6.2 Guidance Program and Services

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6.2 Guidance Program and Services
•Connote both systematic or unsystematic
and informal means toward assisting
Guidance Services
• Includes systematic and organized procedure and facilities toward assisting
• As a group of services given to individuals to assist them in securing
knowledge and skills needed in making plans and devices, and in interpreting
life. It includes tools and facilities in discharging its services to individuals.
• Is an organized set of specialized services established as integral part of
school environment designed to promote the development of the students and
assist them toward a realization of sound and wholesome adjustment and
maximum accomplishments commensurate with their potentials.
• Services rendered to an individual.
• Services to staff members.
• Services pertaining to evaluation of service
• 1. It is an integral part of school system.
• 2. It is organized; it has structure, system and personnel.
• 3. It is more of a preventive than curative.
• 4. It promotes educational objectives.
• 5. It adheres to the principle that the individual/students
is the center of all efforts.
• 6. It promotes student development.
Basic Guidance Services
 Informative Service
Follow- up Service
Placement service
Counselling Service
Evaluation of the Guidance Program and Services
present in the New Cabalan Elementary School

Rating Scale for each Standard

5= Clearly Outstanding, 4= Exceeds Standard, 3=
Meets Standard, 2=Below expectation, 1=
Unsatisfactory, 0= Not applicable

Plans and implement a balanced comprehensive developmental Guidance Program and

Services 4
Evaluates and Promotes continuous improvement of a balanced comprehensive Guidance
Program and Services 3
3 Homeroom meetings are on regular schedule 5
Counselling in the school use the existing guidance in promoting academic, personal/social and
career development 3
5 Instructional activities and resources to help the implementation of the program are provided 2
6 Principal/Supervisor monitors the implementation of guidance Program and Services 5
7 There is a systematic process in place that assist student with Guidance Program and Services 3
Necessary forms and procedures for such a case that needs the guidance program and services
are provided 3
Involves students, teachers, parents and others to promote effective implementation of the
program and service 4
Students are assisted in addressing issues and concerns that affect their
personal/social, academic, and career development 4
Consult with school personnel and collaboratively provides professional expertise to
advocate for individual students and specific group of students 4
Counselor utilize a wide range of resources and strategies in assisting students with issues
concerning personal/social, academic, and career development issues 3
The school’s comprehensive Guidance Program is routinely evaluated in order to identify
both strengths and areas in need of improvement 3
14 Action Plans for Improvement are developed, implemented, reviewed and revised annually 3
Counselor time is utilized to the fullest extent possible for program implementation
activities as determined and documented by the time-task analysis 2
Guidance and Counseling personnel interact with other people and programs in the school
and with community 3
A district-wide guidance and counseling program has a single unified schedule developed to
monitor district implementation of the guidance and counseling program 1
• In order to fully evaluate comprehensive school guidance
programs, three forms of evaluation are recommended:
• 1. The program must be reviewed using program standards,
evidence, and documentation to establish that there is a written
guidance program in a school and that the written program is the
implemented program.

• 2. Guidance program personnel need job descriptions derived directly
from the program so that evaluation forms can be developed and used
for formative and summative personnel evaluation.
• 3. Results evaluation that focuses on the impact of the guidance and
counselling activities in the guidance curriculum, individual planning,
responsive services, and system support components of a
comprehensive guidance program is mandatory.

• And most importantly, there should be licensed guidance counsellor in

each school that will handle the Guidance Program and Services with
knowledge and proper training in handling such issues and assisting

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