Debate Skills

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Main Points

 What is a debate?
 Why debate?
 What skills are


What is Debate?

 A formalmethod of presenting arguments in

support and against a given issue in which
debaters present reasons and evidence to
persuade an audience or a group of judges

 Governed by some explicit rules

What is Debate?
Common terms
 Resolution: a simple statement that is
subjected to critical analysis.
 Affirmative team: supporting the resolution
(‘pro’ side)
 Negative team: opposing the arguments
offered by the affirmative team and offering
arguments against the resolution (‘con’ side)
 Rebuttal: explaining why one team disagrees
with the other team
 Judge: neutral third party, decides which side
is most persuasive
One Debate Structure
 Speech 1: first affirmative speaker introduces the topic and states the
affirmative team's first argument.
 Speech 2: first negative speaker states their first argument.
 Speech 3: second affirmative speaker states their second argument.
 Speech 4: second negative speaker states their second argument.
 Give a 5-10 minute break for each team to prepare their rebuttal
 Speech 5: negative team states two rebuttals for the affirmative
team's two arguments and summarizes their own two reasons.
 Speech 6: affirmative team states two rebuttals for the negative
team's two arguments and summarizes their own two reasons.

Why Debate?

 “Honestdisagreement is often a
good sign of progress” 
Mahatma Gandhi

Why Debate?
 To provide meaningful listening, speaking,
writing practice
 To develop argumentation skills for persuasive
speech and writing
 To increase social skills and conflict resolution
 To enhance self-esteem and academic
 To lead to competitive success in the future

What Skills are Needed?
 Public  Researching
speaking  Writing
 Critical  Listening
thinking  Teamwork and
 Note taking people skills
 Organizing

Giving Support for Your Reasons

Support consists of evidence. There’re

four kinds of evidence
 Examples
 Common sense
 Expert opinions
 Statistics

Rebuttal/ Refutation

 Repeat the argument you’re going to


 Refute – explain what is wrong with

other team’s argument

 Replacethe argument with your

Critical Thinking
 thinking about how you think
 process of asking, answering questions

and trying to understand how and why

you come to the conclusions
 in debate: plan what to say, anticipate

other team’s response, think of an

argument to counter other team’s
Skills to Become a Better
Critical Thinker
 Compare viewpoints of other people to
your own ones
 Find ways to ask questions that apply to
many perspectives
 Understand why some statements are
correct, others are not
 Understand how problem solving works
 Establish criteria for making judgments
 Present arguments in a constructive
way… 12
Sample Practice
 Select a topic
 Choose a side: affirmative >< negative
 Discuss in your team:
 arguments,
 possible counter-arguments
 and find a way to refute them
 Start the debate
 Listen to the other team’s arguments
 Take notes
 Prepare to refute their arguments

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