Self Balancing Bicycle: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
Self Balancing Bicycle: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
Self Balancing Bicycle: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
Literature Review
Problem Statement
System Design
Theoretical Calculations
Oil is one of the precious crude and being used in many routine application of human life.
During the years of recent decades, world has witnessed many oil spillage tragedies and
subsequent damage to alive and environments.
Many countries has made stringent safety norms for waste water disposal contained with
oils .
The continuous removal of oil from process fluids; increases the life of the fluid;
resulting of:
i. Reduce the machine fluid reflling cost.
ii. Improves the disposal water quality
Oil pollution occurs in harbor basins when leaks from shore facilities for the
supply of diesel fuel to shing vessels and their way into the harbor water.
To mitigate oil pollution, the shery harbor manager should take necessary action
i. Provide shore-based reception facilities for oily wastes (bilge water and spent oil) from
ii. Minimize leaks while bunkering. In addition, he should be prepared to assist those
responsible for containment and clean-up operations if a major oil spill occurs in the
Appropriate oil recovery tools like skimmers will prove useful in removing spilt
oil from the harbor basin.
Suraj Nair and Kajol Kamble, 2017. Design Fabrication of Disc Type Oil
Skim-mer.IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 4 {APRIL 2017}.
Problem Statement
Recently in Mumbai, there occurred 2 cases of sever oil spill near sea shore
affecting most of the aquatic life of the area. Also fishing and tourism were
affected by this spillage. The environmental affects of such oil spills are not
negligible as this is a global problem now days. Every year, there is 100 million
US gallons of oil spill. This is equal to 100 large size gymnasium halls. The
numbers though could not tell the actual harm caused to the environment by such
oil spill as it is in numerous. So there is need of an affective way to clean this oil
from the surface without actually wasting it. Now, in industries, to separate oil
from other things like coolant and water, we use oil skimmers. There are various
methods for this, of which disk type oil skimmer is one of the majorly used. This
is because of its simple working and very high efficiency of around 90-95%.
The oil spill recovery process is composed of two equally important
goals. The first one is to remove oil from the water surface and the
second one is to remove oil adhered to the recovery surface and
transfer it into to a collector.
In case of a smooth surface, the amount of oil recovered from the
water surface is relatively low, but close to 100% of it can be removed
by a clean It should have the maximum surface area possible for a
given width of the recovery surface.
The formation of oil skimmer is highly desirable, since this allows a Fig 2: Oil Skimmer process
thicker layer of oil to be recovered from the water, and it slows oil
drainage back into the oil spill.
The cleaning blade should be able to remove close to 100% of the oil
adhered to the recovery surface.
What is Oil Skimmer ?
An oil skimmer is a machine that separates a liquid from particles floating on
it or from another liquid.
A common application is removing oil floating on water. These technologies
are commonly used for oil spill remediation but are also commonly found in
industrial applications such as removing oil from machine tool coolant and
removing oil from aqueous parts washers.
They were used to great effect to assist in the remediation of the exxon valdez
Oil skimmers are commonly found in three types: weir and oleophilic and
non-oleophilic (disc, drum, belt, tube, brush,mop, grooved disc, grooved
System Design
The disc oil skimmer removes surface waste oils and other hydrocarbons oating
on the parts washer cleaning solution surface. Removing waste oil lengthens the
solution bath life and prevents re-deposition on clean parts. Collected oil is
disposed of easily at lower cost and potentially is a revenue source. The
skimmer works on the physics principle of the difference in surface tension of
oil and water allowing the rotating disk to attract waste oil and reject water.
Imagine dipping your nger in a glass of water with oil oating on the surface and
then removing it. You nger is coated with oil. The same principles apply with the
rotating disk. Wiper blades scrape the disk surface in a continuous operation.
Highly effcient, the 12 inch (300mm) skimmer will remove up to 10 liter per
hour (LPH) (11 l/hr) and the 18 inch (450mm) skimmer up to 19 LPH (22 l/hr).
Rotating Disc and Belt to attract oil which is dumped into collecting tank Entire assembly
is on coating disk and belt with skimmer partially dipped in water for more contact . The
battery runs the motor and make itself sustaining model . The rubber scraper is attached
with disc and belt and collect oil in storage container.
Area : depth/area of dipped disc
Rotation speed : Disc rotation (RPM)
Time : Duration taken during each test
Thickness : Oil thickness (cm)
Area described as surface of disc that dipped into water solution and when the disc
rotates several amounts of oil stick to the surface, then this area lled with oil can be wipe
using wiper devices.
There are three type rotation speeds: low speed, medium speed, and high speed.
Duration of test of each session takes 5 minutes. We assumed oil thickness at surface of
the disc will be around 0,5 mm. The result of theoretical calculation is shown in table.
It is used in different fields :
– Marine applications
– Manufacturing industries
– Food processing plant
– Steel mils
– Garage
– Oil refineries Figure 3: Applications of Oil Skimmer
– Chemical plants.
If the speed of the disk is high, then the adhesion property between the disk surface and oil is
less so that, less amount of oil is separated from the water. This oil skim-mer cannot separate
the oil which is having different viscosity.
The efficiency of the oil skimmer is increased if the more than one disk is mounted in series
or on same shaft. The trial taken shows that design satisfies its purpose.
It is found to be very convenient for skimming the oil for the operator. It removes about 70 to
80-lit oil per day. It is very much helpful to operators, as it avoids their tedious work of
skimming the oil and grease from the wastage water.
It also helps in
- Efficient economical removing of oil.
- Comfort to the operator.
- Controlling the water pollution.
[1]Prof. Patel (2017) \Design and fabrication of oil skimmer" International Research Journal of
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[2]Prof. Suraj Nair (2017) \Design and Fabrication of disc type oil skim-mer" International Journal
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[3]Mamta Patel (2015) \Design and e ciency comparison of various belt type oil skimmer" International
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