Chapter 6 Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Chapter 6 Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Chapter 6 Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Fe Fe2+ +2e-
The site at which oxidation takes place is called the anode; oxidation is sometimes
called an anodic reaction. The electrons generated from each metal atom that is
oxidized must be transferred to and become a part of another chemical species is
reduction reaction. 1
2H+ + 2e- H2
An overall electrochemical reaction must consist of at least one oxidation
and one reduction reaction and will be their sum; often the individual
oxidation and reduction reactions are termed half-reactions.
Electrode Potentials
Influence of Concentration and Temperature on Cell Potential
Corrosion penetration rate—as a function of specimen
weight loss, density, area, and time of exposure
The displacement of each electrode potential from its equilibrium value is termed
polarization, and the magnitude of this displacement is the overvoltage, normally
represented by the symbol ƞ.
Activation Polarization
All electrochemical reactions consist of a sequence of steps that occur in
series at the interface between the metal electrode and the electrolyte
solution. Activation polarization
At equilibrium, equality of rates of oxidation and reduction, and
their relationship to the exchange current density
Concentration Polarization
Concentration polarization exists when the reaction rate is limited by
diffusion in the solution.
The mathematical expression relating concentration polarization
overvoltage ƞc and current density i is
Where R and T are the gas constant and absolute temperature, respectively, n and F
have the same meanings as before, and iL is the limiting diffusion current density.
Corrosion Rates from Polarization Data
Under particular environmental conditions, some normally active metals and
alloys, lose their chemical reactivity and become extremely inert. This
phenomenon, termed passivity, is displayed by chromium, iron, nickel, titanium,
and many of their alloys.
It is believed that this passive behavior results from the formation of a highly
adherent and very thin oxide film on the metal surface, which serves as a
protective barrier to further corrosion.
Stainless steels are highly resistant to corrosion in a rather wide variety of
atmospheres as a result of passivation.
Uniform Attack
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion occurs when two metals or alloys having different
compositions are electrically coupled while exposed to an electrolyte.
The less noble or more reactive metal in the particular environment experiences
corrosion; the more inert metal, the cathode, is protected from corrosion.
Crevice Corrosion
Pitting is another form of very localized corrosion attack in which small pits
or holes form.
Intergranular corrosion
Intergranular corrosion is an especially severe problem in the welding of stainless
steels, when it is often termed weld decay.
Selective Leaching
Selective leaching is found in solid solution alloys and occurs when one element or
constituent is preferentially removed as a consequence of corrosion processes. The
most common example is the dezincification of brass, in which zinc is selectively
leached from a copper–zinc brass alloy.
Stainless steels may be protected from intergranular corrosion by the following
measures: (1) subjecting the sensitized material to a high-temperature heat
treatment in which all the chromium carbide particles are redissolved, (2)
lowering the carbon content below 0.03 wt% C so that carbide formation is
minimal, and (3) alloying the stainless steel with another metal such as niobium or
titanium, which has a greater tendency to form carbides than does chromium so
that the Cr remains in solid solution.
Erosion–corrosion arises from the combined action of chemical attack and mechanical
abrasion or wear as a consequence of fluid motion.
Virtually all metal alloys, to one degree or another, are susceptible to erosion–
Stress Corrosion
Stress corrosion, sometimes termed stress corrosion cracking, results from the
combined action of an applied tensile stress and a corrosive environment; both
influences are necessary.
In fact, some materials that are virtually inert in a particular corrosive medium
become susceptible to this form of corrosion when a stress is applied. Small cracks
form and then propagate in a direction perpendicular to the stress.
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Corrosion environments include the atmosphere, aqueous solutions, soils, acids, bases,
inorganic solvents, molten salts, liquid metals, and, last but not least, the human body.
On a tonnage basis, atmospheric corrosion accounts for the greatest losses.
Inhibitors are substances that, when added in relatively low concentrations to the
environment, decrease its corrosiveness.
One of the most effective means of corrosion prevention is cathodic protection; it
can be used for all eight different forms of corrosion as discussed earlier and may, in
some situations, completely stop corrosion.
The oxidized metal is often called a sacrificial anode, and magnesium and zinc are
commonly used because they lie at the anodic end of the galvanic series. This form of
galvanic protection for structures buried in the ground
Rate of oxidation (i.e., the rate of film thickness increase) and the tendency of the
film to protect the metal from further oxidation are related to the relative volumes
of the oxide and metal. The ratio of these volumes, termed the Pilling–Bedworth
ratio, may be determined from the following expression
where AO is the molecular (or formula) weight of the oxide, AM is the atomic weight of
the metal, and ƍO and ƍM are the oxide and metal densities, respectively. For metals
having P–B ratios less than unity, the oxide film tends to be porous and unprotective.
Oxidation film growth curves for linear, parabolic, and logarithmic rate laws.
Corrosion of Ceramic Materials
Ceramic materials are much better suited to withstand most of these environments for
reasonable time periods than are metals.
Degradation of Polymers
Covalent bond rupture as a result of heat energy, chemical reactions, and radiation is
also possible, typically with an attendant reduction in mechanical integrity. Because
of the chemical complexity of polymers, their degradation mechanisms are not well
When polymers are exposed to liquids, the main forms of degradation are swelling
and dissolution. With swelling, the liquid or solute diffuses into and is absorbed
within the polymer; the small solute molecules fit into and occupy positions among
the polymer molecules.
Thus the macromolecules are forced apart such that the specimen expands or swells.
Furthermore, this increase in chain separation results in a reduction of the secondary
intermolecular bonding forces; as a consequence, the material becomes softer and
more ductile.
In general, polymers are much more resistant to attack by acidic and alkaline
solutions than are metals. For example, hydrofluoric acid (HF) corrodes many metals
as well as etch and dissolve glass, so it is stored in plastic bottles
Bond rupture may result from exposure to radiation or heat and from chemical
Radiation Effects
Certain types of radiation [electron beams, x-rays, beta- and gama-rays, and ultraviolet
(UV) radiation] possess sufficient energy to penetrate a polymer specimen and interact
with the constituent atoms or their electrons. One such reaction is ionization, in which
the radiation removes an orbital electron from a specific atom, converting that atom into
a positively charged ion.
Chemical Reaction Effects
Thermal Effects
Higher bonding energies result in more thermally stable materials. For example, the
magnitude of the C—F bond is greater than that of the C—H bond, which in turn is
greater than that of the C—Cl bond. The fluorocarbons,having C—F bonds, are among
the most thermally resistant polymeric materials and may be used at relatively high
When poly(vinyl chloride) is heated to 200 0C for even a few minutes it discolors and
gives off large amounts of HCl, which accelerates continued decomposition. Stabilizers
such as ZnO can react with the HCl, providing increased thermal stability for poly(vinyl