Romantic Love and Intimacy in Relationships
Romantic Love and Intimacy in Relationships
Romantic Love and Intimacy in Relationships
Intimacy in Relationships
The Psychology of Women:
UCF: W. Steven Saunders, Psy.D.
History of Romantic Love
• Unreciprocated love
• Obsessive relational
Star Crossed Lovers
Tristan & Iseult
the star crossed lovers archetype fits into the story of Tristan and Iseult
in a couple of different ways. The first way is that their love is forbidden
because Iseult is married to Tristan’s uncle, King Mark of Cornwall. In one
of the common versions of Tristan and Iseult (not shown in the movie)
Tristan and Insults' paths only crossed because they each drank a love
potion that made them fall in love. If not for that, their destinies would not
have been interrupted and their stars would not have been crossed. The
second way the star crossed lovers archetype fits into the story of Tristan
and Iseult is that they both die in the end. “And out of her breast there grew
a red rose. And out of his breast a brier.” ~Ballad of Lord Lovel
The relationship Tristan and Iseult had with the people around them was
very distorted and disloyal. For example, King Marc was Tristan's’ uncle
yet Tristan was sleeping with King Marcs’ wife, Iseult. And Iseult was
married to King Marc, but she was having an affair with one of his knights,
w the Tristan and Iseult’s favorite class would be creative writing because they
kn ne
T o are really good at coming up with creative ways to hide their affair.
ue of o sk the
val ent, a Lovers whose relationship is doomed to
mom s torn fail are said to be “star-crossed” (frustrated me o
love t.”
by the stars), because those who believe in R t
r astrology claim that the stars control
Juli and
human destiny. tan
The Vampire
•The Vampire is a mythic creature associated The first story I read was
with both blood-sucking and eroticism. about a Serbian Peasant, Peter
Vampires require blood, which they get by Plogojowitz, who lived in Kisilova
biting the neck of their victims during a and was believed to be a
nocturnal visit. The female victim has been
portrayed in the paradoxical circumstances of
vampire. After he died people
wanting to repel the Vampire while at the allegedly saw his corpse walking
same time welcoming the erotic nature of the around the village. They decided
connection. to exhume his body and they
•Symbolically, this relationship speaks of the found that he had no decayed.
power dynamics that frequently drive male-
female relationships, in which the male drains the
Believing he was a vampire they
power of the female for his own psychic survival, staked him in the heart and he
and, once bitten, the female submits even though was seen on more.
this will eventually take all of her power. (In
some relationships, of course, the roles can easily The second story I read was
become reversed.)
almost identical to the first. An
ex solider was attacked by a
vampire. He had found a way to
ward the vampire off but not to
"I had seen my becoming a vampire in two reverse the curse. He later died
but the same things happened in
lights: The first light was simply his village. In one week four
people died. They exhumed his
enchantment... But the other light was my body and staked him also.