Division Memorandum No. 178 S. 2021

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SY 2020- 2021

Equal weight and importance were given to every
learning area in DepED Order no 31 s. 2012, the
Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum where in fact
included Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP). The
curriculum promotes the best quality education that
every Filipino deserves in any way the Department
can through schools division.

As stated in DepED Memo 50 s. 2020, the teachers and the
delivery of learning shall be supported for continuous
outpour of the aimed quality education so as the continuous
upskilling and reskilling that will result to better learning
outcomes. This Professional Development (PD) priority
includes improvement of teachers and career progression.
Hand in hand with the research Converge CID, it
recommended that under Project Bida Eh, outstanding
performance of teachers and students, their best practices,
innovations and researches in all learning areas will be
recognized. 4
Moreover, Dangal EsP will be implemented this school year
to recognize the ESP teachers and learners who excel in the
said subject area. Further, Dangal EsP is an innovative
activity which aims to acknowledge the best practices,
innovations, research of teachers and exemplary works and
acquired learnings of the students. This is not a competition
but a way to encourage teachers and students to be more
proactive and participative in the EsP teaching and learning.

DANGAL ESP Objectives
This activity aims to internalize DepEd Core Values: Maka - Diyos,
Makakalikasan at Makabansa and EsP Core Values: Truth, Love, freedom and
justice. Specifically, Dangal EsP wants to:
1. Recognize exemplary performance in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
in different categories like research, innovation and outstanding
teaching strategies and approaches
2. Recognize exemplary performance of learners in EsP
3. Recognize EsP best practices in teaching and adopt them for
division wide utilization
4. Adopt the best practices, innovations and replicate researches for
division wide consumption.


1. Each school will have its own recognition day at the end of each
school year as culminating activity of Retrospect Batang

2. The EsP teachers and learners recognized from the respective

schools will in turn be recognized in a culminating activity in the
district level so that their best practices and exemplary
performance will be benchmarked by other schools in the district
for wider dissemination and utilization.
3. To highlight the outstanding performances of the learners from each district,
the district committee/panel will select one outstanding learner to exemplify
the exceptional love, freedom, justice and truth to inspire and be epitomized in
the Division Dangal EsP. This brings 36 district exemplary learners to be
showcased for each grade level (4 students from each district). 

4. To highlight the outstanding performances of the EsP teachers from each

district, the district committee/panel will select one outstanding teacher with
the best research based innovation, best community project and best classroom
teaching. They will be recognized distinctively for each category Division
Dangal EsP Golden Recognition recipients.
5. A teacher will be hailed as Division Dangal EsP Golden Teacher from the
array of Division Dangal EsP Golden Recognition recipients when he / she
gets the district’s best research based innovation, best community project
and best classroom teaching. Another set of evaluation will be done in the
event that 2 or more districts submit names of teachers with these

6. All documents of the recognition recipients (both learners and the teachers
whose names appear in the endorsement form) should be submitted in soft
and hard copies. Soft copies will be submitted in this link:
https://tinyurl.com/DANGALESP2021. Hard copies will be sent by the
district office to the education program supervisor in charge of EsP on or
before June 21, 2021 the Dangal EsP Recognition Day.
7. With the documents stated in no. 6, the District Supervisor will attach the
endorsement form and entry qualification papers to the EsP Supervisor on
or before June 21, 2021. Soft copies are also required to be submitted in the
same link given in no. 6.

8. All other documents used in the selection should be kept in the district
office for future references.

Recognition for Students

EsP Batang Malaya EsP Batang Mapagmahal EsP Batang Matuwid EsP Batang Totoo
– – – -
Kindergarten - Grade 3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-10 Grades 11-12

Recognition for the teachers

▰EsP Best Classroom Teacher

▰EsP Best Research Based Innovation
▰EsP Community Oriented Teacher
▰EsP Golden Teacher

for Students
• Enlisted in the official class list of the school.
This should be supported by a letter from the
class registrar;

• A recommendation letter executed by the

adviser and counter signed by the subject
Entry teachers, recommended by the EsP head
teacher/ Master Teacher and duly noted by
qualifications the school head; and

• Letter of permission from the parents or

guardian allowing the learner to join such
recognition and undergo some activities to
support the validity of the activity and must
comply with the IATF protocols.

1 .Ac a d e m ic ra ting 20% Re p o rt C a rd
G e n e ra l Av e ra g e in a ll le a rn in g a re a s
2 .Ex c e p tio na l 70%
Ac hie v e m e nt
C h a ra c t e r 5 0% In t e rv ie w a n d C lo se En c o u n t e r
(Fre e d o m , Lo v e , Th e c a n d id a t e :
J u st ic e , Tru t h ) 1 .e xp re sse s h is v ie w a b o u t
fre e d o m / lo v e / ju st ic e / t ru t h 10
2 .a c t s t o e xe rc ise fre e d o m / lo v e / ju st ic e / t ru t h 10
3 .t h in ks t o h o n o r a n d re sp e c t
fre e d o m / lo v e / ju st ic e / t ru t h 10
4 . p ra c t ic e s fre e d o m / lo v e / ju st ic e / t ru t h
in w o rd s, t h o u g h t s a n d d e e d s 20

(Fo r t h is ye a r, t h is w ill b e d o n e in th e re sp e c t iv e d ist ric t s

u p o n t h e se le c t io n o f EsP G o ld e n St u d e n t . Th e y w ill b e
in t e rvie w e d v irtu a lly o n a g iv e n d a te to m e e t C h a ra c t e r
In te rv ie w a n d C lo se e n c o u n te r w it h a se t o f p a n e l. Pa n e l
o f 3 m e m b e rs m a yb e c o m p o se d o f EsP Dist ric t
C o o rd in a t o r, Dist ric t G u id a n c e C o u n se llo r, PSDS, o r o t h e r
q u a lifie d m e m b e r fo r t h e d istin c t p u rp o se . Also , t h e
in t e rvie w m u st b e w it h t h e p re se n c e o f t h e p a re n t o r
g u a rd ia n )
Do c u m e n t a t io n 2 0% Ac c o m p lish m e n t Re p o rt
- Na rra t iv e s / d o c u m e n t a t io n fro m t h e le a rn e rs
in v o lv e m e n t in Re tro s p e c t Ba ta ng Ba ta ng ue no
w it h p ic t u re s, Le a rn e rs’ Pro g re ss Sh e e t a n d / o r
o t h e r m e a n s o f v e rific a t io n .
3 .Te stim o ny 10% Writ t e n / re c o rd e d e xp re ssio n o f e xe m p la ry c h a ra c t e r
m a n ife st a t io n a b o u t h is/ h e r p e rso n a lit y, e xp e rie n c e s,
v a lu e s a n d v irt u e s a c q u ire d a n d h is/ h e r im p a c t o n
u p h o ld in g t ru t h , fre e d o m , ju st ic e a n d lo v e t o w a rd s t h e
fo llo w in g :
1 . Fa m ily M e m b e rs – im m e d ia t e m e m b e rs (m o th e r,
fa t h e r, sib lin g s), c o u sin s
2 . Pe e rs – c la ssm a t e s, n e ig h b o rs
3 . Sc h o o l – t e a c h e rs, p rin c ip a l, su b je c t t e a c h e rs,
c a n t e e n h e lp e rs a m o n g o t h e rs
To t a l 100%
▰ EsP Golden Student Recognition

▰ As banner holder of each district, the learner, with the help of his/her
teacher, will prepare 1 minute video to visualize his/her personality as
the EsP Golden Student Finalist. This video will be submitted in this
link: https://tinyurl.com/DANGALESP2021 one (1) week before
Dangal EsP (June 21, 2021 until 3pm). Moreover, all district Golden
EsP learners will also be interviewed virtually on a given date to meet
Character Interview and Close encounter with a set of panel (SEE

for teachers
• A recommendation letter executed by the
EsP head teacher/ Master Teacher and duly
approved by the school head;

• Teacher’s Program duly signed by the

authorities reflecting that he/ she is a
bonafide EsP teacher( including Personal

Entry •
Development SHS Teacher)

Letter of intent and willingness of the teacher

qualifications to join such recognition and undergo some
activities to support the validity of the activity
and must comply with the IATF protocols;

• Certificate of Veracity which states that the

documents are authentic, original and/or free
from alterations duly signed by the candidate
– teacher and verified by the school head. 19
▰ EsP Best Classroom Teacher

▰ This recognition will be given to the teacher

who will execute exemplary performance in
Demonstration teaching in EsP subject. The
criteria to be used will be the COT used in the
class observation for School Year 2020-2021.

▰ Note:

The Teacher can use his/her best lesson

exemplar (SY 2020 – 2021) for the
demonstration teaching

▰ EsP Best Research based Practice or

▰ This recognition will be given to the

teacher who has an outstanding research
based practice or innovation.

Criteria Weight MOV’s / Indicators
1. Quality  Full Copy of the paper following the format withheld
  by Deped Order 16, s 2017 duly signed by school/
district/ division research committee
20 %  Supporting documents which includes copy of the  
proposal duly signed by the immediate supervisor;
proof of evidences which could testify the authenticity
of the paper
1. Implementation and
Impact of the Research  Proof of Utilization of students/teachers within the
scope of the research
30%  Number of users  
 Documentation which reflects impact of the research
(Originality, Relevance, Usefulness of the paper)
Project Innovation and Best  documentation and narratives of the Innovation or best
Practices practices
 M and E used
 Proof of Accomplishment from Principal/ Head which
certifies recognition and utilization of the research
1. Scope / Level of School: 5
Implementation 10% District: 8  
Division: 10
1. Authorship Sole Authorship: 10
Co authorship: 5
1. Replicability The ability and readiness of the research to be adopted by
other schools/district/division
Total 100%    
▰ EsP Community Oriented Teacher

▰ The recognition will be given to the teacher

who willingly gives extra time to involve
him/herself to community extension programs.

▰ Note:
There are options on the Community
1. It could be from SY 2016 to present.
2. It could be before 2016 but still
existing up to the present school year.

Criteria Weight MOV’s
A. Authenticity of the Community 20%  Certificate of Recognition of the Community Based Project
Involvement  Certificate of Appointment as community volunteer/s duly
  signed by the district/ division/ region
 Certificate of membership
 Accomplishment Report which includes narratives, pictures
   Certificate of Recognition/Participation for the said
community project
Community Project 50 %  
Project in the Community 20%  Proposal of the project duly signed by the
authority/barangay/municipal/provincial officials
   Copy of the Project Design/ Matrix/ Concept
 Attestation of its execution in the community which
includes documentation, attendance of the beneficiaries
Impact of the Community 30%  Proof of Utilization of students/teachers within the scope of
the community project
Project  Number of users
 Documentation which reflects impact of theproject
(Originality, Relevance, Usefulness of the project)
Authorship 20  Lead proponent - 20
 Member - 10
Level of Community Involvement 10 Barangay - 6
Municipal - 8
Provincial - 10
Total 100%  

▰ EsP Golden Teacher
▰ The EsP Golden Teacher is the teacher who bestowed
outstanding performance in EsP teaching. He / She is the
EsP teacher with best classroom teaching practices,
research based practices or innovation and community
service projects or activities.

▰ EsP Golden Teacher SY 2020 – 2021 should meet the final


40% of the gathered scores (Division evaluation)

60% final interview
100% Total Score
As banner holder of each district for EsP Golden Teacher, the teacher
will undergo re-evaluation of all papers in the individual categories which
makes the scoring back to zero (0).
All qualified teachers will prepare 1 minute video to visualize his/her
personality as the EsP Golden Teacher Finalist. This video will be
submitted in this link: https://tinyurl.com/DANGALESP2021 within 1
week before Dangal EsP (June 21, 2021 until 3pm). Moreover, all district
Golden EsP Teachers will also submit 1 minute video to be featured in
Deped Tayo Batangas Province/ EsP Facebook page.

Recognition for teachers
▰EsP Best Classroom Teacher
▰EsP Best Research Based Innovation
▰EsP Community Oriented Teacher

EsP Golden Teacher
▰EsP Best Classroom Teacher
▰EsP Best Research Based Innovation
▰EsP Community Oriented Teacher

FOR Dr. Ma. Leticia Jose Cabaña-Basilan

clarification Education Program Supervisor I - EsP


FOR espbatangasofficial@gmail.com



-Doc B
Esp batang Malaya
Kindergarten to grade 3
▰ Rosemarie T. Bariuan
▰ Rosita A. Lasig
▰ Olympia T. Liwag

Esp batang Mapagmahal
grade 4 to 6
▰ Liza K. Marasigan
▰ Joey B. Andal
▰ Yollie M. Erino

Esp best classroom teacher

▰ Wennie C. Gonzales
▰ Wilfredo F. Dimapasok
▰ Liwayway D. Quiniones

Esp best research based innovation

▰ Juliet J. Dimaculangan
▰ Manolito B. Indicio
▰ Shirley L. Glorey

Esp community oriented teacher

▰ Mary Ann M. Lopez

▰ Fariza P. Ani
▰ Jinnelyn S. Magdangan

▰ Emiliana M. Roxas – Chairman
▰ Josephine H. Arnigo – Co-chairman
▰ Fariza P. Ani – Co-chairman

Proposed date

▰ School – May 17 – 21, 2021

▰ District – May 24- 28, 2021


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