Peace Concepts in Islam, Other Faiths and Spiritual Traditions

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At the end of the session, the students are able to;
1. describe the rights and responsibilities of the humankind on
earth in Islam.
2. identify the responsibilities that are connected with the rights
in Islamic perspective; and
3. cite implications of the rights and responsibilities in Islam to
the promotion of peace.

This chapter deals with understanding rights and

responsibilities, which must be fulfilled by humankind on earth.
It includes discussion on one’s rights and responsibilities to
oneself, towards Allah, family and fellow human beings. This
aims to strengthen appreciation of man’s way of understanding
and consciousness of his being a vicegerent on earth.
The term Haq is an Arabic word that describes rights and
responsibilities. These two words are inseparable; one concept
cannot be appreciated without the other. This is the reason Islam
commands us to understand and preserve both the rights and
responsibilities of people.
The better way to understand the rights and responsibilities is
to establish strong spiritual connection with Allah. The spiritual
nature of rights and responsibilities is characterized in the name of
Allah (Al Haq) the truth. Haq and responsibilities are common
concepts in Islam that need to be preserved and implemented. It is
by the proper observance of the rights and responsibilities that
human dignity and self-respect is achieved.
“Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship and do good to
parents, kinsfold, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbor who is
near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by
your side, the wayfarer you meet) and those (slaves) whom your
right hand possesses. Verily Allah does not like such as proud
and boastful.” (Qur’an 4:36)

“And you Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and that
you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them
attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect ,
nor shout at them in terms of honor. And lower unto them the
wing of submission and humility through mercy and say, “ My
Lord! Bestow on them (my parents) Your mercy as they did bring
me up when I was small.” (Qur’an 17: 23-24)
Man is a far better than the other creatures because he is endowed
with reasoning. Reason, which is an instrument of thinking,
separates man from animals. Animals act on instinct while human
beings act out of reason. Reason is that faculty which allows
human to make judgments as to right and wrong.
The human intelligence will not be realized unless social skills
will be achieved with utmost effort. Whether known or not, many
people are confronting hard social lives due to the weakness of
their social skills. Even intellectual people are aware of this
Spiritual skill is another affair that is necessary for man to acquire.
This is dynamic and continuous as man’s faith is either increasing
and improving or diminishing and decreasing. It increases if there
is a constant observation and performance of spiritual skills.
We must understand that every individual has needs and wants. Man’s
needs are essential which must be readily available so he may live a
comfortable life. Examples of needs are food, shelter and work. Beyond these
needs are considered wants such as having a luxurious house and cars.
Needs and wants are different but complementary concepts . The absence
of man’s needs will make his life degrading and miserable, but the absence of
his wants will not make his life miserable. As a matter of fact man can change
his condition the way of his thinking on how he determine what is good for his
”wants” in life. The self and work are not the only requirement to acquire the
needs and wants of man. He must be intellectually, socially and spiritually
The needs and wants can also be seen as part of the rights of man. These
are considered foundations of the universal rights in the context of every
individual’s culture, politics, religion and society. Needs must be addressed
primarily and completely so as not to degrade man’s honor. Wants, on the
other, are only secondary to man’s life.
The husband and wife form the foundation of the family. They are obliged to
have a progressive and happy family. They have to help each other and
reciprocate the needs of one another. Their example is like a garment which is
intrinsically good. It is imperative to make the husband as a cover of his wife
and vice versa. This means that they have to support and protect each other at all
This emotional right and responsibility can be experienced on the physical and
social aspects of life. Although the husband is responsible for the maintenance of
the family,. These instances imply the vital justification of inseparability of
rights of every husband and wife and their share of responsibilities.
It is important to note that Islam, although discouraging women to engage in
heavy work to support the family, does not prevent the from working because
they also have the responsibility to make their family life decent and
comfortable. The participation of women in search of sustenance is traceable in
Islamic teaching. In the Philippines, as many families struggle to survive,
working wives have become an imperative and commonplace.
Both tradition and Islam, men are the ones who should provide for his
family. However, the women of today are participating not only in the
corporate world but also in the realm of politics. In the Philippines, majority of
the teachers are women, and around the world, so many women are working.
According to Islamic commandment, husband and wife are the backbones
of the family. They have to be kinds and merciful to one another, supportive of
each other in order to establish a peaceful loving family. Husbands, wives and
children have specific rights and responsibilities. They need to respect, give
way and help one another. Children are obliged to exert their utmost effort for
the success and betterment of the family. Their search for knowledge is their
responsibility and they must be conscious that they are the pillars of the family.
And most importantly, they must be aware about their spiritual and moral
responsibilities in the society. Allah said to this effect:
“Oh you believe! Ward off yourselves and your families from the fire
(hell)” – Qur’an 66:6
Man is a social being. Everyone needs one another to be able to sustain one’s
existence. They must utilize manpower, wealth, idea, knowledge, mercy and other
ways to help humanity and therefore build a harmonious and peaceful

Islam introduces three stages and obligations on social life and neighborhood:

1. The relationship of humanity on social, political and economic aspects of life.

2. The relationship between the social aspect of life and religious strength.
3. Social rights and responsibilities include three connections which are considered
vital to humanity.
a. Blood relations (race, tribe and nation)
b. Religious connection
c. Connection on social, economic, political and cultural objectives.
“He who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should
keep good relationship with his neighbors and he who believes in
Allah and the Day of Judgment should speak good words or keep
silent.” -Prophet Muhammad (Narrated by Bukhari)

Allah also said:

“And give to the kindred his due and to the poor, and to the
wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner
spendthrift. (Qur’an 17:26)
Islam has established views on equality issues especially on women. This is
reflected in the booklet on, “Women in Islam” compiled by Mostafa Malaekah from
Fr. Jamal Badawi’s , “The Status of Women in Islam and Gender Equality in Islam”
published by Islamic Education Foundation, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual and Human Equity of Women

1. Acoording to the Qur’an, men and women have the same human spiritual nature:
2. Allah has given both genders with inherent dignity and has made men and women,
collectively , the trustees of Allah on earth when He said:
3. The Qur”an does not blame woman for the sin of Adam in their earlier life. On the
contrary, the Qur’an depicts Adam and Eve as equally responsible for their sin in the
garden, never singling out Eve for blame. They both repented and were forgiven.
4. Men and women have the same religious and moral duties and responsibilities, and both
get the same rewards. Each human being shall face the consequences of his or her deeds.
5. The Qur’an is clear about the issue of superiority or inferiority of
any human, whether male or female. The sole basis for superiority
of any person over another is piety and righteousness not gender,
color, nationality or social status.
6. The absence of women as prophets or ;Messenger of Allah”: in
prophetic history is attributed to the demands and physical
suffering associated with the role of messenger and prophets, not
because of any spiritual inferiority attributed to women.

The Economic Aspect

1. The right to possess personal property.
2. Financial security
3. Inheritance laws
4. Employment
The Social Aspect
1. As a daughter
2. As a wife
3. As a mother
4. As sister in faith

Rights and Responsibilities of Children

Taking care of the children is a divine responsibility entrusted to parents.
Interest and responsibility for the welfare of the child are the utmost important as
early as the child is born. It is prophetic instruction that the moment the child
comes out from the womb of his mother, it is the responsibility of the father to
call the “Azan” (call to prayer) to the right ear of the child and “iqamah” to the
left ear, signifying his coming to the world. After 7 days, the child should be
given a good and pleasant name and the head should be shaved for hygienic
purpose. A goat or a sheep should be slaughtered and its meat distributed among
the poor. This is called “Aqiqa”. Among others Islam has given emphasis on the
following concerning the rights of children:
1. Islam teaches the rights of children as expressed in some of the
Qur’anic verses.
2. Prohibition of abortion

Stressing the importance of giving proper training to the

children , Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said: “No
better gift can there be from a father to his children than that he
bring them up properly.” It is therefore the right of the children to
be educated. Thus, the parents must be prepared to engage the
children in experiences that will mold them into a good practicing

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