2.5 Equivalent Matrices. Hazen A. Mole
2.5 Equivalent Matrices. Hazen A. Mole
2.5 Equivalent Matrices. Hazen A. Mole
Hazen A. Mole
We have thus far considered A to be row (column)
equivalent to B if B results from A by a finite sequence of
elementary row (column) operations. A natural extension of
this idea is that of considering B to arise from A by a finite
sequence of elementary row or elementary column operations.
• Theorem 2.13
Two m x n matrices A and B are equivalent if
and only if B = P A Q for some nonsingular
matrices P and Q.
• Theorem
An n x n matrix A is nonsingular if and only if A is
equivalent to ,.
• Proof
If A is equivalent to , then arises from A by a sequence
of elementary row or elementary column operations.
Thus there exist elementary matrices …, …, such that
= … A …