Slip Form (Our Report)

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The continuous poured, continuously formed, or slip formed construction method is a concrete construction technology that enables cast-
in-place "flawless" (i.e. seamless) concrete members which have superior performance characteristics to piecewise construction using
discrete elements because of the polymerizing characteristics of concrete (All concretes utilize polymer chemistry, though polymer concrete
is a special quick setting formulation which is particularly rapid at curing to high tensile strengths).

•Slip form is similar in nature and application to jump form, but the formwork is raised vertically in a continuous process.  
•It is a method of vertically extruding a reinforced concrete section and is suitable for construction of core walls in high-rise structures – lift
shafts, stair shafts, towers, etc. It is a self-contained formwork system and can require little crane time during construction.
•This is a formwork system which can be used to form any regular shape or core.
•The formwork rises continuously, at a rate of about 300mm per hour, supporting itself on the core and not relying on support or access
from other parts of the building or permanent works. 
•Commonly, the formwork has three platforms. The upper platform acts as a storage and distribution area while the middle platform, which
is the main working platform, is at the top of the poured concrete level. The lower platform provides access for concrete finishing.

Continuous slip formed

gravity base structure
supports under
construction in a
Norwegian fiord. The
visible jib cranes would
each be delivering
buckets of concrete to
the support cylinders
during the continuous
pour of concrete creating
seamless walls.


If construction speed is a priority when you build a tall concrete structure, slipforming the answer is slip forming differs from
conventional Concrete forming because the forming panels move semi continuously in relation to the concretes u r face being formed
and form ties are not used.

A vertical slip form system consists
of five basic elements:
•Forming panels (slip forms)
•Jacks and jackrods
•Work or storage decks and scaf-folding

Figure 1 shows the components of most modern slipforming systems.

The slipforms are raised on jacks, which climb on vertical rods or
tubes that remain buried in the con-crete. The jacks are mounted in up-side-
down U-shaped steel assem-blies
called yokes.The slipforms are attached to the yoke legs;scaffold
brackets and work deck joists are at-tached to or bear on the slipform ing the
slipform panels with larger
walers to reduce deflections.

Figure 1.Typical slipform configuration with deck and finishing

scaffold supported on walers.
Slipform Components and Their Functions
Yoke Legs Yoke legs are used to lift the slipform structure as one integral unit, transfer lifting reactions to jacks and acts
as the main connecting member for walkway platforms, masons’ scaffold, yoke beams, top platforms, etc.

Walkway Bracket (Inside and Outside) Inside and outside brackets are connected with the respective yoke legs with
the help of a pin for easy erection and dismantling along with a pipe strut to support cantilever portion to facilitate placing
of concrete, placing of reinforcement, vibration, fixing inserts, block outs, pockets, etc.

Shutters and Walers The function of shutters and waler assemblies is to maintain correct profile of structure to be
slip formed and resist concreting pressure.

Lifting Jacks Lifting jacks facilitate lifting of Slipform assembly. Jacks are to be suitably located preferably at equal
intervals to enable to lift slipform as one integral unit. Capacity of jacks is decided depending upon the reactions at point
of lifting.

Jacking/Climbing Rods Jacking rods are normally located centrally in the wall to be cast or at equal distance in
yoke beams depending upon the number of jacks. The jacking rods are generally of 48mm, 32mm, or 25mm in diameter
based upon the capacity of jacks. The lifting jack climbs over the jack rod. The entire load of the Slipform assembly is
transferred to jacking rods when jacks are energized.

Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic pumps are provided to circulate required quantity of hydraulic oil at desired pressure for
energizing jacks to lift the assembly and facilitate its uniform lifting.

Tapered Sleeve Tapered sleeve tubes are provided to prevent fresh concrete coming in contact with jack rods, thus,
facilitates extraction of jack rods later. Taper sleeves are attached to yoke beam and move along with slipform and create
a hole in concrete around jack rod.
Over Yoke Beam

Yoke Beams Yoke is main connecting member between inside and outside
yoke legs. Two yoke beams are connected at bottom portion of yoke legs and a
single yoke beam is connected at top portion. Jacks are mounted over yoke
beams. Yoke beam transfers lifting forces of jacks to yoke legs. A slipform jack
fixed in position over yoke beam is illustrated in Figure 2.

Waler Shoe Two waler shoes are provided on each of inside and outside
yoke legs. Waler shoes are connected to yoke legs and waler pipes with the
help of full threaded bolts. The functions of waler shoe are to adjust inclination
of the shutter, adjusting the inclination of yokes and transfer reactions from
waler pipes to yoke legs.

Central Ring and Tie Rod Assembly Central ring and tie rod assembly
is provided to retain shape of structure to be slip formed. Central ring and
flying tie rod assembly moves along with slip form.

Tapered Cross Section

Adjustments are made for inclination of wall, radius and wall thickness if
structure under construction has tapered cross section. For inclination of wall,
the yoke legs are positioned in such a way that thickness of wall at top and
bottom varies. Generally, by providing about 2 mm less to shutter arrangement
at top and 2 mm more at bottom, shutter inclination differs by 4 mm per meter
vertical height of wall for both inside and outside shutter. The additional taper
of yokes prevent drag of form panel with concrete. The adjustment for varying
radius is done by means of radius screws. Two wall thickness screws, one on
inside yoke leg and one on outside yoke leg are provided for changing
thickness of wall.
There are three platforms supported on yokes. The top platform also known as “Top Deck” is used for
receiving and distributing concrete, other materials and operating men, second level platform is
provided inside and outside at the level of form panels to facilitate vibration of concrete, tying of
reinforcement, fixing of inserts and pockets, etc. and third platform is provided below form panel for
masons to finish concrete exposed from slip form shutter, to expose inserts, dowels, etc. and for
curing of concrete.

Contraction Joints in Steel :-Dowels and tie bars in longitudinal and transverse contraction joints within the paving
lane are held securely in place by means of rigid metal basket assemblies. The dowels and tie bars are welded to the
assembly or held firmly by mechanical locking arrangements that prevent them from becoming distorted during paving
operations. The basket assemblies are held securely in the proper location by means of suitable anchors.


Installation is done by bonding dowels into holes drilled into the hardened concrete. Holes approximately 3 mm greater in diameter
than dowels are drilled into hardened concrete. Dowels are bonded in drilled holes using epoxy resin injected at the back of hole before
installing dowel and extruded to the collar during insertion of the dowel so as to completely fill void around dowel. The dowels are held
in alignment at the collar of the hole after insertion and before the grout harden, by means of suitable metal or plastic collar fitted
around the dowel. The vertical alignment of dowels is checked by placing the straight edge on the surface of the pavement over the top
of the dowel and measuring the vertical distance between the straight edge and beginning and ending point of the exposed part of the
dowel. Where tie bars are required in longitudinal construction joints of slipform pavement, bent tie bars are installed at the paver, in
front of the transverse screed or extrusion plate. If tie bars are required, a standard keyway is constructed, and the bent tie bars are
inserted into the plastic concrete through a 0.45 to 0.55 mm thick metal keyway liner. Tie bars is not installed in preformed holes. The
keyway liner is protected and remains in place and become part of the joint. Before placement of the adjoining paving lane, the tie bars
are straightened, without spalling the concrete around the bar.


Construction Technologies
Slipform Construction

The new tower will have a central-pillar structure, similar to that of

a five-story pagoda. Obayashi will build a group of 400 m steel-
reinforced concrete central pillars at the core of the tower's steel
Slipform construction is a method of efficiently constructing
towering structures safely and with high precision in a short period
of time by continuously placing concrete into formwork that is
raised progressively upward with jacks. Special expertise is required
for managing the speed and accuracy of formwork elevation,
concrete mixing and pouring, and other specifications.
Obayashi is continuously improving the method and has an
extensive track record constructing smokestacks and other
structures exceeding 200 m in height.


The slip form system consists of either fixed diameter or adjustable

diameter form sets. Our form set permits diameters from 9 ft to 90 ft
and varying wall thickness. The jump form is a fully decked work
platform which is self-contained and sets up in days.

In jump form construction each ring of forms is 4 ft. tall. Three rings of
forms are stacked on top of each other. After the top 4 feet of form is
poured, the bottom section is removed and vertically jumped to the
new top and then prepared for the next pour. This repetitive process
of pouring and jumping up the lower set of forms continues until the
structure is topped out.
Commonly, the formwork has three platforms. The upper platform acts as a storage and distribution area while the middle
platform, which is the main working platform, is at the top of the poured concrete level. The lower platform provides access for
concrete finishing.

Careful planning of construction process can achieve high production rates
Slip form does not require the crane to move upwards, minimising crane use.
Since the formwork operates independently, formation of the core in advance of the rest of the
structure takes it off the critical path – enhancing main structure stability.
Availability of the different working platforms in the formwork system allows the exposed concrete at
the bottom of the rising formwork to be finished, making it an integral part of the construction
Certain formwork systems permit construction of tapered cores and towers.
Slip form systems require a small but highly skilled workforce on site.
Working platforms, guard rails, ladders and wind shields are normally built into the completed system.
Less congested construction site due to minimal scaffolding and temporary works.
Completed formwork assembly is robust.
Strength of concrete in the wall below must be closely controlled to achieve stability during operation.
Site operatives can quickly become familiar with health and safety aspects of their job
High levels of planning and control mean that health and safety are normally addressed from the
beginning of the work.
This formwork is more economical for buildings more than seven storeys high.
Little flexibility for change once continuous concreting has begun therefore extensive planning and
special detailing are needed.
Setting rate of the concrete had to be constantly monitored to ensure that it is matched with the
speed at which the forms are raised.
The structure being slipformed should have significant dimensions in both major axes to ensure
stability of the system. 
Standby plant and equipment should be available though cold jointing may occasionally be necessary.
GUIDANCE SYSTEMS. The aspect of slipform construction requiring the most skill is keeping the structure
plumb and level as the forms are raised.In recent years,contractors have turned to economical,reliable
laser technology to guide the slip-form
process. Vertical lasers are used to monitor
The slipform and structure for plumb and twist.A typical practice is to place vertical lasers on corners of the bottom of the core with
targets on
The slipform deck.By monitoring where the lasers on the ground hit targets on the middle working deck,
The jacking operator can tell if the slipform is rotating or out-of-plumb
and then correct it.Using lasers in this manner allows one field engi-neer to monitor the position of the
structure as it ris-es, instead of the two or three engi-neers
when using
plumb bobs and
surveying equipment.


Grain silos 8-18
Coal silos 10-20
Office-building cores 15-25
Shear-wall-supported apartment buildings 20-30
Underground shaft lining 20-50
Different form materials may be required for vertical slip forming, depending on the height of the s t ru c t u re being
slipformed.For storage silos and buildings under 200 feet tall, most contractors still use plywood forms. For taller structure ,a
variety of materials has been used by contractors to meet the demanding conditions of vertical
Slip forming.

By the successful
BLENDING experiment of Blending
SILO Silo slip form work, we
have construct the clinker
silo by the same process
of concreting and made it
second time successful.
Clinker Silo is the biggest
silo in our Lafarge Sonadih
Project. It has 45m diameter
& 26m tall. We have used
here 3 nos. of concrete
pump for feed the
concrete during slip form
works. Total wall length
had divided in to 3 parts
and to feed the each area a
concrete pump has
So, the experiment of concreting by engaged.
concrete pump in slip form work is
successful. This experience has We have also successful
shown us a new way of working here by adopting this
This is the photograph of Blending Silo process of concreting in slip
after the completion of slip form work. in slip form to achieve better
quality of construction. form.
Blending has the 15m diameter & 52m
tall structure. Here concrete pump had Duration taken in
used for concreting of the wall. We can It was constructed in phases. 1st up construction of clinker silo
see here the surface & alignment of wall is to +15m (wall thickness 800mm) only 19 days.
almost accurate. The average rate of lifting has taken 8 days and 2nd from +15m
achieved in this construction 2.5m per
day. to +52m has taken only 22days.


This photograph has taken

during concreting was done at
Clinker Silo.
Here we can see the concrete
has poured to slip form shutter
In clinker silo we have used through the hose pipe of
three nos. of concrete pump to feed concrete pump pipeline and
the concrete into the wall during slip this hose pipe has connected to
form work. Photographs are showing main pipeline of concrete
the concrete pump used during slip form pump.
Concrete pump showing in the
photograph feed one-third portion of
the silo wall.
Boom placer also being used to feed
the concrete to feed another one-third
portion of the silo wall. HOSE PIPE HAS USED TO
This photographs has been taken POUR CONCRETE
during slip for work of clinker silo. DIRECTLY TO THE SLIP
By the above process concrete FORM SHUTTER
feeding has done for concreting work at
clinker silo.


Precaution to be taken incase of Concreting by Pump in Slip form

There is chance to disturb plumb of slip form during concreting concrete
pump due to vibration produce by concrete pump during each stroke.
To avoid this vibration we have to be use spring pad. During concreting
work spring pad is to be placed under the concrete pump line near to the
slip platform where the pipeline get bend. This can minimized the

Concrete Pump
After successful completion of Blending & aPipeline Tower
Reject Silo in this process of
concreting, we have applying same
process of construction another one no. of
silo (Reject Silo). Spring pad
arrangement is Concrete
Reject Silo have 12.5m diameter & 35m required here Pump Pipeline
tall. We have completed this silo wall by
slip form only by 13 days with maintaining
better quality of work & safety.
Three main service cores – one at 58m
and two at 84m high – were slipformed to
speed the construction of the new Royal
London Hospital designed to meet the
requirements of the 21st century. The
building also supports a helipad for the
London Air Ambulance service.
Slipform International has over 40 years’ experience of providing slipforming solutions and
services to the construction industry. In that time, we have constructed well over 1500
structures using our in-house designed jacks and slipform equipment.

We began using the slipform method of construction in the early 1960s and today Slipform
International is the leading contractor in this specialised sector. Since those early days, we have
continuously developed our system and have accumulated a huge amount of experience on a wide
variety of construction schemes.

Our portfolio contains projects ranging from 200m high bridge piers in Hong Kong and 15m high
cores in London – to cement silos in the intense heat of the desert and chimneys for Scottish oil
refineries at temperatures of -15°C.

Slipforming techniques can bring time and cost savings, while retaining the high quality standards
required in today’s market place, to projects such as service cores, towers, silos for cement,
foodstuffs, sewage and liquified natural gas, bridge piers – and even escape shafts for underground
infrastructure systems.
Features Benefits
Fastest method of Rate of rise can be 7-8m per day (24- hour slide) or, 2.5-
constructing vertical 3m per day (day shift only) resulting in reduced
structures construction periods and consequent cost savings.
No construction joints
are necessary and Water retaining structures and nuclear structures
through ties are not benefit from these features of slipform construction.
Accommodates Openings, tapering profiles, reductions in wall thickness
requirements of even the and large embedments can be accommodated.
most complicated
Tall or repetitive The use of slipform results in significant cost benefits
applications when compared with traditional formwork and / or
jumpform systems.

Inherent These are derived from concentrating

efficiency plant, material resources and labour for a
relatively short period – resulting in cost
and time benefits for applications in both
urban and remote areas.

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