Evaluation of Semen1
Evaluation of Semen1
Evaluation of Semen1
Evaluation of semen
The different tests for evaluation of semen are:
1. Appearance
2. Colour
3. Volume
4. Mass motility
5. Individual motility
6. Hydrogen ion concentration ( pH )
7. Concentration or Density of spermatozoa
8. Live spermatozoa percentage ( Live sperm count ).
9. Sperm abnormalities.
10.Other tests. Viz. 1) Resistance to cold shock . 2) Fructolysis index
3) Methylene blue reduction test. 4) Resazurin reduction test
5) Millovanov’s resistance test (R-test ). 6) Catalase test.
7) Oxygen utilization test.
Appearance: Translucent few spermatozoa
Uniform and opaque high sperm conc.
curdy appearance reproductive infections.
Colour :bull semen is milky or creamy white
appearance and colour have correlation with the sperm conc.
in the semen samples.
Extremely rapid waves and eddies. It is difficult to
trace the origin and disappearance of the waves. Nearly Very
100% of the spermatozoa are motile. good
+ ++ +
The waves and eddies are comparatively not so rapid.
The swirls are observes to move towards the +++ good
extremities. Nearly about 90 % of the sperms are
The waves and eddies are slowly moving and are
scattered in the field. About 50-80 % of the sperm are ++ fair
Individual motility: the percentage of progressively
motile sperm present in the semen sample.
Types of motility:-
1. Progressive, rectilinear motility where sperm are
moving rapidly in straight forward direction.
2. Forward circling motility due to defect in middle
piece and tail.
3. Reverse circling motility.
4. Oscillatory or pendulatory and jerky motility.
The progressively motile sperm cells of bull may
cover a distance of 100-120 micron in one second.
The individual motility rating is done as follows.
Motile cells. Descriptive value. Numerical value.
80 – 100 % Very good 5
60 – 80 % good 4
40 – 60 % fair 3
20 – 40 % poor 2
0 – 20 % very poor 1
Hydrogen ion concentration ( pH) :
pH of semen of different species are:
Bull - 6.2 – 7.5 ( 6.8 )
Ram/Buck - 6.2 - 7.0 ( 6.8 )
Dog - 6.0 - 6.8 ( 6.7 )
Boar - 7.0 – 7.8 ( 7.4 )
Stallion - 7.0 – 7.8 ( 7.4 )
Man - 7.2 – 8.0
Concentration or Density of spermatozoa: