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 Are base words to which other characters or letters like prefixes and
suffixes are attached.
 Consistently mean the same thing and are the base for related words.
 We often encounter roots of Greek and Latin origin in subjects like
Science and English.
geo is the root word of geology, geological and geography.
Root Meaning Examples
bene good benefecial, benevolent, benefit
cred believe credible, credit, credence
dom home domestic, domicile
pater father paternity, patriarch
tract drag, pull tractor, distract, distractions
spect look inspect, spectacle, circumspect
stat, sta not moving stationary, statue, stagnant, stable
port carry transport, portable, important
dict say diction, dictionary, prediction, verdict
rupt break interrupt, rupture, corrupt
Words can also be categorized in three ways:
1. Words of foreign origin
these are either international words like hotel, taxi, restaurant or words imported from
neighboring languages, such as German Phantasie, and Portemonnaie or English
rendezvous, chauffeur, debutante ( all borrowed from French .
2. Words derived from roots
examples include French for “good friend” is copain.
since “co” means with “pain” means “bread” and that French copain is the person you
bread with, remembering the word becomes less troublesome.
3. Unbreakable word roots.
these are words that cannot be derived from another in the same language. For instance,
Russian for brother is brat, closely related to English brother, German bruder, Italian fratello

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