Malpositionslideshare 131213102326 Phpapp02
Malpositionslideshare 131213102326 Phpapp02
Malpositionslideshare 131213102326 Phpapp02
Unfavorable (10%)
Favorable (90%)
Lie: longitudinal
The attitude of the head is deflexed
Presentation: vertex
Position: Right occipitoposterior
Denomi nator: Occiput
Presenti ng part: Middle or of left parietal
bone anterior area
Grasping the head to bring the face down from under the
symphysis pubis and Extension of the head
Upward moulding (dotted line) following
persistent occipito posterior position
Deep transverse arrest
The head is deep into the cavity, the sagittal suture is
placed in the transverse bipsinous diameter and there is
no prognosis in descent of the head even after ½ -1 hour
following full dilatation of cervix.
Head is engaged
Sagittal suture lies in transverse bispinous diameter,
Anterior fontanelle is palpable,
Faulty pelvic architecture may be detected.
Deep transverse arrest cont…
Vaginal delivery is found safe.
Manual rotation and application of forceps
Forceps rotation and delivery with Keilland in
hands of an expert.
Vaginal delivery is not safe: caesarean section.
Craniotomy in dead pelvis.
Diagnosis of OP position
First stage of labour:
Signs are those of any posterior position of occiput,
namely a deflexed head and the fetal heart heard in the
flank or in the midline.
Descent is slow
Third stage:
Tendency of PPH can be prevented by prophylactic IV
ergometrine 0.25 mg with the delivery of anterior shoulder.
Oxytocin infusion
Cerebral hemorrhage
Maternal trauma
Neonatal trauma
Cord prolapse
1. Fraser DM, Cooper MA. Myles Textbook for
Midwives.15th edition. Philadelphia:Churchill livingstone