Mobile Controlled Car Students: Tasneem J. Hamayel Hanan I. Mansour Supervisor: DR - Aladdin Masri

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Mobile Controlled Car

Students : Tasneem J. Hamayel

Hanan I. Mansour

Supervisor : Dr.Aladdin Masri

◌ Introduction

◌ Problem Statement

◌ project algorithm

◌ Hardware Component

◌ Software part

◌ Conclusion and future work

Our project is mainly a bout controlling car movement
using mobile application .
This idea can be used in many fields as Entertaining
robot game for children or Spying purpose after
adding some further features such as a
webcam ,so it may be used as a delivery tool for
specific type of services.
Problem Statement

After supplying the vehicle with voltage

» we turn the mobile Bluetooth
» using android application to connect with the
Bluetooth model on the vehicle.
» The vehicle will never crush into a wall because
existence of distance sensor

The vehicle has two mode’s

Bluetooth mode : using android application to control
with the Bluetooth model on the vehicle and to
moves in all directions
Non-Bluetooth mode : without Bluetooth control the
vehicle is moving forward

In the Bluetooth mode the vehicle will never crush into

a wall because existence of distance sensor
Project Algorithm
Hardware Components
● Arduino board (Arduino UNO)
● L293D motor driver chip.
● SRF04 Ultrasonic distance sensor
● HC-05 Bluetooth slave
● Prototyping board and cables
● USB cable
● Vehicle kit
● electronic speaker
● Servo Motor
Arduino board (Arduino Uno)
It will be the brain of the robot, as it will be
running the software that will control all the
other parts
Arduino Benefits

1. open-source
2. flexible
3. easy to use
4. inexpensive
5. online community
Software Part
The software which placed on PC we’ve used in
order to program and communicate with an
Arduino board.
• Example of connecting the USB cable with
Arduino module on port (com22 )
Using software

Some of libraries that we used

Ultrasonic library : to read data from ultrasonic
sensor and print the distance between
obstacles and the sensor.
Motor driver library : to test the motor .
Servo library : to control our servo motor.
Software Serial library : to get data sent from
Android application to Arduino on serial.
Distance sensor
-Distance sensors send an ultrasonic signal forward
-Wait to receive a bounced signal. Depending on
how long the signal takes to bounce back the
approximated distance to an obstacle can be
-We will use this little device to prevent the vehicle
from hitting walls or other obstacles in its way
How to connect it with Arduino
Bluetooth Module
• Which interact with mobile application to
control the direction of the vehicle.
It has four pins :
VCC (Power 3.3 – 6V)
• How to connect it with Arduino
Servo Motor
A Servo is a small device that has an output
This shaft can be positioned to specific angular
positions by sending the servo a coded signal
• How to connect it with Arduino
Electronic Speaker
• It was used in the event of an obstacle in front
of the vehicle.
Motor Driver
• As single component

• As circuit
♦ represented in new things we must learn as
Arduino hardware component and the software
program used.
♦ some of component not available as a single
component so, we build it as a circuit for
example motor driver component
♦ Cost ,we’ve lost two Arduino’s and a servo
motor so we had to look for alternatives.
Conclusion and Future Vision
• we achieved blutooth control communication
between the mobile -via android application-
and the vehicle .
• The knowledge is ever expanding and so are the
problems which the mankind strive to solve. In
this spirit, it is hoped that the current activity
will lead to further enhancements. For example;
work on future for military purpose by the
Thank you for your attention

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