Ational Ouncil For Eacher Ducation: Since 1973

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National Council for Teacher Education

Since 1973
HQ: New Delhi (Jaipur, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar $ Bhopal)

 Kothari commission report (1964-66) criticized teacher

education programme
 In September 1972 , central advisory board in education
accepted this proposal which was supported by 5th national
 Indian education ministry established NCTE on 21st May
 NCTE has got independent constitutional status
since 1995
 Before 1995, the NCTE had existed since 1973 only
as a department of NCERT, but it failed in its
objectives of overlooking due to the lack of formal
 The NCTE as a statutory body came into existence
in pursuance of the National Council of Teacher
Education Act,1993 (no 73 of 1993) on 17th August

To achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher

education system throughout the country
To regulate and properly maintain the norms and standards in the
teacher education system and for matters connected therewith
It aims at training individuals for equipping them to teach pre-
primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools,
non formal and part time education , adult education and distance
education courses
The Council
 Commonly known as Council or the General Body of
NCTE, constituted by the Government of India under
Section 3 of the NCTE Act
 It is the highest decision making body of NCTE
 It lays down policy , frames, regulations and takes
final decisions on various aspects
The Council now consists of 43 members according to the
Gazette of India Notification No.856 dated 24th March 2017

 Chairperson - Smt.Anita Karwal, IAS

 Vice chairperson - Vacant
 Member secretary - Sh.Sanjay Aswathi , IRS
Functions (Act 1993)
 Undertake surveys and studies pertaining to all aspects of the
teacher education and publish the corresponding results
 It makes recommendations to both the state and central
governments, universities, UGC and other recognized
 It coordinates and monitors the teacher education system
through out the country
 It lays down the guideline for the minimum qualification of
teachers in schools and recognize institutions
 It lays down guidelines for the provision of physical and
infrastructural facilities, staffing pattern etc.
 It promotes and conducts research and innovations in schools
and recognized institutions
 It examines its own laid down guidelines , norms and
standards for the improvement
 It identifies the recognized institutions and setup new
institutions for the developmental programmes of teacher
education system
 It takes up necessary steps for the prevention of the
commercialization of teacher education
 It also performs other functions that are entrusted to it by the
central government
NCTE Regulations 2014: highlights
Under gazette notification no.346(revised includes)
 Establishment of teacher education in composite institutions
that consist of multidisciplinary or multiteacher education
 Each programmes curriculum gives importance to yoga
education , ICT, inclusive education etc
 Open and distance learning has developed and improve in
performance due to in-built quality assurance mechanisms.
Programmes recognized by NCTE
• DPSE • B.Ed Part time (3 year) degree
• D.El.Ed(regular/open/distance) • Three year integrated
• B.EI.Ed programme (B.Ed M.Ed)
• B.Ed (regular/distance) • Diploma in Arts Education
• M.Ed • BA B.Ed/ BSc B.Ed
• D.P.Ed
• B.P.Ed
• M.P.Ed
Academic division Inspection division
Accounts division Legal division
Administration division Regulation division
Appeal division RTI division
Coordination division Vigilance division
EDP division VIP division
Establishment division
Academic division
 Coordinates the academic activities on teacher education
 Develop curriculum framework & model syllabi
 Prepare guidelines for conducting academic activities in TEI’s
 Conduct research in the field of teacher education
 Provide resource support in the field of teacher education
 Develop data base on various aspects of Teacher education
Academic division

1. Curriculum framework
2. Curriculum on refresher course on teacher education
3. Innovative programmes
4. Memorandum of understanding
5. Development of database
6. Publications
7. Publication of journals
8. Resource support
9. Study conducted
10. Teacher eligibility test
Academic division

Deputy Secretary- Dr. Vijay Kumar D
Under Secretary - Dr. S. K. Chauhan
Steno Gr.C - Smt. Kanika Dhillon
Academic division

 Coordinates renewal of Norms and Standards for various teacher

education programmes & provides professional assistance to the
standing committees on Norms & Standards
Coordinates constitutions, seminars, conferences etc leading to
evaluation of alternative models & policies on teacher education
Evolves code of professional ethics & performance standards for
teachers & evolves guidelines for teacher appraisal
 Undertakes surveys & conduct research on matters
relating to teacher and teacher education to assist
various committees to arrive at research based
 Reviews curriculum of various teacher education
 Assists in publication work of the council
 Coordinates with state governments , UGC,
Universities and other affiliating bodies
 Conducts survey and research on matters relating to
teacher education
 Aims to unlock the potentials of TEI’s to provide better learning
outcomes for their student teachers and eventually for all students
across India by laying out a framework for ranking and assessment of
TEI’s that pevileges academic excellence above all else
 Re-balances the emphasis between inputs such as land, building,
teachers and outputs such as learning outcomes
 Recognizes the need to have a variety of teaching methods and
therefore uses both qualitative and quantitative tools while taking a
long term view to sustaining excellence through regular assessment&
 Through the initiation of TeachR, NCTE will actively work
towards promoting academic excellence in the field of
education by checking the knowledge , skills and attitude
imparted by teacher educators and acquired by pre-service
teachers with in all TEI’s across the country
 Through the implementation of TeachR, well intentioned
TEI’s will have the right incentive to continuously strive to
improve and those engaged in malpractice will be forced to
exit the sector
Pillars of ranking & accreditation framework

The TeachR framework for ranking & accreditation is designed to

provide a thorough, holistic, assessment of TEI’s. Beyond the physical assets
and rudimentary academic assets, it gives maximum weightage to teaching
and learning quality.
Four pillars of framework

Physical Academic Teacher & Learning

assets assets learning outcomes
Physical assets - assesses the availability and optimal
utilization of infrastructural facilities
Academic assets - evaluates the compatibility of the
curriculum with the vision and scope of the institute and
the steps is taking to promote research and consulting
while offering quality academic to their student
teachers & teacher educators
Teacher and learning- involves assessment of efforts made
by a TEI to promote effective teaching learning
practices. These will be evaluated through peer
review of audio-video recordings of
classroom practices in TEIs
Learning outcomes- it will be assessed through a
standardized online proctored test administered to
statically valid sample of student teachers from
each TEIs
Thank you

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