Assessing Student Learning - NVO DO31

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Assessing Student Learning in

light of the BE-LCP

1) Assessment should be holistic and authentic in capturing the attainment of most
essential learning competencies.

2) Assessment is integral for understanding student learning and development.

3) A variety of assessment strategies is necessary, with formative assessment taking

priority to inform teaching and promote growth and mastery.

4) Assessment and feedback should be a shared responsibility among teachers, learners

and their families.

5) Assessment and grading should have a positive impact on learning.

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 2
Desired Outcomes

1) To ensure that all learners are fairly assessed and graded in the
continuation of education during this health crisis

2) To emphasize that learning standards shall be attained, with the provision

of reasonable leniency and considerations for possible difficulties met by
the learner

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 2
Assessment as a Shared Responsibility

• Design assessments to allow for flexibility in multiple modalities

• Communicate to learners and parents/guardians the design and standards for grading the

• Set up mechanisms to monitor and record progress remotely

• Giving timely, constructive, and relevant feedback

• Facilitating remediation for learners who need further guidance

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 2
Assessment as a Shared Responsibility

• Expected to be proactive in updating their teacher of their situation, progress and

challenges encountered

• May accomplish the non-mandatory Self-Monitoring Tool (Annex E) independently or

with the assistance of their parent/guardian

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 3
Assessment as a Shared Responsibility
Parents and Guardians

• Communicate with the teacher to give updates on their child’s situation, progress, and
challenges encountered

• Guide their children in accomplishing the assessment tasks and/or monitoring tools
designed by their teacher

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 3
Planning the Assessment
Assessment Activities Align with the most essential learning competencies

Are reliable, valid and transparent

Must be made in the best interest
of all learners Are fair, inclusive and equitable

Assumption: Are practical and manageable for both learners and teachers
To be taken asynchronously with
open access to various sources
Give learners a range of ways to demonstrate their learning

Provide timely and accurate information as basis for feedback

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 3
Choosing Assessment Methods

1) What is the purpose of the assessment?

2) What will be assessed?

3) Which method would best allow learners to demonstrate what they have
learned, considering their learning modality?

4) Which method would make it easy to gather evidence of learners’

progress over time?

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 3
Choosing Assessment Methods

5) Will the assessment be completed individually or in groups?

6) Will the assessment be taken at the same time or submitted within a

specific period?

7) How will class size affect the way the assessment will be conducted?

8) How can technology help?

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 3
Choosing Assessment Methods

• Observation

• Talking to learners

• Analyzing products

• Tests
How do I know if a child is learning?
Formative Assessment

A process that involves teachers using
evidence about what learners know and can FOR
do to inform and improve their teaching Learning

Through the teacher’s immediate feedback,

enables students to take responsibility for
their own learning and identify areas where AS
they do well and where they need help Learning

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1
How do I know if a child is learning?
Formative Assessment Where is the learner going?
(Where am I going?)

A process that involves teachers using

evidence about what learners know and can
do to inform and improve their teaching Where is the learner right now?
(Where am I right now?)

Through the teacher’s immediate feedback,

enables students to take responsibility for How will the learner get there?
their own learning and identify areas where (How will I get there?)
they do well and where they need help

(Wiliam &
DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1 Thompson, 2007)
How do I know if a child is learning?
Establish clear learning targets and success
Formative Assessment criteria

Elicit useful evidence of learning

A process that involves teachers using
evidence about what learners know and can
do to inform and improve their teaching Provide timely and effective feedback

Engage learners in assessing and improving

Through the teacher’s immediate feedback, each other’s work
enables students to take responsibility for
their own learning and identify areas where
Increase ownership of own learning
they do well and where they need help

(Wiliam & Leahy, 2015;

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1 DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4)
Annex A: Sample Techniques for each Formative Assessment Strategy

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 10
Sample Techniques for each Formative Assessment Strategy

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 10-11

Sample Techniques for each Formative Assessment Strategy

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 11
How do I know if a child is learning?
Formative Assessment

A process that involves teachers using Should be specific, frequent, repetitive, and
evidence about what learners know and can free from the restrictions from grading
do to inform and improve their teaching (Christodoulou, 2016)

Should target skills that are necessary to the

attainment of learning competencies as
Through the teacher’s immediate feedback,
measured in summative assessments
enables students to take responsibility for
their own learning and identify areas where
they do well and where they need help

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1
How do I know if a child is learning?
Summative Assessment Assessment
Usually administered toward the end of a
learning period to measure the extent to
which the learners have mastered the Written Works
essential learning competencies, the results
of which are recorded and are used to report
Performance Tasks
the learners’ achievement

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1
How do I know if a child is learning?
Summative Assessment Written Works

Usually administered toward the end of a To assess essential knowledge and

learning period to measure the extent to understandings through quizzes and
long/unit tests
which the learners have mastered the
essential learning competencies, the results To be composed of items distributed across
of which are recorded and are used to report the Cognitive Process Dimensions (DO 8, s.
2015, p. 4) using a combination of selected-
the learners’ achievement
response and constructed-response formats

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1 DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4

How do I know if a child is learning?
Summative Assessment Performance Tasks

Usually administered toward the end of a Allow learners to show what they know and
are able to do in diverse ways
learning period to measure the extent to
which the learners have mastered the
May include products or performances (e.g.
essential learning competencies, the results skills demonstrations, group presentations,
of which are recorded and are used to report oral work, multimedia presentations,
the learners’ achievement research projects)

May include written outputs

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1 DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4

Annex B: Sample Summative Assessments that Qualify as Performance Tasks in Various Learning
Delivery Modalities

DO 031, s. 2020, pp. 12 & 14

Annex B: Sample Summative Assessments that Qualify as Performance Tasks in Various Learning
Delivery Modalities

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 17
More on Performance Tasks
• Must be designed to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they are learning to
real-life situations

• Must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools to help learners
demonstrate their learning

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4
Annex C: Rubrics

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 20
Annex C: Rubrics

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 20
More on Performance Tasks
• Must be designed to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they are learning to
real-life situations

• Must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools to help learners
demonstrate their learning

• Preferred to be collaboratively designed and implemented, integrating two or more

competencies within or across subject areas

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4
Annex D: Sample Integrative Performance Task

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 22
Annex D: Sample Integrative Performance Task

DO 031, s. 2020, pp. 23-24

More on Performance Tasks
• Must be designed to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they are learning to
real-life situations

• Must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools to help learners
demonstrate their learning

• Preferred to be collaboratively designed and implemented, integrating two or more

competencies within or across subject areas

• To be accomplished flexibly to consider time and available resources

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 4
How do I know if a child is learning?
Summative Assessment

Usually administered toward the end of a Teachers must exercise professional judgment in
learning period to measure the extent to carrying out SAs, providing enough opportunities for
which the learners have mastered the learners to practice and to redo their work whenever
essential learning competencies, the results necessary, so that they can reach their learning targets
of which are recorded and are used to report with the least amount of pressure.
the learners’ achievement

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 1 DO 031, s. 2020, p. 5

Teacher professional judgment matters

Insightful decisions informed by professional knowledge of

curriculum expectations, context, evidence of learning, methods
of instruction and assessment, and the criteria and standards that
indicate success in student learning
(Ontario Ministry of Education, 2010)

Teachers should set realistic expectations and use their
professional judgment to find a good balance between what is
effective and what is feasible to accomplish remotely.
Assessment DO 031, s. 2020, p. 5
Conducting Assessments Remotely

1. Objectives of the assessment task

2. Roles of learners and parents/guardians
3. Procedure and expected timeline
4. Standards and rubrics

Consult learners and, when necessary, parents/guardians to allow

room for adjustments/flexibilities needed, if any.

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 5
Conducting Assessments Remotely

1. Self-monitoring tool
2. Check-ins of teacher with learner
3. Evidences of learning in the students’ learning portfolio

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 5
Annex E: Sample Self-Monitoring Tool

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 28
Annex E: Sample Self-Monitoring Tool

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 29

To benefit student learning, both

formative and summative assessment
must be accompanied with timely,
constructive and meaningful

DO 031, s. 2020, p. 5 & 30

Gan, 2011

Consistent with DO 8, s. 2015, teachers should ensure that learners receive remediation
when they earn raw scores which are consistently below expectations in summative
assessments by the fifth week of any quarter. This will prevent a student from failing any
learning area at the end of the year.

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