Female Reproductive System of Fish
Female Reproductive System of Fish
Female Reproductive System of Fish
system of fish
Prepared by: Rida Irshad
Ovaries morphology
The ovary in most teleost fishes is a hollow sac-like
organ into which extend numerous ovigerous folds
lined by germinal epithelium.
The eggs are spawned by the fish at this stage and the
second polar body is released only after fertilization.
In some fishes, ovulation and- spawning occur almost
at the same time, whereas in ethers (rainbow trout and
milkfish) ovulated oocytes are retained in the ovarian
or peritoneal cavity and spawning takes place much,
Structure of ovaries
In the females the eggs are formed in
two ovaries (sometimes only one) and pass through
the ovaries to the urogenital opening and to the
In some fishes the eggs are fertilized internally but are
shed before development takes place.
Members of about a dozen families each of bony fishes
and sharks bear live young.
Structure of ovaries
Some fishes are hermaphroditic—an individual
producing both sperm and eggs, usually at different
stages of its life.
Self-fertilization, however, is probably rare.
Some fishes prepare nests by hollowing out
depressions in the sand bottom, build nests with plant
materials and sticky threads excreted by the kidneys ,
or blow a cluster of mucus-covered bubbles at the
water surface.
Fish reproductive organs
include testes and ovaries. In most
species, gonads are paired organs of similar size, which
can be partially or totally fused.
There may also be a range of secondary organs that
increase reproductive fitness.
The genital papilla is a small, fleshy tube behind
the anus in some fishes, from which
the sperm or eggs are released; the sex of a fish often
can be determined by the shape of its papilla.
Maturation and spawning in fish
Both male and female gonads undergo marked cyclic
morphological and histological changes before
reaching full maturity and becoming ripe. This is
called maturation of the gonads.
Most of the fishes exhibit seasonal cycle in the
production of gametes. The expulsion of gametes from
the body into the surrounding water is called
‘spawning’ resulting in fertilization.
Maturity Stage in the Female Fish
On the basis of shape, size, colour of the ovary and other
histomorphological features, at least six maturity stages can be
The ovaries are small, thin, thread like, translucent, pale or
dirty white in colour with inconspicuous vascularization. The
ovaries occupy only a small part of the body cavity and ova are
not visible to the naked eye. Histologically, the ovary shows
ovigerous lamellae, having nests of oogonia, and immature
oocytes in the stage I and II are visible under a microscope.
Maturity Stage in the Female Fish
Ovaries become slightly larger, thicker, opaque and
are light yellowish in colour. There is an increase in the
weight of the ovary and they occupy nearly ½ of the
body cavity. Histologically, oocytes in stage III and IV
are present in large number.
There is a further increase in the weight and volume of
the ovaries, which have a deep yellow colour and
occupy 2/3 to ¾ of the body cavity.
Maturity Stage in the Female Fish
are further enlarged occupying almost the entire body
They are turgid, deep yellow in colour and a large
number of spherical ova are visible to the naked eye
through the thin ovarian wall.
The blood supply increases considerably. Both
translucent and opaque ova are present and the ovaries
attain their maximum weight.
Maturity Stage in the Female Fish
SPAWNING PHASE Overies are very much enlarged,
occupying the entire body cavity.
They are turgid and yellow in colour with a large
number of translucent eggs. Ovarian wall is very thin,
almost transparent.
Eggs are present in the oviduct also, and the fish
spawns a number of times during this period
Maturity Stage in the Female Fish
SPENT PHASE The ovaries are flaccid, shrinked and
sac-like reduced in volume and have a dull colour.
The vascular supply is reduced. Some unspawned
large ova and a large number of small ova are present.
Functions of ovaries
All fish have internal sexual organs, and some have
evolved external organs as well.
Female fish have ovaries that produce eggs while male
fish have testes that produce sperm
The female scatters the eggs her ovaries have
produced into the water, and the male ejects his sperm
into the water in the same general area.
Functions of ovaries
Some fish species produce fewer eggs and have developed
methods to make sure the few eggs are fertilized.
For these fish, the males have specialized fins or body
protrusions that can deliver sperm to a specific area on the
female fish.
The females have oviducts that lead from the ovaries to the
outside, and the sperm swim up the oviduct to reach the
To ensure they always have sperm available for
fertilization, some female fish species have the ability to
store the sperm for several egg-laying cycles.
Egg formation:
The egg gradually enlarges and projects into the lumen of
the ovary. At ovulation the follicle ruptures and the egg
escapes from the aperture through amoeboid movement.
The forces causing the rupture are not known and the
muscle fibres present in the ovarian wall may be
responsible for it.
In teleosts having cystoarian ovary, the ova are discharged
into the oviduct, while in those fishes which have a
gymnoarian ovary, the eggs are discharged into the body
Egg formation:
The muscles of the oviduct and those of the body wall
contract causing movement of the ova through the
Fertilization is external in water in majority of the teleosts
and internal fertilization also takes place in some species.
Spermatozoa and eggs are discharged into water in close
proximity. The sperms become very active in water, and
survive only a few minutes, during which
the fertilization takes place which may be controlled by
several chemicals released by both sperms and eggs.
Egg formation:
The number of eggs produced by a single female
differs considerably and depends upon several factors
like her age, size, condition and species.
The egg is generally surrounded by a shell but when it
leaves the ovary, it is enclosed in a vitelline membrane.
Generally, the egg is spherical or oval in shape and has
some amount of yolk in it.