Universe and Solar System

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- involves a spinning cloud of dust called a solar nebula

is a product of the Big Bang

an enormous explosion
Before Bing Bang Theory

• The universe were contained in singularity.

Singularity - is a point with an extremely high temperature and infinite
- found at the center of a black hole
- floated in a vacuum until exploded, flinging gas and energy in
all directions
• As the gas explosion cooled, various physical forces caused particles
to stick together.

As they continued to cool, they slowed down and became more organized,
eventually growing into stars. This process took about a billion years.

About five billion years ago, some of this gas and matter became
our stars and one of those billions star is our sun as well as
other celestial bodies like meteors, asteriods
These are some scientific
theories of origin and
evolution of the solar
system and the earth
was proposed by the
German philosopher Kant
Nebular Hypothesis and French mathematician

Central idea- the earth ,planets and the sun originated

from nebula or a spinning cloud of dust w/c caused it so
spin faster.

Gaseous ring was separated from nebula w/c later on

Four and half billion years ago, our Sun was became the planets that we have today while a dense
born and began to release photons w/c is an clump of matter was formed at the center called a proto-
essential energy in keeping life on earth star w/c became the SUN
possible through photosynthesis

At the beginning, its heat as due to friction, but later on got its
energy from nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium and
in the process releases photons
HYPOTHESIS was proposed by Jeans and Jeffrey in 1925

Central idea is that large stars passed near the

sun and due to the gravitational pull

As the star came nearer, the tide increased in


gaseous tide later formed to be the planets

in our solar system
was proposed by Chamberlin and
Moulton in 1904.

Center on the idea that a disk

shaped cloud of gas and dust
which was a remnant after the
formation of sun began to
clump together forming bodies
of planetisimals.
Binary Star Hypothesis
- was proposedby an American
astronomer H.N Russell in 1937-

- at the beginning a companions star was

revolving around our sun.
Gas Dust Cloud Hypothesis
was proposed by the scientist Harold C. Urey in 1952.

states that the universe is composed of dust

and gas. This very large amount of dust and
gas began to condense and began to spin

The center became the sun while the outer

part of the disk broke up into smaller swirls,
which condensed separately to become the
Earth was very hot and volcanic.
A solid crust formed as the planet cooled ,and implants from asteroids and other
debris caused lots of craters

As the planet continued to cool, water filled the basins that had formed in the
surface, creating oceans.

Through earthquakes, volcanic eruption and other factors. The Earth’s surface
eventually reached the shapes that was know today.

Its mass provides the gravity that holds everything together and its surface
provides a place for us to live.
•Make a short essay on which theories
you think might probably explain the
origin of the solar system .Group
yourselves with other students who
have the same theories and present.

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