Group-8 Filipino-Scientists

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Filipino Scientists

Francisco Quisumbing
-Filipino Inventor: Filipino chemist
Francisco Quisumbing
Invented Quink ink, which is used in Parker
Pens. Quink ink is named after the inventor. It is
a quick drying ink with a cleaning property that
prevents the ink from clogging the pen.
He earned his BSA at University of the
Philippines Los Baños in 1918,his MS at the
University of the Philippines Los Baños in
1921,and Plant Taxonomy,
Systematics and Morphology at the University of
Chicago in 1923.
Anacleto Del Rosario
-Filipino chemist
Anacleto Del Rosario
He was a leading Filipino chemist during the Spanish Period
and was considered the
Father of Philippine Science and Laboratory.
His formula for the production of a pure kind of alcohol
from tuba of a nipa palm won for him the
first prize at the World Fair in Paris in 1881.
He extracted castor oil from a native plant called
palma christi.
Gregorio Zara
Filipino scientist
Gregorio Zara
Filipino scientist Gregorio Y.Zara (D.Sc. Physics) invented,
made improvements to, or discovered the following:
◇ invented the two-way television telephone or videophone(1955) patented
as a "photo phone signal separator network"
◇ discovered the physical law of electrical kinetic resistance called the Zara
effect(around 1930).
◇ invented an airplane engine that ran on plain alcohol as fuel(1952)
◇ improved methods of producing solar energy including creating new designs for a
solar water heater(SolarSorber),a sun stove, and a solar battery(1960s)
◇ invented a propeller-cutting machine(1952)
◇ designed a microscope with a collapsible stage
◇ helped design the robot Marex X-10
Paulo C.Campos
Filipino physician and educator
Paulo C.Campos
Paulo C.Campos(July 7,1921-June 2,2007)was a Filipino physician and
educator noted for his promotion of wider community health care and his
achievements in the field of nuclear medicine for which he was dubbed as"The
Father of Nuclear Medicine in the Philippines".The first president of the
National Academy of Science and Technology,he was conferred the rank and title
of National Scientist of the Philippines in 1988.
Campos initiated the construction of the first radioisotope laboratory in the
Philippines.With funding provided by the International Atomic Energy Authority
and other Philippine institutions the laboratory was established
at the Philippine General Hospital.As a result,it was made possible
for the first time in the country to conduct such procedures as the
basal metabolism test and radioactive iodine therapy.
Baldomero Olivera
Filipino Chemist
Baldomero Olivera
Baldomero Olivera(born 1941)is a Filipino chemist most famous for discovery
of many conesnail toxins important for neuroscience. These molecules, called
conotoxins led to a breakthrough in the study of ion channels and neuro-muscular
synapses. He discovered and first characterized E. coli DNA ligase,a key enzyme of
genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.
Olivera graduated from the University of the Philippines in 1960.He got a PhD from
the California Institute of Technology(1966)in Biophysical Chemistry, followed by
postdoctoral work at Stanford University from 1966-1968.In 1970,he moved to the
University of Utah, where he is now a Distinguished Professor of Biology. His
laboratory's discovery was featured on the cover of the international scientific journal
Science in 1990.He was Harvard 2007"Scientist of the Year".
He is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, has been elected into the Institute
of Medicine and the American Philosophical Society, and became an Elected Member
of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2009.

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