Biochemistry & Genetics: II SHS 109: Resource Person: DR Tanveer Akbar Reference Text

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Biochemistry & Genetics : II

SHS 109

Resource Person: Dr Tanveer Akbar

Reference Text:
Semester: II (Fall 2014)

Introduction to the formation of complex

biomolecules from simple inorganic

Study of cell and main structural features of

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
Cell - The basic unit of
Abundance of important
elements on earth relative to
Element Abundance in Organisms
Hydrogen 80-250
Carbon 1,000
Nitrogen 60-300
Oxygen 500-800
Sodium 10-20
Magnesium 2-8
Phosphorus 8-50
Sulphur 4-20
Potassium 6-40
Calcium 25-50
Manganese 0.25-0.8
Iron 0.25-0.8
Formation of Biomolecules
from simple precursors
Chemical composition of
human body

Human body constitutes of various

elements that combine to form
Levels of Structural
organization in Human Body
Most Biologically important

• Carbon
• Oxygen
• Hydrogen
• Nitrogen
• Phosphorus
• Sulpher
Biochemical composition of
Human body
Normal chemical composition of
a man weighing 65 kg
Biomolecules Kg Percent
Proteins 11 17.0

Fats 09 13.8

Carbohydrates 01 1.5

Water 40 61.6

Minerals 04 6.1

Total body water is roughly 50 to 60%

of body weight in adults
Life –From simple to complex

An Example!
Stages in the evolution of a
system or the levels of
complexity, of self-
replicating RNA molecules
RNAs can self-replicate
Syntheses of several RNAs
from one RNA
The Vital importance of
cell membrane in the
origin of life
The Vital importance of cell
membrane in the origin of life
Without Compartments
Compartmentalization by Cell

The cell is the basic unit of biology.

It was established as fundamental unit of

biologic activity by Schleiden &
Types of Cells
PRO-Before, KARYON-Nucleus
Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus
(Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms)

EU-True, KARYON-Nucleus
Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus
(Eukaryotes can be multi-cellular
or unicellular)
Main difference between
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell
The main difference between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the
existence of organelles especially the
nucleus, in eukaryotes.
An organelle is a part of the cell
that has a distinct function; it is
surrounded by its own membrane
within the cell
Prokaryote Cell
Structural features
prokaryotic cell
Arrangement of hereditary material
in prokaryotic cell

DNA of Prokaryotic
cell is concentrated in
‘Nuclear region”

Electron microscope image of E. Coli

Cell membrane

The only membrane present in the

prokaryotic cell

Separates cell from the outside world

Consists of double layer of lipid molecules

and proteins
The fluid portion outside
the nuclear region

Also called ribonucleoprotein particles
Made up of RNA and Protein
Sites of protein synthesis

Cell Wall:
Present in bacterial cells
Provides protection
Comparison between
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Characteristic Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Nucleus Absent Present

Cell membranes Present Present

Membrane bound Absent Present
organelles e.g mitochondria,
ER, Golgi
Comparison between Prokaryotic
and Eukaryotic Cells
Characteristic Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Cytoskeleton Absent Present
Complex with
filaments etc

Genome DNA with no DNA complexed

histone protein with histone &
non histone
proteins in

Chromosomes circular Linear

Comparison between Prokaryotic
and Eukaryotic Cells
Characteristic Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Cell Division Fission or Mitosis
budding, no including mitotic
mitosis spindle,
centrioles in
many species

Size Small Large

(1-3μm) (10-100μm)
Eukaryotic Cell

Animal cell

Plant cell
Human Cell
Structural features of
Surrounded by nuclear double membrane
called nuclear envelope

Contains nucleolus, rich in RNA

RNA is transported to the cytoplasm through

pores in the nuclear envelope

Contains chromatin, an aggregate of

DNA and protein
The nucleus of tobacco leaf
Almost 1 μm in diameter and 2-8 μm in length

Inner membrane folded (Cristae)

Space within inner membrane called matrix

Power house of the cell, oxidation process yields energy

Also contain ribosome and some DNA, different from

that found in nucleus
Mouse Liver mitochondria
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Membranous structure

Attached to the cell membrane and

nuclear membrane

Occurs in two forms: rough and smooth

Rough ER has ribosomes bound to it

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
from mouse liver cells
Golgi apparatus:

series of membranous sacs

involved in secretion of proteins from the cell

site in the cell in which sugars are linked

to other cellular components, such as proteins
Golgi apparatus from
mammalian cells

Membrane enclosed sacs

Contain hydrolytic enzymes

These enzymes breakdown

the target molecules
Contains enzyme catalase

Responsible for the metabolism

of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

Only found in plant cells

contain the enzymes that

catalyze the glyoxylate
Glyoxylate cycle
a pathway that converts lipids to

Connected to all organelles

Maintain the infrastructure of the Cell

Cell Membrane:
Separates the cell from outside world

Consists of double layer of lipids with several

type of proteins embedded in it

Responsible for the transport of material across

the cell
Basic structure of an animal
cell membrane
Similarities among Cells
Cells are also amazingly similar they are
self contained units surrounded by a
membrane that separates them from their
environment & they are all composed of
same types of molecules.
Come to
(atleast 80%
of times)

your chances to
success might
The main difference between
prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
cell is the existence of:

Plasma membrane
Cell Wall
The powerhouse of the cell is:

• Nucleus
• Endoplasmic Reticulum
• Cell membrane
• Mitochondria
In a Eukaryotic cell, DNA is
present in:
a) Nucleus
b) Mitochondria
c) Endoplasmic reticulum
d) Both a & b
Peroxisomes are responsible
for the metabolism of :

a) Hydrogen peroxide
b) Hydrolytic enzymes
c) Hydrogen monooxide
d) All of the above
If your attendance of lectures
less than 80%:
1) Your degree will be posted to your house
2) You will be awarded scholarship to
study abroad
3) You will struggle to understand lecture
and might not as well allowed to sit in
final exam
Text Books and References

Biochemistry-5th ed- Campbell & Farrel

Basic Medical Biochemistry- A clinical approach

, 2nd E Mark

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