CHM421 - Analytical Chemistry: Topic 1: Introduction (Definition)

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CHM421 – Analytical Chemistry

Topic 1: Introduction (Definition)
1.1 : Units for Quantities & Concentration
International System of Units (SI)
o7 fundamental base units

Table 1.1
SI Base Units
Physical Quantity Name of Unit Abbreviation
Mass kilogram kg
Length meter m
Time second s
Temperature kelvin K
Amount of substance mole mol
Electric current ampere A
Luminous intensity candela cd
*Source: Skoog D.A. et al., 2014, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 9 th edition
1.1 : Units for Quantities & Concentration
To express small or large measured quantities in terms of a few simple digits, prefixes are
used with these base units & other derived units.
Table 1.2 Prefixes for Units (commonly used)
Prefix Abbreviation Multiplier
tera T 1012

giga G 109

mega M 106

kilo k 103

hecto h 102

deca da 101

deci d 10-1

centi c 10-2

milli m 10-3

micro  10-6

nano n 10-9

pico p 10-12
*Source: Skoog D.A. et al., 2014, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 9 th edition
1.2 : Mole & millimole
o The mole (abbreviated mol) is the SI unit for the amount of a chemical substance.

o It is the amount of the specified substance that contains the same number of particles as the
number of carbon atoms in exactly 12 grams of 12C.

o The molar mass  of a substance is the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance. It is
calculated by summing the atomic masses of all the atoms in the chemical formula.
1.2 : Mole & millimole
o Example 1: Calculate the molar mass  of formaldehyde, CH2O.

o Example 2: Calculate the molar mass  of glucose, C6H12O6.

o Example 3: Calculate the number of the moles in 500 mg sodium tungstate, Na2WO4.

o Example 4: How many milligrams are in a 0.25 mmol ferric oxide, Fe2O3?

o Example 5: How many grams Na+ are there in 32.7 g trisodium phosphate, Na3PO4.10H2O?
1.2 : Mole & millimole
o The millimole is 1/1000 of a mole, and the mass in grams of a millimole, the millimolar mass
(m ), is likewise 1/1000 of the molar mass.

1 mmol = 103 mol

103 mmol = 1 mol

1.2 : Mole & millimole
o Example 6: Find the number of moles and millimoles of benzoic acid ( = 122.1 g/mol) that are
contained in 2.00 g of the pure acid.

o Example 7: What is the mass in grams of Na+ (22.99 g/mol) in 25.0 g of Na2SO4 (142.0
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
4 fundamental ways of expressing solution concentration:
o Molar (cx) & normality (cN) concentration
o Percent concentration
o Solution-diluent volume ratio
o p-functions

no. moles solute (nx)

molar concentration (cx) =
volume in liters (V)

 The unit of cx is molar, symbolized by M, which has the dimensions of mol/L

or mol L1
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
o Example 8: Calculate the molar concentration of ethanol in an aqueous solution that contains 2.30
g of C2H5OH (46.07 g/mol) in 3.50 L of solution.
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
o Example 9: Describe the preparation of 2.00 L of 0.108 M BaCl2 from BaCl2.2H2O.

o Example 10: Describe the preparation of 500 mL of 0.0740 M solution from solid BaCl2.2H2O.

o Example 11: A solution is prepared by dissolving 1.26 g silver nitrate, AgNO 3 in 250 mL
volumetric flask and diluting to volume. Calculate the molarity of the AgNO 3 solution. How
many millimoles AgNO3 were dissolved?

o Example 12: How many grams per milliliter of NaCl are contained in a 0.250 M solution?

o Example 13: How many grams sodium sulfate, Na2SO4 should be weighed out to prepare 500 mL
of a 0.100 M solution?

o Example 14: Calculate the concentration of potassium ion in grams per liter after mixing 100 mL
of 0.250 M potassium chloride, KCl and 200 mL of 0.100 M potassium sulfate, K 2SO4.
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
Normality (cN)

othe number of milliequivalents of solute contained in 1 mL of solution or the number equivalents

contained in 1 L.

othe number of the equivalent is given by the number of moles multiplied by the number of reacting
units per molecule or atom; the equivalent weight is the formula weight divided by the number of
reacting units (refer to Table 1.3).

oe.g. sulfuric acid, H2SO4, has two reacting units of proton; that is there are two equivalents of
protons in each mole. Table 1.3
Reacting Units in Different Reactions
98.08 g/mol
equilvalent weight (eq) = Reaction type Reacting unit
2 eq/mol Acid-base H+
= 49.04 g/eq Oxidation-reduction Electron
*Christian, Gary D., Analytical Chemistry, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc.
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
o Example 15: Calculate the equivalent weights of the following substances:
(a) ammonia, NH3
(b) oxalic acid, C2H2O4 (in reaction with NaOH)
(c) KMnO4 (Mn(VII) is reduced to Mn2+)

no. of equivalent (eq.)

Normality (cN) =
(eq./L) volume (liter)

o Example 16: Calculate the normality of the solutions containing the following:
(a) 5.300 g/L Na2CO3 (when the CO32 reacts with two protons)
(b) 5.267 g/L K2Cr2O7 (the Cr is reduced to Cr3+)
Answer for examples in Topic 1

• Example 2 = 180.0 g/mol

• Example 3 = 1.70 mmol or 1.7 x 103 mol
• Example 4 = 39.9 mg
• Example 5 = 6.55 g
• Example 7 = 8.10 g Na+
• Example 9 = 52.8 g BaCl2.2H2O
(Dissolve 52.8 g BaCl2.2H2O in water and dilute to 2.00 L.
• Example 10 = 9.04 g BaCl2.2H2O
(Dissolve 9.04 g BaCl2.2H2O in water and dilute to 500 mL.
Answer for examples in Topic 1

• Example 11 = 0.0297 mol/L and 7.42 mmol

• Example 12 = 0.0146 g/mL
• Example 13 = 7.10 g
• Example 14 = 8.47 g/L
• Example 15 = (a) 17.03 g/eq, (b) 45.02 g/eq, (c) 31.608 g/eq
• Example 16 = (a) 0.10 eq/L, (b) 0.1074 eq/L
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry

The stoichiometry of a reaction is the relationship among the number of moles of reactants and
products as represented by a balanced chemical equation.

1 3
Flow diagram for making stoichiometric calculations.
(1)When the mass of a reactant or product is given, the mass is first converted to the number of moles, using the molar mass.
(2)The stoichiometric ratio given by the chemical equation for the reaction is then used to find the number of moles of another
reactant that combines with the original substance or the number of moles of product that forms.
(3)Finally, the mass of the other reactant or the product is computed from its molar mass.
1.3 : Molarity, normality & stoichiometry
o Example 17:
(a) What mass of AgNO3 is needed to convert 2.33 g of Na2CO3 to Ag2CO3?
(b) What mass of Ag2CO3 will be formed?
[answer: (a) 7.47 g AgNO3, (b) 6.06 g Ag2CO3]

o Example 18: What mass of Ag2CO3 is formed when 25.0 mL of 0.200 M AgNO3 are mixed with
50.0 mL of 0.0800 M Na2CO3? [answer: 0.689 g Ag2CO3]

o Example 19: What will be the molar concentration of NaNO3 in the solution produced when 25.0
mL of 0.200 M AgNO3 is mixed with 50.0 mL of 0.0800 M Na2CO3?
[answer: 0.067 M NaNO3]
1.4 : Percent Concentration, ppm & ppb
Percent concentration

weight solute
weight percent (w/w) = x 100%
weight solution

volume solute
volume percent (v/v) = x 100%
volume solution

weight solute, g
weight/volume percent (w/v) = x 100%
volume solution, mL
1.4 : Percent Concentration, ppm & ppb
Parts per Million & Parts per Billion

For very dilute solutions, parts per million (ppm) or part per billion (ppb) is a convenient way to
express concentration:

mass of solute (g) mass of solute (g)

cppm = x 10 ppm cppb = x 109 ppb
mass solution (g) mass solution (g)

or or

mass of solute (mg) mass of solute (g)

cppm = ppm cppb = ppb
volume solution (L) volume solution (L)

1 ppm = 1.00 mg L-1

1.4 : Percent Concentration, ppm & ppb
o Example 20: What is the molar concentration of K+ in a solution that contains 63.3 ppm of
1.4 : Percent Concentration, ppm & ppb

Scientist frequently express the concentration of a species in terms of its p-function, or p-value. The
p-value is the negative logarithm (to the base 10) of the molar concentration of that species. Thus,
for the species X,

pX =  log [X]

o Example 21: Calculate the p-value for each ion in a solution that is 2.00 x 103 M in NaCl and 5.4
x 104 M in HCl. [answer: pH = 3.27, pNa= 2.699, pCl = 2.595]

o Example 22: Calculate the molar concentration of Ag+ in a solution that has a p-value of Ag is
6.372. [answer: 4.25 x 107 M]
1.5 : Density & specific gravity of solution
Density expresses the mass of a sub- stance per unit volume. In SI
units, density is expressed in units of kg/L or alternatively g/mL.

Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of

an equal volume of water. It is dimensionless and so is not tied to any
particular system of units.

o Example 23: Calculate the molar concentration of HNO3 in a solution that has a specific gravity
of 1.42 and is 70.5% HNO3 (w/w). [answer: 16 M]

o Example 24: Describe the preparation of 100 mL of 6.0 M HCl from a concentrated solution that
has a specific gravity of 1.18 and is 37% (w/w) HCl.
[answer: Dilute 50 mL of the concentrated reagent to 100 mL]

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