The Tell-Tell Heart: Presented by Rajiv Sir

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The Tell-tell

Presented by Rajiv sir
Contents of Discussion
Here’s what we will discuss in this session:

1. What made the narrator confess his crime? What is the reality of the ‘ dull, low ,quick’
2. Do you think the narrator is mad? Give reason for your answer.

Presented by RAJIV SIR
Format of long
Presented by RAJIV SIR
Format of Long

Maintain at least 1-2-1



Presented by RAJIV SIR
Mention the text
Writer / author
Address the question
Never write more than
3 sentences p ag e.
e Hear
Maximum 3 to 5 lines le - Ta l
The Ta 109-115

Presented by RAJIV SIR

What to do In ● You can explain here what answer
body parts ? is demanded

● Bigin your answer hitting at the

head of the question

● Elaborate your arguement

● Cite example from the text to bring

credibility in your answer
● Make an inference to justify your
● Repeat the same process for other
body as well

Presented by RAJIV SIR


definition lenght
It is to say what is said Better to make 3 to 5 lines

sentences Why
Try to conclude using It exhibits your sincerity
maximum 3 sentences

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Question 1 page
Features of 115
the Question Would you call the
narrator mad?

Question no 2 page
Justify the title “The tale-
Sample Sho tale Heart”

Queston no 3
What made the narrator
confess his crime?

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Question no 1
Arthor- Allan Edgar
Text- The Tell-Tale
Theme- crime and
. Justify the title Confession
“The Tell-tale Address the question
Heart” Asked

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Body Body
Begin your answer hitting Better to ennumerate
at the head of the question reasons with first, secondly

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Examples Cited from Text
The meaning of Tell moral or psychological
tale heart comment

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

strategically chosen the resolution of the

title. story’s plot

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Examples Cited from Text
incongruous images—
a heart and a mouth

Step 5 Step 6

As a proverb

Presented by RAJIV SIR

The title Tell-
Tale heart is
chosen title. ● referred to the Confession Of
● the beating heart eventually
drives the narrator to confess
his crime
● narrator is insane
● the narrator feels guilt over the
crime and hears his own heart.

Presented by RAJIV SIR

The meaning
of Tale

● First hear his heart beating on the eighth

a story of a narrator and an old man night
● His heart tells a tale of fear,
Tale (of)Heart’ Suggests the crime of ● next time hear the beating of the
the narrator. heart after the old man is dead
● The narrator's own hidden guilt over the
what tales does the old man's heart tell? deed is projected
● telling a tale of the narrator's guilty

Presented by RAJIV SIR

First, it
of the ● The heart is telling the tale of
story’s the corpse’s whereabouts.
plot. ● suffers from Guilt Psychology
● heart-beat’s tale by confessing

Presented by RAJIV SIR

the title
makes a
moral or
psychologi ● heart refers to the narrator's heart.
● heart is where our deepest, truest
cal feelings and emotions live

comment. ● refers to both the narrator's heart,

and to the old man's heart,
● and to the tales told by both.

Presented by RAJIV SIR

Third, the title
can be viewed
as an
● The Tell-Tale Heart“ has betrayed
device, which and told of the narrator's crime from
brings mouth.
together ● driven crazy by the sound of the
murdered man's heart.
incongruous ● The title comes from his admission
images—a of guilt
● and plead to pry up the floorboards
heart and a to reveal his crime
Presented by RAJIV SIR
Finally, A
proverb that a
tell-tale heart ● Something necessary to hide of
is a sign that necessity revealed
reveals the ● kept his murder a secret from other
but he himself is familiar with his
thing a person crime
most wants to ● heart beats because of the burden of
conceal ●
the crime
crime becomes of source of
● has to confess to get relief

Presented by RAJIV SIR

his heart is infected by his crime and
therefore his own heartbeats grow to be a
source and suffering, torment, affliction, and

.When such suffering becomes unbearable

and agonizing, the narrator confesses his

the title hence is appropriate in the context

in the story as it deals with the issue of crime
confession and relief 

Presented by RAJIV SIR


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Presented by Rajiv sir

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