Syllogism 1
Syllogism 1
Syllogism 1
Topic : Syllogism
The first noun in the given statement.
The last noun in the given statement.
Middle Term:
The common noun in the given 2 statements.
The given statement
The answer statement
Syllogism Types
ALL ( All Subjects are Predicates)
Subject – Papers
Predicate – Pens
Type – All
All √ X
Some X X
No √ √
Some Not X √
Hints: No Conclusion
Some – Some
No – No
3. The term which is distributed in the premises must be distributed in the conclusion.
4. The term which is Non distributed in the premises must be Non distributed in the
Conversion Table:
Premises Conversion
given Conclusion.
Syllogism Using Venn Diagram
GO ONE BY ONE. Understand it. Then go to the next one. Make sure you are
Believe Me. It’s very simple. It is not ROCKET SCIENCE. :-)
The first step is to make a Venn diagram. Second step is deriving the conclusion.