Complex Sentence: B. Adverbial Clauses

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Complex sentence

B. Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial Clause is a sub clause (dependent clause) which functions as an
adverb. Because it is a sub-clause, it needs a conjunction in the form of a
subordinating conjunction to connect it with the main clause to form a complete
sentence. (Adverbial Clause adalah sub clause (dependant clause) yang berfungsi sebagai
adverb. Karena dia adalah sub clause dia membutuhkan kata sambung berupa subordinating
conjunction untuk menghubungkannya dengan main clause agar membentuk kalimat utuh).
• The Traditional Dance show will start after the sun goes down. (Pertunjukan tari tradisional
akan dimulai setelah matahari terbenam).
• We can swim in the beach as soon as we put on plenty of sunscreen. (kita bisa berenang di
pantai segera setelah kita memakai banyak tabir surya/ sublock)
• Because she loved her boy friend, she doesn't believe the reports of his affair (karena dia
mencintai pacarnya ,dia tidak percaya laporan peselingkuhannya)
• Unless you run slow, you will miss the bus. (Kecuali kalau kamu berlari lambat, kamu akan
ketinggalan bus)
• When she cleaned the badroom, she found a lot of paper. (Ketika dia perempuan
membersihkan tempat tidur, dia perempuan menemukan banyak sekali kertas)
Note: Blue scripts are adverbial clauses
How to construct adverbial clauses in complex sentences
The adverbial clause can be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. When It is
placed at the beginning or middle of a sentence, it takes a Comma [,] punctuation mark as a
separator from the whole sentence.
• Whether You Like It or Not, You Have To Go To School.
(Apakah Kamu Suka atau Tidak, Kamu Harus Pergi Ke Sekolah).

• The Girl, Although She Is Very Smart, Failed Final Test.

(Gadis Itu, Meski Dia Sangat Pintar, Gagal Pada Ujian Akhir).

Namun, saat adverbial clause diletakkan pada akhir kalimat maka tanda baca koma tidak
dibutuhkan :
• He Really Enjoyed The Movie More Than his girl wife Did.
• (Dia Sangat Menikmati Filmnya Lebih Dari Dia).
• Jenis-Jenis Adverbial Clause
1. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Condition
The Adverb of Condition adalah adverb yang dimana terdapat syarat agar ide atau
gagas memiliki dampak. Adverb of condition merupakan bagian dari Conditional
Conjunction yang digunakan adalah: If, even if, if only, even if, providing, unless
(jika Tidak), provide, In The Even That , Or in Event That , In Case , On Condition
That , As Long As , So Long As , Whether… or… (Jika… Atau..), Provided That ,
Providing That, Suppose That , Supposing That.
• Examples
• If you meets her tomorrow, She Will Be Happy.
• (Jika kamu Bertemu her besok, Dia Akan Bahagia).

• If He Needs Me, Please Let Me Know.

• (Jika dia Membutuhkanku, Tolong Beri Tahu Aku).

• We can go picnic provided your parents give you permission

2. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Comparison

The Car Speed As Fast As Fighter Jet Does.

(Kecepatan Mobil Itu Secepat Pesawat Jet Tempur).

Actually, Lisnah Is As High As Diana Is.

(Sebenarnya, Lisnah Itu Sama Tingginya dengan Diana).

In A Week, She Reads Books As Many As I Am.

(Dalam Seminggu, Dia Membaca Buku Sama Banyaknya Denganku).
3. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Manner
Menggunakan Conjuction: As (Seperti), Like (Seperti), As If (Seolah-olah, Seakan-
akan), As Though (Seolah-olah, Seakan-akan)
They All Treat Her As If She Were a Queen.
(Mereka Semua Melayani Dia Seolah-olah Dia Adalah Seorang Ratu).

The Worker Does His Job As His boss Said to Him Yesterday.
(Pekerja Itu Melakukan Pekerjaannya Seperti yang Dikatakan Bos Kepadanya

She Was, As We Remember Her, A Very Honest Girl.

(Dia , Seperti yang Kita Ingat, adalah Seorang Gadis yang Sangat Jujur).
4. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Time
Menggunakan Conjunctions seperti:
After Setelah
Before Sebelum
When Ketika
Whenever Kapanpun
As Ketika
Once Ketika
Now That Ketika
Since Sejak
Until Hingga
Till Hingga
As Soon As Segera Setelah
As Long As Selama
So Long As Selama
• Examples:
After The Final Exam Has Finished, The Students Go Into The Main Hall.
(Setelah Ujian Akhir Selesai, Para Siswa Memasuki Aula Utama).

When We Were Young, We Were Full of Energy.

(Saat Kami Muda, Kami Penuh Energi).

His Father Turns Off The Television When They Are Going To Sleep.
(Ayahnya Mematikan Televisi Saat Mereka Akan Pergi Tidur).
5. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Place
Menggunakan Conjunction: Where, Whereever
Posisi Adverbial Clause bisa : Awal, Akhir Kalimat
He Will Work Wherever He Is Sent By His Company.
(Dia Akan Bekerja Dimanapun Dia Dikirim oleh Perusahaan).

I Will Love You Wherever You Are.

(Aku Akan Mencintaimu Dimanapun Kau Berada).

They Sat Wherever They Could Find Empty Seat.

(Mereka Duduk Dimanapun Mereka Menemukan Kursi Kosong).
6. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan adverb of purpose
Adverbial Clause ini menggunakan conjuction Untuk Kalimat Adverb of Purpose Positif
In Order That (Agar / Supaya)
So That (Agar / Supaya)
In The Hope That (Agar / Supaya / Dengan Harapan)
To The End That (Agar / Supaya)
For The Purpose That (Agar / Supaya / Dengan Tujuan)

Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Purpose Positif :

She Is Saving Her Money So That She Can Take A Vacation to Bali.
(Dia Menabung Uangnya Agar Dia Bisa Berlibur Ke Bali).
They Went To The Cinema In Order That They Might Buy The Best Seats.
(Mereka Pergi Ke Bioskop Agar Mereka Dapat Membeli Kursi Terbaik).
• Sedangkan untuk Adverb of Purpose negatif, conjuntion yang digunakan
adalah :
• Lest (Agar Tidak)
• For Fear That (Agar Tidak)
• Examples:
• For Fear That Any of The Children Might Get Lost, The Camp Forbade Them To
Go Beyond a Certain Point.
• (Agar Tidak Ada Anak Yang Tersesat, Pihak Camp Melarang Mereka untuk
Melewati Batas Tertentu).
7. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Reason
Adverbial Clause ini menggunakan Conjunctions:
• Just / Only Because (Hanya Karena)
• Because
• Since (Sebab)
• Now That (Sebab / Karena)
• In That (Karena)
• In The Respect That (Karena)
• To The Extent That (Karena)
• All The More That (Karena)
• As (Karena)
• Whereas (Karena)

Posisi Adverbial Clause: Awal, Tengah, atau Akhir Kalimat.

Since She Could Not Take Her Son With Her, She Decided Not To Go To The
(Sebab Dia Tidak Dapat Membawa Putranya, Dia Memutuskan Untuk tidak
Menghadiri Konferensi).

She Came to Very Few of Meetings, Because She Thought They Were Unimportant
8. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Contrast

Adaverbial Clause mennggunakan Conjunctions:

When (Sementara)
While (Sementara)
Where (Sementara)
Eventhough (Meskipun)
Although (Meskipun)
Though (Meskipun)
Untuk jenis clause ini, baik letaknya di awal atau di akhir kalimat tetap
menggunakan tanda koma.

Posisi adverbial clause : Awal atau Akhir Kalimat.

While She is Very Popular in The Class, Her Sister Makes Very Few Friends.
(Sementara Dia Sangat Populer di Kelas, Saudarinya Memiliki Sedikit Teman).

Some Websites Have Many Advertisement Spot, Whereas Other None At All.
(Beberapa Website Memiliki Banyak Spot Iklan, Padahal Website Lainnya Tidak
Sama Sekali).
9. Adverbial Clause yang menggunakan Adverb of Result
menggunakan Conjunctions
So That (Sehingga)
With The Result That (Sehingga)
So Much So That (Sehingga)
But That (Sehingga)
By That (Sehingga)
That (Sehingga)

Posisi adverbial caluse: Akhir


They Spent Their Vacation At The Beach, So that Their Skin Were Quite Tan.
(Mereka Menghabiskan Liburan di Pantai, sehingga Kulit Mereka Menjadi Sangat

She Made Some Very Bad Investment In The Stock Market, With The Result That
She Lost Her Entire Fortune.
(Dia Membuat Beberapa Investasi yang Buruk di Pasar Saham, Sehingga Dia
Kehilangan Seluruh Hartanya).

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