The document discusses how factors like focal spot size, SID, OFD, screen and film speed impact image sharpness and distortion, with shorter SIDs and OFDs producing more magnification distortion but less sharpness issues from shadows, while longer SIDs reduce magnification but require more radiation to maintain image quality. Proper technique selection of these factors is necessary to optimize image quality.
The document discusses how factors like focal spot size, SID, OFD, screen and film speed impact image sharpness and distortion, with shorter SIDs and OFDs producing more magnification distortion but less sharpness issues from shadows, while longer SIDs reduce magnification but require more radiation to maintain image quality. Proper technique selection of these factors is necessary to optimize image quality.
The document discusses how factors like focal spot size, SID, OFD, screen and film speed impact image sharpness and distortion, with shorter SIDs and OFDs producing more magnification distortion but less sharpness issues from shadows, while longer SIDs reduce magnification but require more radiation to maintain image quality. Proper technique selection of these factors is necessary to optimize image quality.
The document discusses how factors like focal spot size, SID, OFD, screen and film speed impact image sharpness and distortion, with shorter SIDs and OFDs producing more magnification distortion but less sharpness issues from shadows, while longer SIDs reduce magnification but require more radiation to maintain image quality. Proper technique selection of these factors is necessary to optimize image quality.
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Element of Image Sharpness
• Recorded detail is the
sharpness of the lines of the image. • Distortion is the misrepresantation of of the true size or shape of the image compared to the object. What impacts the recorded detail? • Focal spot size • Object to Image Distance (OID) or Object to Film Distance (OFD) • Source to Image Distance (SID) or Focal Film Distance (FFD) • Screen to Film Contact & Screen Speed • Motion What impacts Distortion? • Object Image Distance (OID) or Object Film Distance (OFD) • Source Image Distance (SID) or Focal Film Distance (FFD) • Object Alignment • Film Alignment • Central Ray Alignment Selecting the Focal Spot • The operator has total control over the focal spot. • The “S” indicates the small focal spot is selected. Selecting the Focal Spot • Selecting “S” will mean the voltage will be applied to the small filament. • Selecting “L” will apply the voltage to the large filament. Focal Spot Size Selection • The x-ray beam is more tightly focused when the small focal spot is selected. • The edge sharpness is improved because of less shadow or penumbra. Small Focal Spot • Advantages – Reduced penumbra – OFD can be increased with minimal loss of detail. • Disadvantages – Lower mA selection due to tube heating – Longer exposure times that can cause patient motion Screen and Film Speed • The type of film and materials used in the screens will determine the speed of the film & screen combination. • Small phosphors in the screens and grain in the film will produce sharper images. Screen and Film Speed • Speed is determined by the system’s RSV or Relative Speed Value. • High RSV needs less radiation but have lower recorded detail. Focal Spot and OFD • When the object is far away from the film more shadows of the edges are produced resulting in a loss of sharpness. – The shadow is greater with the large focal spot. – Using the small focal spot will reduce the unsharpness. Inverse Square Law • The intensity of the beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. • This law can be used to compute patient or staff radiation exposure. • If you double your distance from the source, the exposure is reduced 75%. Inverse Square Law • The intensity of the beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. • To adjust the mAs for a different SID, the following formula is used. Old mAs x New Distance2 • New mAs = ------------------------ Old distance 2 Inverse Square Law Exercise If 5 mAs was used at a 40” SID, what mAs would be used at 20” SID? Old SID: 40” New SID: 20” Old mAs: 5 New mAs: ? Inverse Square Law 5 mAs x 20” 2 New mAs = ------------------------- 40” 2 5 x 400 mAs = --------------------- = 1.25 mAs
1600 SID and Sharpness
Longer SID = Less Unsharpness
OFD & Focal Spot Exercise • A P-A view of the hand is taken at a 20” SID with the hand resting on the cassette. • Notice how close the tube is to the hand. Would the skin dose be more than at 40” SID? OFD & Focal Spot Exercise • A second exposure is made with the hand raised 3.5” above the film. The SID remains at 20”. • Would the patient exposure be increased or decreased? • Increased!!! OFD & Focal Spot Exercise • What happened when the hand was moved away from the film or the OFD was increased? • The image lost resolution. Unsharpness Factor • Using this formula we can compute the loss of geometric unsharpness caused by focal spot and Object to Film Distance problems. Focal Spot X OID • Unsharpness = ---------------------------- SOD Unsharpness Factor
Image A Small Focal Spot short OID 20” SID
Unsharpness Factor = 1mm x 5 mm /470mm = 0.010
Image B Small Focal Long OID 20” SID
Unsharpness Factor = 1mm x 87mm/390mm =0.223 Unsharpness Factor
Image A Large Focal Spot Short OID 20” SID
Unsharpness Factor = 2mm x 5 mm /470mm = 0.0212
Image B Large Focal Long OID 20” SID
Unsharpness Factor = 2mm x 87mm/390mm =0.4461 Very poor image Impact of SID and OFD on Image Quality • We usually want to get the body part as close to the film as possible to reduce magnification distortion. Impact of SID and OFD on Image Quality • When we can’t get the part close to the film, the SID should be increased. Technique adjustment • If 2 mAs was used at the 34” SID, what mAs would be used at 68”? • New mAs = Old mAs x new distance 2 » Old distance2 • New mAs = 2 x 682 / 342 = 8 • If the distance is doubled, the mAs will be the square of the difference or 4 x 2 = 8 34 “ SID 68” SID Magnification Distortion • 1. Compare the images on films labeled 34 inches and 68 inches. – Evaluate the image size and detail. Are both films the same? Magnification Distortion • 1. The images are not the same. The films taken at 68” are smaller and sharper. • 2. What observations can be made when the image is close to the film and when it is away from the film? Magnification Distortion • 2. The amount of magnification is determined by the Object to Image Distance. • The Source to Image Distance impacts the magnification distortion. Longer SID will produce less magnification. Comparison of Magnified Views Degrees of Magnification • 3. Compare the magnification views for sharpness. • The 68” view has less magnification distortion and is sharper than the 34” view. • Note: When comparing magnification and changes in SID, do so with the magnified view. The shortest SID will have the most magnification usually. Magnification Distortion • If we know the size of the object, the SID and the OID we can compute the magnification factor using this formula Source to Image Distance Magnification =Source to Object Distance 20” SID 68” SID Magnification Distortion • 4. Compare the 68” films to the 20” films. – The films taken at 20” have more magnification distortion. – When we want the least amount of magnification distortion, a 72” SID is used. Magnification Distortion • If a long SID produces the least magnification distortion, why don’t we take all films with a long SID? • Radiation dose and tube limits. At 72” it takes 3.5 times more radiation to produce the same image. This would result in longer exposure times and shorter tube life.