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The Case Group II

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Case Examination Task

Snail in the Bottle :

Donoghue v. Stevenson (1982)

Putu George Matthew Simbolon - 1840050100

Martha Winda Risky - 1640050194

Desindri Tiurma Angelina - 1840050076

Rr. Wedya Atmaja Melati E. - 1840050168

Ester Oktaviani Refwalu - 1840050190

Niko Syahputra Pramono - 1840050003

Parties Identification

1 May Donoghue, shop assistant from glaslow that ordered a ginger

beer float hereinafter mentioned as the Plaintiff;

Mr. David Stevenson, manufacturer of the ginger beer hereinafter

2 mentioned as the Defendant
Related Facts :
Parties Identification
1 Plaintiff was bought a glass of ginger beer float by her friend;

2 After consuming most of the float mentioned above, Plaintiff discovered that the float contained a
decomposing snail;
3 Plaintiff did not discovered this earlier due to the fact that the bottle was not made of clear glass;
Plaintiff filed a lawsuit toward the Defendant due to the shock and severe gastroenteritis suffered by the
4 Plaintiff herself;
In that time, Plaintiff could not filed a lawsuit under the circumstances in a form of Breach of Contract due to
5 the absence of contractual agreement between Plaintiff and Claimant;
Related Facts :

1 Since the bottled was bough by the friend of the Plaintiff, filing
this lawsuit under the contract law regime was not applicable;

As a consequences, Plaintiff had no immediate legal rights to

2 compensate the damage or injury acquired.
The Court Battle

Plaintiff Opinion : Defendant Opinion :

Plaintiff had an injury and claimed

that the Defendant had breached the Defendant challenged Plaintiff by
duty of care to his consumer and under the basis of absence of
caused injury to negligence.
precedent on such claim.
Judge Consideration to make
the Judicial Decision
Principle of Negligence (Tort) :

Negligence is a tort due to the injury caused by it, despite the fact there are
absence of contractual agreement.

Duty of Care Principle :

According Lord Atkin’s ratio decendi, product manufacturer shall treated their
costumer with care.

Neighbor Principle (Love thy Neighbor) :

We must take reasonable care to avoid action or omission that could potentially
arise an injury to our neighbor or a person who are close to us or directly affected
by our act or omission.
Lord Atkin Quotes

“Who, then, in law is my neighbour? The

answer seems to be – persons who are so
closely and directly affected by my act that I
“The rule that you are to love your
ought reasonably to have them in
neighbour becomes in law ‘You must
contemplation as being so affected when I am
not injure your neighbour. You must
directing my mind to the acts or omissions
take reasonable care to avoid acts or
which are called in question.”
omissions which you can reasonably
foresee would be likely to injure your
Among other areas, the “love thy neighbor” principle covers personal injury, product
liability, professional negligence on the part of doctors, mechanics, and anyone else
providing a service.



The doctrine of precedent or stare decesis that basically stated that cases shall be verdicted base on the existed
verdict (by other judge) in the precedent case (Jurisprudence) (Soeroso, 2018 : 135).
According to the Common Law legal sources , Stare Descesis also known as Judicial Decision as it is written on
the legal sources mentioned therein :

1 Judge verdict or judicial decision (Stare Descesis).

2 Costumary Law (Customs).

3 Written stipulation (Statute).

4 State administrative regulations (Decree).


Since this case is absence of precedent judicial decision, stare decisis was not applicable in this cases. In fact, Lord Atkin
as the judge examining and verdicted this case were using a legal principle.
This action is based on the judge authority under common law system to take action in a form of making a decision base
on justice values, truth and common sense of the judge himself due to the absence of precedent judicial decision.
There are many new legal principle rised and developed from case law due to this authorities owned by the judge himself.

Therefore the Lord Atkin did not applied a stare decisis in

this case due to the absence of the precedent verdict
Furthermore, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
There is no other commandement greater than these
(Mark : 12 : 31).
It’s interesting that Lord Atkin used a biblical proverb of the Good Samaritan as a basis of judgement that
later would be known as “the neighbor principle”. This attest “judge made law” principle in common law
system, in which judges in common law adherent countries have jurisdiction where the judge is the party
that making the law.
It also proves that Donoghue v Stevenson case laid a foundation of modern law negligence and
established the principles of the duty of care when at the time it seemed impossible for Donoghue to win
the case. As a result, this case gave a new perspective and changed the way they do consumer protection
law in English, giving more power to the consumers who are harmed by a product to get their

Absent a contract, a manufacturer owed no duty of care to a consumer when putting a product on the
market except:If the manufacturer was aware that the product was dangerous because of a defect
and it was concealed from the consumer or The product was danger per se and failed to warn the
consumer of this.bsent a contract, a manufacturer owed no duty of care to a consumer when putting
a product on the market except:
If the manufacturer was aware that the product was dangerous because of a defect and it was
concealed from the consumer (i.e., fraud); or The product was danger per se and failed to warn the
consumer of this.

Precedent decisions are not the only guidelines for judges in making
decisions and this case has provided an update on tort law in the
application of common law.
By learning this case, we know the fact that legal principle is the highest
source in the common law system, and from here we hereby stated that
judge also has an authority to find (or dig) a legal principle to verdict the
cases that he examine.

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