Hard Sparkling Water Production

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Presentation on

Hard sparkling water production(5th

generation Brewer) as new production
Hard sparkling water
production(5th generation
Back ground
 Now a day all industry in order to wake up in the global market they should
be competitive with their similar industry in different way like market
strategies, cost structures, Product differentiation, diversification, supply
chain, new product innovation and its distinctive nature of the company.
 In the near future supply of shortage of raw input(molasses and technical
alcohol) may affect the company operation and profit.
 Losing market share due to strong competitor(new entrants)
 Losing market share due to government policy(extera taxation)
 And many more reasons
 The company need to fined new way of survival strategies like
new product innovation , market innovation ,technology
innovation and other alternative methods smart business strategies.

 The following presentation is about the new emerging product in

alcohol industry which will have a strong market share in the next
2 to 3 years and it is better to give a new business clue for High
alcoholic liqueur industry to analyse their strategies
What is Hard sparkling water?

 Hard sparkling water is an alcoholic beverage containing carbonated water,

alcohol, and often fruit flavouring. The alcohol is usually made by fermenting

cane sugar; sometimes malted barley is used.

Hard seltzer is basically alcoholic, flavoured water. What that alcohol is

made from can differ. In most cases the alcohol in “spiked” seltzer comes

from fermented cane sugar, with the addition of flavours and

carbonation, making many on the market gluten-free. Alcohol in a hard

seltzer can also be produced from other grains, in which case it’s described

as a “flavoured malt beverage”

Hard seltzer, spiked seltzer are in other form of hard sparkling water

Main Ingredients
Made with natural flavours, 0g of sugar, no artificial
sweeteners and 99 calories per 330ml, sparkling
water comes in
lemon; lime; and black cherry flavours other more
13 Flv
All variants feature a sleek pack design aimed at
encourage trial amongst millennial audiences, who
may be looking for a low-calorie drink to enjoy as
part of a balanced lifestyle.
Main inputs

Hard seltzer products outside of the US have

been found to use either neutral spirit or 
fermentation of fruit The alcohol by volume is
around 5% and the calorie-content is relatively

5th generation brewer, Nick Shields invented the beverage style with
Spiked Seltzer, in Westport, Connecticut and brewed the first
commercial batches in November, 2013.  
The category saw a spike in popularity around 2018–2019 in the U.S.As
of 2019, in the U.S. the most popular brand is White Claw. Hard seltzer
is expected to generate $2.5 billion in sales in the US by 2021.
On the back of this popularity, hard seltzer brands have
launched in numerous countries outside of the U.S.,
including in Canada, Australia and the UK. In February
2020, White Claw launched in Canada and has a registered 
trademark in the UK
Hard seltzer requires almost zero explanation. It’s water with
bubbles that also has alcohol in it. Even its meteoric rise over the
past few months needs little parsing: Seltzer has 
been very popular for a while, and now this is seltzer that gets you
drunk. But it’s a beverage whose existence makes so much sense for
so many reasons, and feels so perfectly positioned in this particular
period of time, that it has helped define what exactly this period is.
 It is difficult to overestimate the hugeness of hard seltzer to
people who study the business of alcohol, but here are some
exact figures:
 Hard seltzer 2018 a $550 million business and is projected to
keep growing, with one 
UBS analyst estimating to Business Insider that it could be
worth $2.5 billion by 2021 this number will be triple in
 Sales of hard seltzer have grown about 200 percent over the
past year, with 164.3 percent of that growth occurring in July
alone, according to Nielsen.
 Seltzer drinkers are often driven by packaging, nutritional
facts, and product quality. Claims of gluten-free, non-GMO,
and organic, typically bring value in this market.
 The rise in popularity of hard seltzer has been fueled by the
recent trend toward more health-conscious drinking habits
and a preference for low-alcohol beverages, particularly
among millennials.

 carbonated water–based ready-to-drink [RTD] cocktails

Global opportunity

The meteoric rise of the hard seltzer category has been

nothing short of a phenomenon across the US beverage
alcohol industry. Within six years, hard sparkling
waters, also known as hard seltzers, have grown to
account for nearly half (43%) of all US mixed drinks
(defined as all ready-to-drink beverages, including FABs
and FMBs).
 None of this explains why these things are
so popular, though. Hard seltzer became
the drink of summer because it exists at
the crossroads of a handful of current
consumption trends.
Why hard water sparkling?

 Enjoy Hard Sparkling Water on a sunny day, or getting

ready to start your evening
 Fruity & Flavourful
 Hard Sparkling Water is a refreshing sparkling beverage,
with 5-7 % alc/vol, flavoured with a hint of natural lemon
lime, passion fruit or strawberry-kiwi essence
 This clear sparkling water offers an aroma that is a fresh
burst of fruit, that’s appetizing, but not overpowering. It
drinks with a subtle hint of crisp fruit and no sugary sweetness
 0g sugar, low calories and no carbohydrate
 Gluten free Gluten is a family of storage proteins —
formally known as prolamins — that are naturally found in
certain cereal grains, such as wheat, barley, and rye (that’s
a serious problem for people with celiac disease, for whom
exposure to even trace amounts of gluten can trigger an
autoimmune reaction)
Who is The Spiked & Sparkling Drinker?

Core Target: Female & Males 23- 39; who are looking for
“better for me” in life
•  Aspire to a pursuit of a fitness/healthy lifestyle
•  Looking for lighter, less filling options
• Regular fitness and eating/drinking better for you options is
core to their life
•  Use badge brands, like Fitbit, Lululemon & Smart Water to
project a smarter choice & healthy lifestyle
The Future of the Category

 There are some signs, however, that hard seltzer may

soon be seeing competition from another developing
category—low-ABV, sparkling-wine spritzes.
 While hard seltzer has snagged market share from
beer, wine, and spirits, Battaglia notes that it has had
the most significant impact on the sparkling-wine
category. Nielsen’s research shows that sparkling-wine
consumers spent an average of $43 of their wine
budget per household on hard seltzer last year,
followed by spirits consumers at $41, and
beer/malt/cider consumers at $37.
Carbonated water

Carbonated water (also known as soda

water, sparkling water, fizzy water, water with gas or,
especially in the U.S., seltzer or seltzer water) is water
 containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas, either
artificially injected under pressure or occurring due to
natural geological processes. Carbonation causes small
bubbles to form, giving the water an effervescent quality.
Common forms include sparkling natural mineral water, 
club soda, and commercially produced sparkling water.[1]
 Club soda and sparkling mineral water and some other
sparkling waters contain added or dissolved minerals such as 
potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate,
or potassium sulfate. These occur naturally in some mineral
waters but are also commonly added artificially to
manufactured waters to mimic a natural flavor profile. Various
carbonated waters are sold in bottles and cans, with some also
produced on demand by commercial carbonation systems in
bars and restaurants, or made at home using a carbon dioxide
Engineering and technology

Equipment and machinery

Distillery plant
Carbonated water production line(
Canned filler or 330mml beer bottle filler
(330mml beer bottle filler, labeller and washer)
New water tanker and accessories
Project feasibility:

Good pre feasibility assessing international

sales growth and demand
Low investment cost cuz of installed distillery
with ENA SPRITE production
The overall project investment feasibility will
be done after passing pre feasibility stage
Canned with carton box or canned with plastic
Bottled with 330ml in Crete box
Expected from the project

 New branded product diversification

 Will be competitive with brewery industry
 Take more market share from brewery, alcoholic beverage and
soft drink production industry increasing profitability
 Targeted all non economic or economic level of customer
 Targeted women or men consumer
 Cheaper price than other alcoholic products
 Export potential with good cost structure
 Create distinctive feature of the company
 Taxed the same as beer
Expected Difficulty

Difficulty entrant in the market

Ethiopian promotion policy
Investment Decision on expansion of carbonated
water production
Foreign exchange Problem in order to make
additional facility
List of top hard sparkling water(seltzer)

1. White Claw. Brand owner: Mark Anthony Brands.

2. Truly Hard Seltzer. Brand owner: Boston Beer
3. Bud Light Seltzer. Brand owner: AB InBev. ...
4. Bon & Viv. Brand owner: AB InBev. ...
5. Smirnoff Seltzer. Brand owner: Diageo. ...
6. Henry's Hard Sparkling Water. Brand owner:
7. Co Seltzer. ...
8. Vizzy Hard Seltzer. .

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