Slip Forming

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Prepared By,
4 Year, 1st Semester,

B.C.E-IV (2019-2020),
Section: B2, Roll no. 001610401161,
Department of Civil Engineering

• Slip forming is a construction technique that facilitates concrete structures without any
horizontal construction joints.
• Slip forming is normally a continuous working operation (24 hours a day), which requires
a well planned supply of materials and personnel present at all times.
• Slip forming is a rather complicated operation compared to other construction techniques.
The requirements to the materials, personnel and the execution of the work are therefore
accordingly higher.
• The construction technique has been used in several decades for production of a wide
range of different structures. Typical projects are vertical structures such as towers, bridge
columns and offshore platforms.

• The property of cement and concrete to gain sufficient strength to stay in shape once cast
within the initial setting time of 30 minutes lead to the development of slip form
construction technique.
• Engineers took this property to develop a moving formwork system so that the concrete
can be poured continuously.
• The height of the formwork is designed in such a way that, during the pouring of the
upper level formwork, the concrete poured in the below formwork would have gained
initial setting. The concrete exposed when the formwork moves up will remain firm.

• Vertical slip forming:

In vertical slip forming the concrete form may be surrounded by a platform on which workers
stand, placing steel reinforcing rods into the concrete and ensuring a smooth pour. Together, the
concrete form and working platform are raised by means of hydraulic jacks .
Generally, the slipform rises at a rate which permits the concrete to harden by the time it emerges
from the bottom of the form.

• Horizontal slip forming:

In horizontal slip forming for pavement and traffic separation walls concrete is laid down,
vibrated, worked, and settled in place while the form itself slowly moves ahead.
• Tapered slip forming:

Tapered slip forming is used in the construction of conical chimneys, cooling towers, piers
and other tall concrete structures involving constant or changing thickness in walls,
diameters and shapes. It is a form with sections which overlap so that one gradually slides
over another. This is commonly done in chimney construction but it is not satisfactory for
architectural concrete.

•Slip Form
•Working platform or Deck
•Suspended scaffolding
•Lifting jack
•Centre point
•Normal brackets
•Central control system
•Jack holder
•Yoke leg clamp
•Panel clamp
•Waler cleat plates
• The slipform system is designed with varied features. Generally, it consists of yoke legs. Yoke
legs are employed to lift and sustain the weight of the entire structure, so that it behaves as a
single unit. Yoke legs are also used to connect with the beams, scaffolding and working platforms
to serve the supporting purpose.

• The whole slipform assembly is lifted by means of strand rods and lifting jacks. These primary
components are located at equal intervals so that the uniform and good distribution of weight is
performed. In some construction, lifting process are supported by means of hydraulic pump

• The slipform construction technique is a rapid and an economic construction method

compared to the conventional formwork technique. This helps to achieve huge cost savings.
The technique is best suitable for large building structures and bridges. When small structures
are concerned, the projects with identical geometry can be easily completed by slipform
• Continuous movement of formwork in upward direction is performed in slip form technique.
The movement is facilitated by hydraulic jacks and jack rods. In the construction of vertical
structures, the rate of rising the formwork upwards will be almost in the rate of 300mm per
hour. These rise with the help of the supports from other permanent parts of the building.

•Simple and versatile. 

•Takes you to any height. 
•Copes with every wall structure.
•The system can be erected using unskilled laborers. 
•This helps in quick and easy assembling and dismantling.
•It has a dominant influence on the appearance and accuracy of finished concrete.
•There is a minimum consumption of timber and steel in the formwork.
•It gives a monolithic structure without vertical and horizontal construction joints.
•Provision of a joint less structure.
•A saving of shuttering material both initially as well as lesser wastage.
•Scaffolding is not required.

• Construction of Regular core high rise structures:

The slipform construction technique used in high rise building construction will be performed by
vertically extruding the reinforced concrete section. Regular shaped core structures and buildings
are easily constructed by this method.

• Slipform Technique for Chimney Construction:

The slipform technique used for the construction of large chimneys, cooling towers and piers are
called as tapered slipform. This technique is used for constructing vertical structures with varying
wall thickness, or shapes or diameters. 
• Construction of Steel Tanks:
Slipform construction technique helps to construct the large volume cisterns in industries
and factories in a cost effective way.

• Construction of Water Towers:

The slipform technique helps to construct the walls of water tanks uniformly with better

• With the invention of slip forming technique and due to speedier completion of work by the
technique, there are substantial savings in cost in terms of wages and interest .This
technique has no comprises against quality control and Homogeneity of structure.

• This technique has a lot of scope for improvement .But it can be adapted for tall framed
structure. For slip forming work ordinary concrete of equally M20 &M25, rarely M30.
Generally Portland cement is used for concreting. Fast setting cement in special cases work
during winter and slip form progress is chosen. After dismantling the slip form components
it can be used for spans more than 25 years.
• Thus slip form system involves:-

• Anon. 1978. “Key to courthouse puzzle.” Eng. News-Rec., 20021, 26–27. 
•  Betterham R. G. 1980. Slip-form concrete, Longman, New York. 
• Halpin D. W. and Riggs L. S. 1992. Planning and analysis of construction operations, Wiley, New York  
• Hanna, A. S. 1998. Concrete formwork systems, Marcel Dekker, New York.
•  Peurifoy R. L., and Oberlander G. D. 1996. Formwork for concrete structures, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York  
•  Pruitt R., Oberlander G. 2000. Concrete construction, 1st Ed., McGraw-Hill, April, 32(4):345-349.

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