creative writing performance level of the
respondents to Age is 0.130 that indicates Not Significant.
Therefore, the hypothesis is rejected. It also shows that the Sex has
no significant difference to creative writing performance level of
the respondents with 0.242. This signifies Not Significant. Hence,
the hypothesis is rejected. The Mother Tongue of the respondents
correlated to creative writing performance level has 0.820 level of
significance that indicates Not Significant. Thus, the hypothesis is
rejected. It can also be gleaned in the table the relationship of
creative writing performance level to Most Preferred Reading
Material is 0.520 that indicates Not Significant. Therefore, the
hypothesis is rejected. Linguistic Intelligence Test has a significant
value of 0.254 that indicates Not Significant to the creative writing
performance level. Hence, the hypothesis is rejected. It can also be
seen in English Proficiency Test the significant value of 0.068 that
signifies Not Significant to the creative writing performance level
of the respondent. Thus, the hypothesis is rejected.

The profile variables age, sex, mother tongue, most

preferred reading material, linguistic intelligence and
English proficiency are not determiners of the creative
writing performance of the Senior Teacher Education

Results of this study should form the basis for OBE

syllabus according to cluster.
4. What are the
intervention techniques
to enhance the creative
writing performance of
the Senior Teacher
Education students?

From the result of the present study, the researcher

should make an Intervention Techniques in Creative
Writing for the development of the students in the
area of literary writing.
Administrators and teachers should use the
Intervention Techniques in teaching Creative Writing
inside the classroom and related areas.

Further study should be conducted focusing on the

writing performance of the students not only in
creative writing but also in writing in the different
Intervention Techniques to Enhance the Creative Writing of
the English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners
Age Characteristics Techniques
These are the following characteristics of young learners These are the following techniques to enhance
to writing: the writing skills of young learners by the
1. The learners’ ability is copying that provides them teacher:
the opportunities to learn & consolidate their 1. The teacher will ask the learner to move on
understanding of new vocabulary, develop an to practice writing sentence in a very simple
awareness of and confidence in English spelling way.
and practice a range of simple sentence patterns 2. The teacher will give specific information
they have learned to use in writing. and facts rather than fantasy. Allow the
2. The learners have definite interests and curiosity in learners a time to think about and discuss
Young writing a topic. the answers. Encourage them to memorize
3. They enjoy abstract concepts and ideas and make quotations and
conclusions based on prior learning. Scriptures. Provide opportunities for reading,
4. They like to be challenged in mental tasks, are writing, and record keeping. Teach them about
decisive and reasonable and think more logically. other people, cultures and about history.
3. It is a good idea to personalize writing tasks
wherever possible.

These are the following characteristics of old learners to These are the following techniques to enhance
writing: the writing skills of old learners by the teacher:
1. They are creative and adaptable and apprehensive 1. The teachers should augment motivation in
Old or anxious. Most Old learners know better and trying different approaches in writing.
have reached personal experiences.
Sex Characteristics Techniques

These are the following characteristics of These are the following techniques to
female learners to writing: enhance the writing skills of female and male
learners by the teacher:
1. Female learners are dominated by
romance or love story as their most 1. The teacher will conduct a workshop in
enjoyed reading genre preferably writing in the different discipline.
short story. 2. The teacher should let the learners read
2. They perform better on tasks different genres and ask them to write in
involving flexibility and fine-motor different approaches.
coordination. They are emotional and 3. The teacher will prepare the learners to
more likely fond of visual exploration. work in pairs or individually, trying to
reconstruct the written text together or
These are the following characteristics of recreate the main meaning with
male learners to writing: grammatical accuracy and well-organized
1. Male learners are inclined in outdoor idea.
activities that cover large areas of 4. The teacher will display finished version
physical space. and discuss the story produced. A
Male variation is that learners try to create a
2. They prefer more likely to explore
objects and become more different ending.
Most Preferred
Reading Characteristics Techniques
These are the following techniques to enhance the
1. This is expressed in a variety of writing skills of the learners using fiction by the
formats including writing. Through teacher:
the term, it referred to the major
narrative forms of literature. This 1. The teacher will give an open-ended fiction story
also constitutes an act of creative and will prepare the learners to work in pairs or
invention so that faithfulness to individually, trying to reconstruct the written text
reality is not typically assumed. together or recreate the main meaning with
2. It is the composition of not factual grammatical accuracy and well-organized idea.
texts. It is often produced as a story 2. The teacher will display finished version and
meant to entertain or convey an discuss the ending of the story produced. A
author's point of view variation is that learners try to create a different

These are the following techniques to enhance the

1. This gives information on a wide writing skills of the learners using fiction by the
variety of subjects like almanac, teacher:
bibliography, dictionary,
encyclopedia, yearbook and the like. 1. The teacher will give specific information and facts
rather than fantasy. Allow the learners a time to
General think about and discuss the answers. Encourage
References them to memorize quotations and
Scriptures. Provide opportunities for reading,
writing, and record keeping. Teach them about
other people, cultures and about history.
2. It is good idea to personalize writing tasks based on
the capabilities of the learners wherever possible.
The study assessed the performance of the Senior
Teacher Education Students in creative writing in
Urdaneta City University enrolled in English for
Occupational Purposes during the first semester of the
academic year 2015-2016 as to the following: profile of
the Senior Teacher Education Students in terms of: a)
age; b) sex; c) mother tongue; d) most preferred
reading material in English; e) linguistic intelligence;
and f) English proficiency; the creative writing
performance of the subjects in terms of: a) creativity;
b) coherent structure; and c) adherence to topic. The
study looked into the creative writing performance
across the profile variables. This study aimed to
establish the relationship between the creative writing
performance and the subjects’ profile.
The study employed the use of descriptive-
correlation research design. This study employed a
researcher-made and standardized questionnaire
as its main data-gathering instruments. The used
of questionnaire employed to find out the creative
writing performance of the respondents and
administered were expected to assess the writing
performance of the respondents. The data
gathered were properly recorded, tallied,
tabulated, interpreted and analyzed. Frequency
counts, percentages, average weighted mean, t-
test, Chi Square and correlation Pearson r were
used in the treatment of data.
The study revealed that twenty one or 70% were young (18-21
years old) and nine or 30% were old (22 above years old); in Sex,
twenty one or 70% were female and nine or 30% were male; in
Mother Tongue, nineteen or 63.3% of the respondents used
Ilocano, eight or 26.7% used Tagalog and three or 10% used
Pangasinan as their mother tongue; in Most Preferred Reading
Material, eighteen or 60% of the respondents were exposed to
fiction, six or 20% were general references, four or 13.3% were
periodicals and both non-fiction and special references were
one or 3.3%; in Linguistic Intelligence, sixteen or 53.33% of the
respondents got “high linguistic intelligence”, thirteen or 43.33%
got “moderate linguistic intelligence” and one respondent or
3.34% got “very high linguistic intelligence”. The mean of the
respondents in linguistic intelligence test was 3.50 with the
descriptive equivalent “high linguistic intelligence”; in English
Proficiency, nineteen or 63.33% of the respondents belonged to
“satisfactory”, nine or 30% belonged to “poor” and the two
respondents or 6.67% belonged to “very satisfactory”.
The mean of the English proficiency test was 29.23 with the
descriptive equivalent of “satisfactory”. In the performance level of
the respondents the average of 84 in creativity from the creative
short story writing of the respondents as indicated by the mean
which is Approaching Proficient level of performance as the
descriptive equivalent. 82.5 as the average indicated under the mean
of coherent structure of the respondents which has a performance
level of Approaching Proficient. Adherence to topic has the mean of
82.5 as the average of the respondents with descriptive equivalent of
Approaching Proficient level of performance. The overall average of
creative short story writing is 83 as the overall mean of the
respondents. It indicates that the respondents overall performance
level in creative writing is Approaching Proficient. The variables
age, sex, mother tongue, most preferred reading material, Linguistic
Intelligence Test and English Proficiency Test have no significant
relationship on the respondents’ profile. Therefore, these are not
determiners of the creative writing performance of the Senior
Teacher Education Students.
From the results, the following conclusions were
drawn: Most of the respondents belong to 18-21 years
old as young, female and Ilocano as their mother
tongue. They are exposed to fiction. Respondents have
high linguistic intelligence. The English proficiency of
the respondents is “satisfactory”. The creative writing
performance of the Senior Teacher education Students
is Approaching Proficiency. The profile variables age,
sex, mother tongue, most preferred reading material
Linguistic Intelligence Test and English Proficiency
Test have no significant relationship on the
respondents’ profile. Hence, the researcher should
make an Instructional Techniques in Creative Writing
for the development of the students in the area of
literary writing.
Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following
recommendations were offered: The teacher should use a variety
of reading materials aside from fiction like non-fiction, general
references, periodicals and special references that will lead to
very high linguistic intelligence and engage the students in
several reading and writing activities for the wide range of
vocabulary, idioms and comprehension as well. External and
internal motivation should be explored especially in creativity,
coherent structure and adherence to topic in encouraging better
writing performance of the college students for them to reach
the writing standards expected in their course. Results of this
study should form the basis for OBE syllabus according to
cluster. Administrators and teachers should use the Instructional
Techniques in teaching Creative Writing inside the classroom
and related areas. Further study should be conducted focusing
on the writing performance of the students not only in creative
writing but also in writing in the different disciplines.

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