The Teaching Approaches of The

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The Teaching Approaches of

Subjects in the K to 12

Enhanced Basic Education

Act of 2013
The DepEd shall adhere to the following
standards and principles in developing the
enhanced basic education curriculum
The curriculum shall be learner-centered,

inclusive and developmentally appropriate;

The curriculum shall be relevant, responsive

and research-based;
c. The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive;
The curriculum shall be contextualized and

The DepEd shall adhere to the following
standards and principles in developing the
enhanced basic education curriculum
e. The curriculum shall be pedagogical approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and

f. The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of

the Mother Tongue-Based Education (MTB-MLE) which starts
from where the learners are and from what they already knew
proceeding from the known to the unknown; instructional
materials and capable teachers to implement the MTB-MLE
curriculum shall be available.
The DepEd shall adhere to the following
standards and principles in developing the
enhanced basic education curriculum

g. The curriculum shall use the spiral progression

approach to ensure mastery of knowledge and
skills after each level;
h. The curriculum should be flexible enough to
enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize
and enhance the same based on their respective
educational and social contexts…
Teaching Approaches to the K to 12
based on the principles cited in the
above provision
1. Learner-Centered

In a learner-centered instruction, choice of

teaching method and technique has the learner
as the primary consideration – his/her nature,
his/her innate faculties or abilities, how he/she
learns, his/her developmental stage, multiple
intelligences, learning styles, needs, concerns,
interest, feelings, home and educational
2. Inclusive

This means that no students is excluded from

the circle of learners. Everyone is “in.” teaching
is for all students regardless of origin, socio-
economic background, gender, ability,
3. Developmentally Appropriate

The tasks required of students are within there

developmental stages. You will not expect
formal operations thinking of Kindergarten
children who, according to Piaget’s cognitive
theory, are only in their pre-operational
developmental stage.
4. Responsive and relevant

Using relevant and responsive teaching

approach means making your teaching
meaningful. You can make your teaching
meaningful if you relate or connect your lesson
to your students’ daily experiences. Your make
your teaching relevant when what you teach
answers their questions and their concerns.
5. Research -based

Your teaching approach is more interesting,

updated, more convincing and persuasive if it is
informed by research. Integrating research
findings in your lessons keeps your teaching
fresh. You get the latest information from your
research or from the researches of others that
enrich your teaching.
6. Culture-sensitive

If your approach is culture-sensitive, you are

mindful of the diversity of cultures in your
classroom. You employ a teaching approach that
is anchored on respect of cultural diversity. You
view all learners as unique individuals and
realize and accept that their varied cultural
experiences, beliefs, values and language affect
their ways of thinking and interacting with
others and the larger community.
7. Contextualized and global

You make teaching more meaningful by putting

your lesson in a context. This context may be
local, national and global.
Contextualized teaching means exerting effort to
extend learning beyond the classroom into
relevant context in the real world. It also entails
effort to bring outside-the classroom realities of
academic context into the classroom.

Constructive comes from the word construct. If

you are constructivist in teaching approach, you
believe that students learn by building upon
their prior knowledge
9. Inquiry-based and reflective

For inquiry-based and reflective teaching

approach, the core of the learning process is to
elicit student-generated questions. A test of your
effectiveness in the use of the inquiry-based
approach is when the students begin
formulating questions, risking answers, probing
for relationships, making their own discoveries,
reflecting on their findings, acting as researchers
and writers of research reports.
10. Collaborative

This teaching approach involves group of

students or teachers and students working
together to learn together by solving problem
solving, completing a tasks, or creating a
11. Integrative

An integrative approach can be intradisciplinary

interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary.
The integrative approach is intradisciplinary
when the integration is within one discipline.
Integrative teaching can be integrating skills
within the subject like the microskills, listening,
speaking, reading and writing in the language
Interdisciplinary integration happens when
traditionally separate subjects are brought together so
that students can grasp a more authentic
understanding of the subject under study. Students
demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding when
they can bring together concepts and methods from
two or more disciplines or established areas of
expertise in order to explain a phenomenon, solve a
problem, create a product, or raise a new question.
Transdisciplinary integration is integrating your lessons
with real life. You do this when you cite real life
applications of your lesson.
12. Spiral progression approach

To follow the spiral progression approach, you

develop the same concepts from one grade
level to the next in increasing complexity. It is
revisiting concepts of each grade level with
increasing depth. Spiral progression approach Is
also interdisciplinary. This enables students to
explore connection among the sciences and the
branches of math.
13. MTB-MLE-based

A mother tongue-based multilingual education.

Teaching is done in more than one language
beginning with the mother tongue.

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