Flat Belt Type Oil Skimmer

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Flat Belt Type Oil Skimmer

 Fishing and tourism were affected by this spillage. The environmental effects of such oil
spills are not negligible as this is a global problem now days.
 So there is need of an effective way to clean this oil from the surface without actually
wasting it. This paper represents the project work carried on development of flat belt
type oil skimmer.
 We have developed a compact mechanism for collect oil from water with the help of belt
in minimum period of time
 Collected oil can be reused for many purposes. This oil skimmer is invented because of
low cost, high compatibility, and use for rough. This set up uses the DC motor, polymer
belt, pulley, supporting frame, polyurethane blade. We have made changes in the
existing machine to make its application easier at reduced cost. Our main aim is reduce
cost and control pollution control, attained through this Project work.
 Now, in industries, to separate oil from other things like coolant and water, we use oil
skimmers. There are various methods for this, of which belt type oil skimmer is one of
the majorly used.
 The basic objective of this project work is to develop oil skimmer. Oil is one of the most
important energy draw material source for synthetic polymer and chemicals worldwide.
 As long as oil is explored, transported, stored and used their will ether risk of spillage
.Oil pollution, particularly of sea and navigable water, has exited more public concerned
than other water or spilt materials .
 Oil pollution of the sea has steadily increased with the increase in oil consumption. The
bulk this in flux is due to transportation related activities spill from tanker loading and
unloading operations, pipeline rupture which may be due to industrial waste as leakage
from engines, incorrect operations of valves and discharge of oily wastages.
 Oil pollution of the shore in addition to the reduction of amenity, also affects marine,
shore life and vegetation .Crude oil consists of different hydrocarbon that range from
light gas to heavy solids.
  Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules so they stick together.
The same goes for water molecules….. so they just don’t mix – they
are immiscible.
 Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules so they stick together. The
same goes for water molecules….. so they just don’t mix – they
are immiscible.
 Secondly, the oil always floats on top of the water because the oil has a
lower density than water.
 Oil destroys the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals, such as sea
otters, and the water repellency of a bird's feathers, thus exposing these
creatures to the harsh elements. Without the ability to repel water and
insulate from the cold water, birds and mammals will die from hypothermia
 Today world required speed in each and every field. Hence rapidness and quick
working is most important. Now days for achieving rapidness, various machines
and the equipment are being manufactured. In such a modern era of liberalization,
small-scale industries are contributing in a big
 way to the growth of our country. The engineer is constantly confronted with the
challenges of bringing ideas and design into reality. New machines and techniques
are being developed continuously ton manufacture various products at cheaper rates
and high quality. Taking into account the above contribution we have tried to
manufacture such equipment, which is the accessory of machine tool to have the
treatment to the cutting fluid after having used as a coolant. Because the coolant
after having continuous use, gets mixed up with the lubricating oil and its  property
gets changed.
 Hence it becomes necessary to separate the oil from the mixture of the oil and the
coolant. Oil pollution occurs in harbor basins when leaks from shore facilities for
the supply of diesel fuel to fishing vessels find their way into the harbor water;
when vessels pump out oily bilge water in port; when used engine oil is dumped
overboard and when an accident results in leakage of fuel oil.
 To simplify the complex driving mechanisms used in earlier projects and
giving it simple and high working capability
 To minimize the oil pollution from ocean.
 To separates the oil and water mixture from workshop, garage.
 To minimize the overall operation and production cycle time.
 To reduce labor cost
 Another objective of the project was learning how to work the different
parts of oil skimmer and achieve its optimum working.
 dependent on three physical properties of oils, namely
 specific gravity,
 surface tension and
 Affinity
 viscosity
 adhesive properties of the oil

 Belt – polyurethane
 Pulley
 Shaft
 Bearing
 Structure
 Base
 Motor
 Coupler
 Reservoir
 Wiper
 Floating oil and grease cling to skimming media more readily than water,
and water has little affinity for the media. This allows skimming media in
the shape of a belt to pass through a fluid surface to pick up floating oil
and grease with very little water.
 This oily material is subsequently removed from the media with wiper
blades or pinch rollers.
 Oil skimmers are simple, dependable and effective tools for removing oil,
grease and other hydrocarbons from water and coolants. Often, an oil
skimmer by itself can achieve the desired level of water purity.
 Requires only a small area in the tank or sump
 Easy mounting
 High temperature capability
 Chip resistant powder finish
 Hazardous duty and food grade options
 It’s not remove oil of low viscosity.
 Belt need to be change after some time.
 It’s need an external power supply
 Wastewater Sumps
 Coolants and Cutting Fluids
 Heat Treating
 Parts Washers
 Food Processing Facilities
 Steel Mills/Scale Pits
 Parking Lots, Garages and Service Facilities
 Outdoor Ponds, Lakes, Basins, Etc.
 Recovery/Monitoring Wells
 In this project, we enforced to highlight the function of oil skimmer, its various design
aspects and performance.
 All the results of experimental studies indicate that slight design improvement of typical
oil skimmers towards to include additional belt shaft and use of belt with steel material
instead of rope; significantly improve the oil recovery efficiency and also its structure
became simpler. As practical overview of different oil spillage cleanup method.
 This Project has illustrated several limitations of these methods and current oil spill
 Further extensive research & testing can improve the existing techniques and
equipment to have better control for oil recovery exercise.
 Victoria Broje’ and ‘Arturo A. Keller’, “ Improvedrecovery of oil spills from water
surfaces using tailoredsurfaces in Oleophilic skimmers, Donald Bren School of
Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
 ASTM.2007.ASTM F726-06’, “Standard test methods for sorbent performance of
adsorbents”, American society of testing and materials, West Conshohocken.P.A.
 R.S. Khurmi and J.K.Gupta, Machine Design-І, S chand
K Subhramanya, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Tata McGraw Hill
 S.H. Schwartz’, “Performance tests of four selected oil spill skimmers, in:
Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference”, American Petroleum Institute,
Washington, DC, USA, 1979, pp. 493–496.
 S.D. Gill, W. Ryan’, “Assessment of the ACW-400 oil skimmer by the Canadian
Coast Guard for oil spill countermeasure operations, in: Proceedings of the
International Oil Spill Conference”, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC,
USA, 1979, pp. 279–282.

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