RLC Circuits

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RLC circuits

The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit

Circuit is initially excited. At t=0

To eliminate the integral, we differentiate with respect to t and rearrange terms.
We get

This is a second-order differential equation and is the reason for calling the RLC
circuits in this chapter second-order circuits. To solve such a second-order differential
equation requires that we have two initial conditions, such as the initial value
of i and its first derivative or initial values of some i and v.
Substituting i in equation 8.4, we will get

This quadratic equation is

known as the characteristic
equation of the differential
Eq. (8.4), since the roots of
the equation dictate the
character of i. The two
roots of Eq. (8.8) are
The roots and are called natural frequencies, measured in nepers per second (Np/s),
because they are associated with the natural response of the circuit; is known as the
resonant frequency or strictly as the undamped natural frequency, expressed in
radians per second (rad/s); and is the neper frequency or the damping factor,
expressed in nepers per second. In terms of and , Eq. (8.8) can be written as
overdamped case

 critically damped case

underdamped case
Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuit

  obtain the characteristic equation by replacing the first derivative by and the second
derivative by
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