CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mohindergarh
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mohindergarh
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mohindergarh
Weather: Total rainfall received was 371.1 mm. The maximum rainfall (113.8 mm)
was recorded in the month of July. Av. Maximum temperature (42.7 0 C) was
recorded in the month of June and Av. Minimum temperature (7.9 0 C) was recorded
in December.
S. No. Title Number of Area
farmers (ha)
Assessment of performance of pearlmillet hybrid HHB-299 under 03 1.2
irrigated conditions.
2. Assessment of Ferrous sulphate application on pearlmillet yield . 02 0.8
Performance Indicator
No. of Effective % increase Returns BC Ratio
Assessed Days to maturity Av. Yield (q/ha)
tillers/ plant (Rs/ha)
Farmers’ Hybrid
1.57 63 18.6 - 22390 1.87
HHB-299 1.83 70 22.4 20.4 32180 2.26
Performance Indicator
Net Returns
Technology Assessed % increase BC Ratio
Pods/ plant (No.) Av. Yield (q/ha) (Rs/ha)
Performance Indicator
Net Returns
Technology Assessed % increase BC Ratio
Branches/ plant (No.) Av. Yield (q/ha) (Rs/ha)
260-300 12-13 4.0 19.0 - 53820 2.82
RH-0749 220-240 15-16 6.0 16.9 - 47175 2.72
Performance Indicator
Net Returns
Technology Assessed % increase BC Ratio
Test wt. (g) Av. Yield (q/ha) (Rs/ha)
Performance Indicator
Net Returns
Technology Assessed % increase BC Ratio
Branches/ plant (No.) Av. Yield (q/ha) (Rs/ha)
Out Come : Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @ 4.0 ml/kg seed provided better control of termite for
longer period.
Season Crop Area (ha)
Allocated Conducted
A. Oilseeds
Rabi 2018-19 Mustard 60.0 60.0
Kharif – 2019 Sesame 30.0 30.0
B. Pulse Crops
Kharif – 2018 Greengram 30.0 30.0
Rabi 2018-19 Chickpea 20.0 20.0
C. Others
Rabi 2018-19 Wheat 28.0 28.0
Results of FLDs (Kharif 2019)
Technology Demonstrated: Crop : Sesame
Improved Variety (RT-351)
Seed treatment with Thiram (3g/kg seed) Distt. Av. Yield – 4.2 q/ha
Weed Management with Pre-em. application of pendimethalin State Av. Yield – 3.5 q/ha
3.3 ltr/ha
Balanced use of fertilizers (40 kg N + 15 kg P 2O5 + 40 kg S / ha) Previous crop: Wheat/
Management of jassid and leaf folder (Malathion @ 500 ml / ha) Musard
I. Incidence of chaffer beetle (oxycetonia bycolor) was reported.
II. Incidence of blight disease was not reported in var. RT-351 of Sesame grown in demonstration plots
and therefore liked by the farmers.
Results of CFLDs (Rabi 2018-19)
Crop – Mustard Previous Crop – Pearlmillet /
Technology Demonstrated:
Improved variety RH – 725
Balanced use of fertilizers – (80 kg N + 30 kg P2O5+ 20 Kg K2O + 25 kg ZnSO4 + 40kg S/ ha
+Bio fertilizers)
Pre-em. application of pendimethalin @ 3.3 ltr/ha and Post emg. application of
Glyphosate@62.5 and 125 ml / ha at 30 & 60 DAS for weed management.
Foliar application of bavistin (0.1 %) at 45 and 60 DAS for stem rot management.
Improvement in knowledge of
extension functionaries about
latest improved technologies.
The extension functionaries have
been able to address farmers
problems effectively.
Effective transfer of technology
S. No. Title Date/ Month No. of
A. Crop Production
1. Production technology of fodder crops 22.02.2019 30
25.02.2019 30
2. Castor production technology 02.03.2019 60
3. Production technology of mustard 14.10.2019 35
15.10.2019 40
4. Weed management of wheat 18.12.2019 15
B. Soil Health
1. Role of potassium in field crops 22.01.2019 60
2. Use of bio fertilizers in agriculture 23.01.2019 60
C. Plant Protection
1. Safe and judicious use of pesticides 16.08.2019 60
2. Seed treatment in Chickpea 16.10.2019 30
3. Seed treatment in Wheat 05.11.2019 70
S.No. Title Date/ Month No. of
D. Home Science
1. Value addition and processing of pearlmillet 12.07.2019 50
Education Illiterate Read and Primary High Highe Graduation 4. Trainings undergone
Write School r Sec. and above
Number 8 2 14 47 17 12 Trainings Undergone Yes No
(%) Number (%) 15 85
7. Livestock :
Live stock holding Local cattle Cross breed cattle Buffalo Goat Sheep Poultry Birds Duck Any others
Number (%) 12 13 70 2 0 1 0 2
Cropping Pattern:
Crops Variety Area (ha) Productivity (q/ha)
A. Kharif Pioneer 86M88
1. Pearlmillet Dhaanya 7792 55% 15-25
Pro agro9444
2. Cotton RCH-602
US-51 27% 10-30
Bio Seeds 6588
Doctor Seeds
Kaveri Money makers
3.Clusterbean HG-563 14% 8-12
4. Others Vegetable crops 4% -
B. Rabi Pioneer 45S46 62 % 18-25
1. Mustard Coral – 432
2. Wheat WH – 711/ 1105 35 % 35-55
PBW – 343/502/550
3. Others Vegetables 3% -
Livestock: The buffalo is the main milch animal domesticated by the farmers. Graded Murrah is the
main breed reared by the farmers. However some farmers (20%) rear cattle for milch purposes.
Financial Capital of different landholdings
Size of Landholding
Action plan for Doubling Farmers Income
1. Issue : Small land holding owing to low income
90 % farmers are in marginal and small category and experience Rs. 10K- 13K income/ month .
Strategy: Adoption of Integrated farming.
a. Dairy farming
Expected Outcome:
Small Dairy (3 to 9 milch animals) – Rs. 2.0 – 2.5 lakh/ year
Hi-tech Dairy (10 to 50 milch animals) – Rs. 10 – 15 lakh/ Year
b. Bee Keeping:
Expected Outcome: Rs. 30K / unit of ten boxes/ year
c. Vegetable Cultivation
Expected Outcome: Rs. 3.0 - 5.0 lakh/ ha/ year
d. Value addition of Cereals, Vegetables and Milk
Expected Outcome: Rs. 50K – 60K / year
2. Issue : Livestock enterprise less profitable
Rearing of poor productive breeds of cattle and buffalo.
Imbalance feeding practices
Lack of knowledge about value addition of milk.
Rearing of improved breeds of buffalo and cattle for better productivity.
Adoption of improved feeding practices.
Value addition of milk and milk products.
Action plan for Doubling Farmers Income
NARI programme
1. Objective: To link agriculture with nutrition so that nutrition sensitive
agriculture may be promoted.
Activity Undertaken:
a. Promoted Bio-fortified variety of pearlmillet HHB-299 through FLDs.
Activity Undertaken:
On Campus training (One) for farm women on Household food security by Nutri – garden.
Off campus training (Five) programmes on different aspects of nutri – garden.
Frontline demonstrations (200 vegetable seed kits)on health improvement through nutri – garden.
Campaign on Nutri garden.
NARI Programme
To link agriculture with nutrition so that nutrition sensitive agriculture may be promoted.
Date Trainings conducted Venue Participants
Promotion of Poshan Vatika and
Value added products of pearl millet
distribution of Vegetable Seed 27.2.2019 Nanwan 25
Pkts (100 Rabi & 100 Kharif) 9.4.2019 Intercultural operations in Poshan vatika Shampura 38
under FLDs 21.9.2019 Layout and preparation of Poshan Vatika Riwasa 30
Nutrigarden: Layout and intercultural operations
2.10.2019 On campus 33
Establishment of demonstration
unit on Poshan Vatika at KVK 5.10.2019
Establishment of Nutrition Garden for school
Bawania 45
14.11.2019 Vitamin A rich recipes Nanwan 25
15.11.2019 Preparation of Vitamin Rich recipes Shampura 25
Health Camp
40 rural women and adolescent AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS UNDER NARI
01-07.09.2019 National 04 Shampura, Dewas, Sihore Riwasa Barkoda, 125
girls underwent diagnostic check
Nutrition Malra Bass & AWCs at Mahendergarh city
up for Hb count, Blood Week
Pressure, Body Weight 14-24.05.2019 Nutrition 06 Mirzapur, Shampura, Dewas, Sihore Riwasa 200
Gardening Barkoda, Malra Bass
Dissemination of District and Block level weather based Agromet Advisory Bulletins
• Based on the biweekly medium range weather forecast input by using Agromet-Decision Support System (DSS) by IMD (MoES) every
Tuesday and Friday, and the local cropping situations
• Dissemination modes (SMS Whats app, news paper, email etc.) and web-pages:
Farmers Awareness Programmes (FAPs) & Meghdoot App
Activities Date Village/Block No. of Farmers
No. of clusters formed No. of Farmers registered Area covered (Ha) No. of clusters in which Name of crops which are
organic production produced organically in
started clusters
2 20 20 2 Wheat
2 42 6 71 3 104 1 20
Doubling Farmer Income Programme
Village: Dewas Block: Mahendergarh
A model of Integrated Farming System and self-employment generation for sustainable income
• CFLD on Oilseed (mustard crop ) - 26 farmers fields (10.4 ha.)
• FLD on wheat crop - 15 farmers fields
• FLD on Nutrition gardening - 20 plots
• Capacity Building of 10 Youth on Vermi-composting Enterprise under ARYA Project