Flexible Instruction Development Plan: Health-Optimizing Physical Education 3 (H.O.P.E 3) (Dance)

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Health-Optimizing Physical Education 3 (H.O.P.E 3)

( Dance )
Group Members

Leader: Josefina Morales

Presentor: Jay-C F. Cadiz, Reena Armendarez
Russel Canuela Judy Ann Tenorio
Eddriane Magwari Shalyn de Chavez
Ederlyn Cruz
John Dave Aripol
Arthur Laurel
Culminating Performance
Lead dance events with proficiency and
confidence resulting in independent pursuit and
in influencing others positively
Performance Task:
The students will organize a dance fitness recital video of the different
dance genre of their choice that includes explanation of its health
benefits at the last part of their video. As we are in the pandemic year,
most students have been physically inactive which can increase the risk
factor of non-communicable diseases. The goal of this activity is to
engage the students in physical activities, raise awareness about the
health benefits of dancing, and encourage students to participate in an
organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and lead concerns.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the
leading causes of non-communicable disease (NCD)
deaths in 2016 were cardiovascular diseases (17.9 million
deaths, or 44% of all NCD deaths), cancers (9 million, or
22% of all NCD deaths), and respiratory diseases
including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (3.8 million of 9% of all NCD deaths). Diabetes
caused another 1.6 million deaths. The leading cause of
mortality due to NCDs are cardiovascular disease which
is the result of physical inactivity and unhealthy lifestyle.
In celebration of Health Awareness Month, you were assigned
to organize a variety show where you can showcase your
talents in dancing as health-enhancing physical activity.
Students are assigned to choose and perform a specific genre
(folk dance, modern dance, recreational dance, cheer dance,
and hip-hop dance) of their choice and submit it through pre-
recorded video(4-5mins). The students should also include
data facts and information of the health benefits of dancing
in their video that invigorates the audiences to include dance
and aerobic fitness in their daily activities to reduce the risks
of NCDs.
GRASPS Unpacked
Goal- To raise awareness about the health benefits of dancing.
- Participate in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
Role - Students are dancers that will perform a specific dance genre of their choice.
Audience - School management, parents, students
Situation - Students will choose a dance genre of their choice and create their own
choreography to help them engage in physical activities and to raise awareness of
the health-benefits of dance and aerobic activities in one’s life.
Performance - Students will create a pre-recorded video (4-5 mins) of their dance
performance that includes explanation of its benefits at the last part of their video.
Standard - Students will be graded by the following criteria:
Dance Rubrics

4 3 2 1

Knowledge of
Choreography (30%)
Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good Demonstrates knowledge of Demonstrates some knowledge
Memory of the routine and knowledge of the knowledge of choreography. choreography. Keeps up with of choreography, but unsure of
execution of the moves looks choreography and does it well Keeps up with group. Few group. Some errors(3-5 errors) some movements. Sometimes
true to the moves that were that exceeds expectation. errors, however it does not causing brief pause in hesitates/ watches others and
choreographed. interfere with performance. performance. makes several errors

Technical skills (20%)

Pointing toes, back straight, Dance performed with great Dance performed with Dance performed with attention Only some understanding of
arm placement is not sloppy, attention to quality of attention to details of to most details of technique, but technical elements (ie.
moves are executed smoothly. movement, body position, technique, has attained hasn't attained proficiency in footwork, quality of movements,
placement on stage and other proficiency in dance style. dance style yet. Some technical body positions) demonstrated in
details of dance. Also errors. performance.
demonstrates an excellent
understanding of dance style.

Performance Skills
The dancer draws the audience The dancer communicates The dancer communicates with The dancer is generally focused,
Projection of eye contact and in to want to watch them and with audience through eye audience through eye contact but only some attempt made to
is able to engage the audience contact and facial and body and facial and body expression. grab attention of the audience
Dance Rubrics

4 3 2 1

Performance Skills
The dancer draws the audience The dancer communicates The dancer communicates with The dancer is generally focused,
Projection of eye contact and in to want to watch them and with audience through eye audience through eye contact but only some attempt made to
cheerful facial expressions with is able to engage the audience contact and facial and body and facial and body expression. grab attention of the audience
the audience. The dancer is completely through their expression. Is able to engage Occasionally loses focus. with eye contact and good facial
confident with movements. performance. A true joy to the judges. expression.


Staying on count and with the Shows a complete Accurate in beat, tempo, Generally accurate in beat, Shows a basic understanding of
beats of the music. understanding of tempo and rhythms of dance sequences tempo, rhythms of dance tempo and beat, but falls behind
beat and stays on rhythm throughout the dance. sequences most of the time. and/or speeds up in places or
throughout the dance. makes errors in rhythm.
Health Benefits of Dance Rubrics

1 2 3 4

Doesn't know why it is Explained only part of the Explained the importance of Explained the importance,
Why is exercise important importance exercise and gave example of why it
important? is

Risks(25%) Didn't bother to look Bullet pointed a couple of Provided health risks Provided information on how
up health risks of this risks that are too broad involved in completing this this exercise affects the body
What are the health exercise exercise with and without doing it
risks involved in this

Didn't list any benefits Listed a couple of Listed ten benefits Listed ten benefits and gave
How will this benefit benefits another example for each of
your life? them
H.O.P.E 3: Flexible
Delivery Plan
Introduction to Dance: ment/d/1fx4UV5ltvVC1YXQN
-History of Dance wnX4I/edit
-Evolution of Dance
Online Links:
● Context Situation Pre-test ● https://www.youtube.com/wat
Module for Dance. ch?v=p-rSdt0aFuw
● Pre-Test through google ● https://www.youtube.com/wat
forms. ch?v=oUTICuj_wK8
● Youtube Videos for Dance: ● https://www.youtube.com/wat
Evolution and History ch?v=cC-K4IKpOQU
● https://www.pdst.ie/sites/defau


● https://classroom.google.com/c
Synchronous Install Kahoot here:

● https://kahoot.com/
● Lecture Discussion on Dance as
Kahoot Game Code:
Health-Enhancing Physical
Activity during the regular class ● 5172425
video conference.
● Q&A through kahoot game Google Meeting Link for Synchronous
apps. Learning:

● https://meet.google.com/uev-avxb
Hybrid/Blended In-
● All suggested Flexible Learning
Strategies FLS for online in this ●
presentation can be translated to cument/d/1fx4UV5ltvVC1
Blended/In-person Learning YXQNouAwHpy5yOzoywg
Strategies. Cgd3AQLwnX4I/edit
● Students may choose in any of
the online options .
● Pre-test will be translated to in
person modality.
Thank You for
Listening ! :)

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