Group 9 Presentation: Manufacturing Systems Assignment 1

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Describe the various software modules that make up the FMS
software. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
modular software design.
FMS Software
• FMS software is an invisible element, that drives the FMS, which has two levels of
software required for FMS to run:
1. Operating system software- the highest level, computer manufacturer specific, and
executes supervisory control over the application software.
2. Application Software- developed and supplied by the system supplier and includes all the
FMS specific programs and routines.
• It is composed of several modules.
• Each module is made up of a series of computer programs and routines relating to
various functions performed within the system.
• FMS software drives the entire system, calling various equipment to action
through command driven operator or and system manager input.
FMS Software Modules
Work order

Distribution Tool
and management

System Traffic and
Diagnostics material-
and handling
Maintenance management


All these individually developed modules interact together to run the entire system.
Work Order Processing Module
• The primary functions are work piece production schedules and
processing sequencing.
• All processing steps must be listed in sequential order and the
resources to be utilized such as part programs, cutting tools, and
Work Order Processing Module
• Define an individual work order to the FMS and describe its station processing sequence
• Initiate entry and exit of workpieces within the system
• Reserve system resources to ensure production and completion of in process work orders
• Start and stop processing of work orders in response to changing production requirements,
bottlenecked machine groups or machine breakdown situations
• Establish and control multiple Workpiece processing sequences and priorities for parts
completing for the same resource at the same time.
• Permit alternate routing creation and system entering for parts due to changing production
requirements or catastrophic failures.
• Collect and report current and historic information regarding completed and in-process work.
• Interact with various other FMS software modules to provide for Workpiece movement and
delivery and other resources availability and allocation
Data Distribution and Collection Module
• This module basically sends data to and receives data from the
machine control units.
• The primary function to retrieve NC data from FMS computer disk
storage and transfer it to requesting machine control unit as required.
Data Distribution and Collection Module
• Storage and retrieval of specific or cumulative cutting tool, machine tool, or other data
collection information.
• To allow only authorized access to NC data files, and protection for the integrity of the
data in the system.
• Data manipulation, prioritization, and file management capabilities for NC data transfer.
• Real time status of system resources and management report information; which show
the current status of the system with respect to production, tooling and other system
resource for short-term management decision-making.
• Send messages from a terminal or MCU in the system to any or all terminal in the system
• Uploading of APT source files from a remote site via the RJE option and transmission of
the post processed NC output back to the FMS computer for storage and later use.
• Logging of all system transactions along with time of day and user
System Diagnostics and Maintenance Module
• This module provides diagnostics for scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance and troubleshooting of system components.
• In some cases the menu driven sequence of diagnostic and recovery
instructions is displayed to the system manager in the event of
catastrophic failure or
System Diagnostics and Maintenance Module
• Collect data stored at the MCUs to maintain a historical maintenance and cumulative run time
• Inform the system manager of regularly scheduled preventive maintenance for all system
• Notify the system manager when tool failure occur
• Detect and identify system failures, and notify the system manager when a failure is detected.
• Verify specific failure through comparison using library of diagnostic programs
• Communicate via telephone line with a vendors computers or remote diagnostic capabilities.
• Monitor the FMS equipment using feedback sensors in the material handling system and
processing stations.
• Maintain up to date program libraries and diagnostic routines for maintenance and trouble
shooting of system components and facilities.
Planning Scheduling and Simulation Module
• This module provides the user with the capability to do production
planning and workpiece scheduling in advance of actual due dates
and to simulate the results.
• It provides for the selection and designation of system resources.
Planning Scheduling and Simulation Module
• Provide predictable results of work order processing based on prior definition of production
requirements and needed system resources.
• Provide the capability to assign operation sequences and tooling for processing operations on
the various workstations in FMS.
• Simulate the results of production load situations based on input of work order release times,
pallet allocation.
• Verify that existing or proposed production schedules will achieve the required throughput and
• Display system element utilization levels and provide production capacity data.
• Determine the most efficient workpiece batching and scheduling strategies
• Ensure the availability of system resources to achieve the expected production rates
• Obtain useful simulated results quickly by modeling the system under load conditions and
analyzing its performance
Quality Control Management Module
• This module provides the capability to collect, store, retrieve, and
archive workpiece inspection data.
• Current machine tool cutting data are compared with workpiece
specification, any deviation outside the part tolerance band will direct
a message to the system manager and cause resultant action to
Quality Control Management Module
• Control and direct the CMM and compare inspection results with previously input
workpiece tolerance specifications; so created programs are uploaded to FMS
computer for storage and retrieval.
• Check that machining stations are processing parts to required specifications
• Identify the specific part, call for a download of the appropriate inspection program to
the CMM, and initiate the measuring cycle.
• Store and archive inspection data, prepare the measurement report, and notify the
FMS computer of the completion of measurement cycle.
• Ensure that only recent inspection program is stored on the FMS computer to avoid
the risk of downloading a previous version.
• Associate each measuring program which the correct workpiece and specific routing
subprogram for matching when retrieval is initiated.
Tool Management Module
• This module is responsible for storing, managing, and updating cutting
tool data files.
• It provides the capability to assign the necessary tooling to the
various processing stations in the system
• It also allows for entering, in advance, the associated data for
required tooling, along with the ability to transport and load that
tooling at the designated machine tools.
Tool Management Module
• Store, manage and update tool data files containing tooling data, which typically consists of tool length,
cutter diameter compensation, feed rate and spindle override information. And tool cycle time
• Add new tool assemblies and tool groups to the system.
• Delete completed tool groups or time expired tool assemblies from the system.
• Authorize tool movement to and fro from the work stations
• Display, via system terminal, the compete list of tools for a specific part program
• Display specific tool or tool group’s status information.
• Search the tool data file for specific tool groups or tool assemblies.
• Automatically enter tool data from tool gauging equipments.
• Permit editing of tooling data by authorized users
• Address and identify the specific machine tool and tool pockets that hold each tool
• Identify the pockets in each machine tool matrix from which tool has been exchanged.
Traffic Management and Control Module
• This module monitors the movement of tools and palletized
workpieces between processing, parking, and load-unload station in a
• It accepts signals from other software modules and initiates timely
action of the material handling system.
• These consists of machine tools, queuing carrousels, load unload
stations, wash stations, battery recharge stations, gauging and
inspection stations.
Traffic Management and Control Module
• Issue commands to move tools and palletized workpieces between the
various stations in the FMS.
• Control an AGV’s registration, positioning, and lift mechanism via
sensors for pallet pickup and delivery.
• Track and maintain current and historical part, pallet, and tool
movement data between processing parking stations and load stations.
• Provide overall supervisory control of all AGVs in the material handling
• Provide operating personnel with software input commands to control
AGV traffic
i. Permits “Phased Installation”, allowing the user to begin using the
system while some portions are still in the development, testing, or
implementing mode.
ii. Permits simultaneous efforts as software is segmented saving time
iii. Quicker and easier tracing and pinpointing for problem
iv. Easier modification as one module at a time can be dealt with
v. Safety benefits as problem on one module may not affect other
i. Due to a short timeline, expenses made up front are too high.
ii. It requires early planning, designing, and purchasing hence may
require a lot of resources and development process can be

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