Case Presentation: Presented by BSN Iii - A2
Case Presentation: Presented by BSN Iii - A2
Case Presentation: Presented by BSN Iii - A2
There were no unusualities displayed in the result of the
urinalysis. Chemical results were all negative and normal.
Blood typing
Blood typing is a method to determine what type of blood you have.
Based on the results, the patient is blood type O+
ECG is a test that’s used to check the heart’s rhythm and electrical
activity. There were no unusualities displayed in the result of the
ECG performed on November 18,2020
Vent. Rate (bpm): 86
PR Intervals (ms): 178
QRS Duration (ms): 104
QT/QTc Interval (ms): 356/402
P/QRS/T Axes (deg): 64/45/8
Esophagus. The esophagus was distensible with air insufflation and with good
peristalsis. The esophageal mucosa was smooth and pinkish. The Z was obliterated due
to mucosal breaks.
Stomach. The cardia was hugging the scope on retroflexed view. The fundus and body
had normal looking mucosa. The antrum was hyperemic. The pylorus was incompetent
Duodenum. The 1st portion has two deep ulcers measuring 1cm each with clean base.
The 2nd portion was hyperemic.
8am, 8pm
Mechanism of Action
Mechanism of Action
❏ CNS: headache
❏ GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, nausea, taste perversion,
abdominal pain or discomfort.
❏ Hematologic: leukopenia, coagulation abnormalities.
❏ Skin: rash.
Nursing Responsibilities
8:00 AM, 6:00 PM
Mechanism of Action
❏ used to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. It’s used to treat
gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
erosive esophagitis, and hypersecretory conditions. This drug is also used
to treat stomach infections caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria
Mechanism of Action
❏ Gastric ulcers
❏ Treatment of gastric mucosal lesions
(erosion, bleeding, redness, and edema) in
the following conditions; acute gastritis and
acute exacerbation of chronic gastritis.
❏ Prevention of NSAID-induced gastropathy.
Subjective Data:
“I feel weak” as verbalized by the patient
Objective Data:
- Weakness
- Decreased skin turgor
- Vital signs as follows:
Bp: 120/60
PR: 96 bpm
RR: 24 cpm
Temp: 36.2
Scientific Analysis
Loss of blood from the gastrointestinal tract is most often the result of
erosion or ulceration of the mucosa but it may also be a result of arteriovenous
(AV) malformation or increased pressure in the portal venous bed pr direct
trauma in the GI tract.
Upper GI bleeding may manifest as blood tinged, bright red or coffee ground
emesis. The client may also experience dark tarry stools.
Gulanick, M., & Meyers, J.L. (2017). The Nursing Care Plans: diagnoses interventions & outcomes. 9th edition. St.
Louis, Missouri: Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Plan of Care
Short Term:
After 8 hours of Nursing interventions, the patient will be able to:
> Verbalize understanding of causative factors and purpose of
individual therapeutic interventions and medications.
> Demonstrate behaviours to monitor and correct deficit,
as indicated.
Long Term:
After 4 days of nursing interventions, the patient will be:
> Maintain fluid volume at a functional level as evidenced by a
normal skin turgor.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
1. Obtain a history of the use of 1. Drugs that can cause
abuse or substances known ulceration of the GI mucosa
to predispose to GI bleeding contribute to the
development of bleeding.
such as; aspirin, NSAIDs,
alcohol and steroids.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
2. Monitor color, amount, and 2. Careful assessment of GI
consistency of the hematemesis, bleeding can help determine the
melena or rectal bleeding. exact site of bleeding.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
3. Assess vital signs particularly 3. Hypovolemia due to GI
blood pressure level. bleeding may lower blood
pressure levels and put the
patient at risk for hypotensive
episodes that lead to shock.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
4. Monitor patient’s urine output. 4. Urine output at least 30ml/hr is
an indication of an adequate renal
Nursing Interventions Rationale
5. Discuss factors related to 5. To reduce the risk of
occurrence of fluid deficit as recurrence.
individually appropriate.
Gulanick, M., & Meyers, J.L. (2017). The Nursing Care Plans: diagnoses
interventions & outcomes. 9th edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby, an imprint
of Elsevier Inc.
Nursing Diagnosis
Subjective Data:
“I feel pain in my chest every time after I eat and it’s painful to
swallow”, as verbalized by the patient.
Objective Data:
- Regurgitation of food
- Fatigue
- Patient appears restless
- Patient appears pale
- Pain score of 7 out of 10
Vital Signs:
● PR: 96 bpm
● RR: 24 cpm
● BP: 120/60 mmHg
● Temp: 36.2
Scientific Analysis
Doenges, M.E & Moorhouse, M.F, Murr, A. (2016). Nurse’s Pocket Guide. (14th Ed.) Philadelphia. F.A. Davis Company
Yu, Y. & Maghera, A. (2019, May 5) Gastroesophagel Reflux Disease.
Plan of Care
Short Term:
After 8 hours of nursing intervention, the patient will be able
● Cooperate with the nursing interventions
● Verbalize understanding of the illness and therapy regimen
● Report relief of pain
Long Term:
After 2 weeks of nursing intervention, the patient will be able
● Apply behavioural changes and demonstrate relax body
posture and have adequate rest
Nursing Interventions Rationale
1. Carefully assess pain location 1. Pain from esophageal spasm,
and discern pain from GERD resulting from reflux
and angina pectoris. esophagitis tends to be
chronic and may mimic
angina pectoris: radiating to
the neck, jaws, and arms.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
2. Instruct patient to chew food 2. Well-masticated food is easier
thoroughly and eat slowly. to swallow. Food should be cut
into small pieces.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
3. Instruct patient to avoid gas 3. These can reduce the
forming foods (e.g. coffee, esophageal sphincter pressure
softdrinks, beer, cabbage, highly and to lessen acidity.
seasoned foods, and foods high in
Nursing Interventions Rationale
4. Avoid restrictive clothing. 4 . Restrictive clothing can
increase intra-abdominal pressure.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
5. Administer medication as 5. To maintain acceptable level of
indicated. pain and to buffer acidity.
Doenges, M.E & Moorhouse, M.F, Murr, A. (2016). Nurse’s Pocket
Guide. (14th Ed.) Philadelphia. F.A. Davis Company
Nursing Diagnosis
Objective Data:
➔ Limited ROM
➔ Ambulatory with assistance
➔ Hct- 15.8
➔ Hgb- 5.7
➔ Restlessness
➔ Presence of body weakness and fatigue
Vital signs
➢ BP;120/60
➢ T;36.2
➢ HR;96
➢ O2; 99%
➢ RR;21
Scientific Analysis
Make sure that the environment is clean and must be a good place to
stay. Homemaking services and emotional and economic support
systems are in place
The patient and the family is taught how to administer drugs and
treatments when necessary. Instructed the patient and his family to
monitor vital signs at all times and avoid strenuous activities. Isolation
for about 14 days upon arrival. The patient will be able to identify and
report signs and symptoms of potential health problems as well as drug
and treatments side effects
Outpatient Referral:
The bleeding may make you lose iron. So it's important to eat
foods that have a lot of iron. These include red meat, shellfish,
poultry, and eggs. They also include beans, raisins, whole-grain
breads, and leafy green vegetables.