DC Gen Characteristics

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DC Generator Characteristics

• three characteristics of DC generators are

taken into considerations:
• (i) Open Circuit Characteristic (O.C.C.),
• (ii) Internal or Total Characteristic and
• (iii) External Characteristic.
Open Circuit Characteristic (O.C.C.) (E 0/If)
Open circuit characteristic is also known as
magnetic characteristic or no-load saturation
•It shows the relation between generated emf at no
load (E0) and the field current (If)

•It is practically similar for all type of generators.

•The data for O.C.C. curve is obtained by operating
the generator at no load and keeping a constant

•Field current is gradually increased and the

corresponding terminal voltage is recorded.

•Now, from the emf equation of dc generator, we

know that Eg = kɸ. Hence, the generated emf should
be directly proportional to field flux and also directly
proportional to the field current.
•However, even when the field current is zero, some
amount of emf is generated (represented by OA in the
figure below).

•It is due to the fact that there exists some residual

magnetism in the field poles.

•Due to the residual magnetism, a small initial emf is

induced in the armature.

• It aids the existing residual flux, and hence,

increasing the overall field flux and consequently
increases the induced emf.
•However, as the flux density increases, the poles
get saturated and the ɸ becomes practically constant.

• Thus, even we increase the If further, ɸ remains

constant and hence, Eg also remains constant.
Hence, the O.C.C. curve looks like the B-H
Internal or Total Characteristic (E/Ia)
•An internal characteristic curve shows the relation
between the on-load generated emf (Eg) and the
armature current (Ia).
The on-load generated emf (Eg) is always less than
E0 due to the armature reaction.
Eg can be determined by subtracting the drop due to
demagnetizing effect of armature reaction from no-
load voltage E0. Therefore, internal characteristic
curve lies below the O.C.C. curve.
External Characteristic (V/IL)
•It shows the relation between terminal voltage
(V) and the load current (IL). Terminal voltage V
is less than the generated emf (Eg) due to
voltage drop in the armature circuit.

•Therefore, it lies below the internal

characteristic curve. Therefore, this type of
characteristic is sometimes also called as
performance characteristic or load
Characteristics of separately excited DC Generator
Characteristics of DC Shunt Generator

To determine the internal and external load

characteristics of a DC shunt generator the machine
is allowed to build up its voltage before applying
any external load
•When the generator has built up the voltage, it is
gradually loaded with resistive load and readings are
taken at suitable intervals.

•Unlike, separately excited DC generator, here, I L≠Ia.

For a shunt generator, Ia=IL+If. Hence, the internal
characteristic can be easily transmitted to Eg vs. I L by
subtracting the correct value of If from Ia.

•During a normal running condition, when load

resistance is decreased, the load current increases.
But, as we go on decreasing the load resistance,
terminal voltage also falls. So, load resistance can
be decreased up to a certain limit, after which the
terminal voltage drastically decreases due to
excessive armature reaction at very high armature
current and increased I2R losses.
Hence, beyond this limit any further decrease in
load resistance results in decreasing load current.
Consequently, the external characteristic curve
turns back as shown by dotted line in the above
Characteristics of DC Compound Generator
If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so that,
increase in load current causes increase in terminal
voltage then the generator is called to be over

The external characteristic for over compounded

generator is shown by the curve AB in above
If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so that,
the terminal voltage remains constant even the load
current is increased, then the generator is called to
be flat compounded.

The external characteristic for a flat compounded

generator is shown by the curve AC.
If the series winding has lesser number of turns
than that would be required to be flat compounded,
then the generator is called to be under

The external characteristics for an under

compounded generator are shown by the curve AD.

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