Family Nursing Process

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Is a systematic approach to assess the health needs,

analyze, identify health problems and their solutions by
using the Family Nursing Care Plan as applied to the family
in the community
Family Nursing Care Plan (FNCP)

Is defined as a guide or framework of nursing care

designed to provide ways in solving health-related
problems of the family as a whole.

Implementations/ Interventions
Happens on the first
and succeeding home
visits. Making
objective observation
can be coupled with
subjective statements
by each family
Identify both
actual and
potential client

 Prioritization
must be
 Formulation of goals
and objectives.

 Encourage and
permit client’s to
make their own
health management
 Objective/s must be
the guidelines in
making nursing
interventions including
health teachings,
coordinates and uses
referrals and resources,
provides and monitors
all levels of technical
care or skills (BP taking
and wound care etc.)
Determining step
whether the goals and
EVALUATION objectives have been
met or not.

 Documentation of
care given and the
client’s progress
toward goal
 A tool to facilitate the process of
defining family health nursing
problems, a classification system of
family health nursing problems.
 it utilizes Family Nursing Assessment
 It involves a set of actions
FAMILY by which the nurse
NURSING determines the status of
ASSESSMENT the family as a client, the
ability to maintain
wellness, prevent, control
or resolve problems in
order to achieve health
and well being among its

 Includes data collection,

data analysis, formulation
of family nursing
 2 Types of Family Nursing Assessment
I. First Level Assessment II. Second Level Assessment

 Identifies the nature or

 The process of determining type of nursing problems
existing and potential the family experiences in
health conditions or the performance of their
problems of the family. health tasks with respect
to a certain health
condition or health
 It specified the measures
that the family did NOT

I. Presence of Wellness Condition

 Stated as “Potential” or “Readiness”; a clinical or nursing
judgment about a client in transition from a specific level
of wellness or capability to a higher level.
Example of Wellness Condition:

A. Wellness Potential – is a nursing judgment

on wellness state but NO EXPLICIT
EXPRESSION of client desire.

B. Readiness for enhanced wellness state – is

a judgment on wellness state based on current
competencies and performance, clinical data and
explicit expression of desire to achieve higher
level of functioning or state.
Health Threats
II. Presence of Health Threats

Are conditions that are conducive to disease,

accident or failure.
Examples: Family size beyond family resources
can adequately provide, Faulty/Unhealthy Nutritional
Habit, Accident/Fire Hazards, Poor
Home/environmental Condition/Sanitation,
Unsanitary Food Handling and Preparation,
Unhealthy Lifestyle and Personal Habits
Health Deficits
III. Presence of Health Deficits

Are instances of failure in health


Examples: Illness states, regardless of

whether is diagnosed or undiagnosed,
Failure to Thrive/ Develop according to
normal rate, Disability
IV. Presence of Stress Points/ Foreseeable Crisis

Are anticipated periods of unusual demand on the

individual or family in terms of adjustment/ family

 Examples: Marriage, Pregnancy, Parenthood, Loss

of Job, Entrance at school, Chronic Illness,
Hospitalization, Death of a family member,
Resettlement in a new community
1. Inability to recognize the presence of the
condition or problem
2. Inability to make decisions with respect to
taking the appropriate health action
3. Inability to provide nursing care to the sick,
disabled, dependent or vulnerable/ at-risk
member of the family
4. Inability to provide a home environment
conducive to health maintenance and
personal development.
5. Inability to utilize community resources for
health care.
1. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or
problem related to:
A. Lack of or inadequate knowledge
B. Denial about its existence or severity as a result
of fear of consequences of diagnosis of problem,
Social-stigma, loss of respect of peer/significant others
Economic/cost implications
Physical consequences
Emotional/psychological issues/concerns
C. Attitude/Philosophy in life, which hinders
recognition/acceptance of a problem
D. Others. Specify _________
2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking the
appropriate health action related to:
A. Failure to comprehend the nature/magnitude of the
B. Low salience of the problem/condition
C. Feeling of confusion, helplessness and/or resignation brought
about by perceive magnitude/severity of the situation or problem,
i.e. failure to break down problems into manageable
units of attack.
D. Lack of/inadequate knowledge/insight as to alternative courses
of action open to them
E. Inability to decide which action to take from among a list of
F. Conflicting opinions among family members/significant others
regarding action to take.
G. Lack of/inadequate knowledge of community resources for care
H. Fear of consequences of action, specifically:
Social consequences
Economic consequences
Physical consequences
Emotional/psychological consequences
I. Negative attitude towards the health condition or problem-by
negative attitude is meant one that interferes with rational
J. In accessibility of appropriate resources for care, specifically:
Physical Inaccessibility
Costs constraints or economic/financial inaccessibility
K. Lack of trust/confidence in the health personnel/agency
L.  Misconceptions or erroneous information about proposed
course(s) of action
M. Others specify._________
3. Inability to provide nursing care to the sick, disabled,
dependent or vulnerable/ at-risk member of the family
related to:
A. Lack of/inadequate knowledge about the
disease/health condition (nature, severity,
complications, prognosis and management)
B. Lack of/inadequate knowledge about child
development and care
C. Lack of/inadequate knowledge of the nature or extent
of nursing care needed
D. Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and
supplies of care
E. Lack of/inadequate knowledge or skill in carrying out the
necessary intervention or treatment/procedure of care (i.e.
complex therapeutic regimen or healthy lifestyle program).
F. Inadequate family resources of care specifically:
Absence of responsible member
Financial constraints
Limitation of luck/lack of physical resources
G. Significant persons unexpressed feelings (e.g. hostility/anger,
guilt, fear/anxiety, despair, rejection) which his/her capacities to
provide care.
H. Philosophy in life which negates/hinder caring for the sick,
disabled, dependent, vulnerable/at risk member
I. Member’s preoccupation with on concerns/interests
J. Prolonged disease or disabilities, which exhaust supportive
capacity of family members.
K. Altered role performance, specify.
Role denials or ambivalence, Role strain, Role dissatisfaction, Role
conflict, Role confusion, Role overload
L. Others. Specify._________
4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to
health maintenance and personal development related
A. Inadequate family resources specifically:
Financial constraints/limited financial resources
Limited physical resources-e.i. lack of space to construct facility
B. Failure to see benefits (specifically long term ones) of
investments in home environment improvement
C. Lack of/inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene
and sanitation
D. Lack of/inadequate knowledge of preventive measures
E. Lack of skill in carrying out measures to improve home
F. Ineffective communication pattern within the family
G. Lack of supportive relationship among family members
H. Negative attitudes/philosophy in life which is not
conducive to health maintenance and personal
I. Lack of adequate competencies in relating to each
other for mutual growth and maturation
Example: reduced ability to meet the physical and
psychological needs of other members as a result
of family’s preoccupation with current problem or
J. Others specify._________
5. Inability to utilize community resources for health care
related to: .
A. Lack of/inadequate knowledge of community
resources for health care
B. Failure to perceive the benefits of health care/services
C. Lack of trust/confidence in the agency/personnel
D. Previous unpleasant experience with health worker
E. Fear of consequences of action (preventive, diagnostic,
therapeutic, rehabilitative) specifically :
Physical/psychological consequences
Financial consequences
Social consequences
F. Unavailability of required care/services
G. Inaccessibility of required services due to:
Cost constraints
Physical inaccessibility
H. Lack of or inadequate family resources, specifically
Manpower resources, e.g. baby sitter
Financial resources, cost of medicines prescribe
I. Feeling of alienation to/lack of support from the community
e.g. stigma due to mental illness, AIDS, etc.
J. Negative attitude/ philosophy in life which hinders
effective/maximum utilization of community resources for
health care
K. Others, specify __________

Health condition/ Supporting Data/ Family Nursing

problem Cues Problem

1. Presence of Health Spread of scabies among Presence of poor lifestyle

Threats: family members that and personal habits as a
Unhealthy lifestyle started with one family health threat:
practices and personal member only 1. Inability to provide a
habits specifically home environment
poor personal hygiene. conducive to health
maintenance and
contracting the disease and

Health condition/ Supporting Data/ Family Nursing

problem Cues Problem

Presence of scabies as a health

2. Presence of health The head of the family deficit:
deficits: Scabies verbalized,“Lima na kabulan 1. Inability to decide about
  na ga antos kami sg ka katol making appropriate health
bag-o na check sg doctor” action due to failure to
  comprehend the magnitude of
Presence of scabies among all the problem.
family members 2. Inability to provide
  adequate nursing care to the
sick members of the family
due to lack of knowledge
about the disease 'nature,
severity, complication,
prognosis and management.

Health condition/ Supporting Data/ Family Nursing

problem Cues Problem

3. Presence of Health Three family lives together Presence of big family size
Threats: in one house a total of as a health threat:
Family size beyond members where only
what family members are working and 1. Inability to provide
resources. are not gaining enough to a home environment
meet basic needs conducive to health
  maintenance and personal
  development due to
a limited financial

1. Assess the Goal partially met.

Inability to provide After nursing family’s level of After _ weeks of
a home intervention understanding nursing
environment regarding the intervention the
conducive to the family will problem family acquired
health be able to: Identified. sufficient
maintenance R/T identify the 2.Establish knowledge and
lack of knowledge different way rapport from the understand the
about proper family. importance of
disposal of of proper 3.Demonstrate practicing the
garbage disposal of proper ways on proper method of
garbage how to segregate waste disposal.
Objective Cues: waste
 Garbage 4. Encourage
scattered family to clean
everywhere their surroundings
• Improper Waste Disposal
• Poor Personal Hygiene
• Presence of Fire Hazards
• Alcoholic drinking
• Cigarette Smoking
• Nutritional Imbalance
• Improper Food Handling
• Poor Water Supply or No Potable Water Supply
• Poor Toilet Facility
• Inadequacy of living space
• Presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of diseases
• Family size beyond what family resources
1. Nature of the Problem  Categorized into HD, HT, FC
2. Modifiability of the problem  Refers to the probability of success
in minimizing, alleviating or totally
eradicating the problem through

3. Preventive Potential  Refers to the nature and

magnitude of future problems that
can be minimized or totally
prevented if intervention is done
on the problem under

4. Salience  Refers to the family’s perception

and evaluation of problems in
terms of seriousness and urgency
of attention needed.
Criteria Score Weight
I. Nature of the condition
 Health Deficit (HD) 3
 Health Threat (HT) 2
 Foreseeable Crisis (FC) 1 1

II. Modifiability of the condition

Easily Modifiable 2
Partially modifiable 1
 Not modifiable 0 2

III. Preventive Potential

High 3
Moderate 2
Low 1 1

IV. Salience of the Problem

Problem needing immediate attention 2
Problem not needing immediate attention 1
Not perceived as problem needing change 0 1
1. Decide on a score for each of the criteria

2. Divide the score of the highest possible

score and multiply by the weight

3. Sum up the score for all the criteria the highest

score is equivalent to the total weight.
Scale for Ranking Health Conditions According to Priorities:
1. Unhealthy lifestyle practices and personal habits
specifically poor personal hygiene
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the Problem 2/3X1 0.6 It is a health threat does

not demand immediate

Modifiability of the 2/2X2 2 The resources and

Problem interventions needed to
solve the problem are
available to the family.

Preventive Potential 3/3X1 1 Occurrence of diseases

can be prevented if
proper personal hygiene
will be practiced

Salience 0/2X1 0 The family does not

recognize it as a
Scale for Ranking Health Conditions According to Priorities:
2. Presence of Scabies
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the Problem 3/3X1 1 It is a health deficit

that requires
immediate attention &
management to
minimize transmission
Modifiability of the 1/2X2 1 The family lack
Problem resources to solve the
Preventive Potential 3/3X1 1 Aggravation of
scabies can be reduced
or eliminated if
managed as soon as

Salience 0/2X1 0 The family does not

recognize it as a
Scale for Ranking Health Conditions According to Priorities:
3. Family size beyond what family resources
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 2/3X1 0.6 It is a health threat

Problem does not demand
immediate action.

Modifiability of the 1/2X2 1 Problem can be

Problem partially modified due
to inadequacy of
Preventive Potential 3/3X1 1 Can be moderately
prevented by applying
family planning.

Salience 0/2X1 0 The family does not

recognize it as a health
Unhealthy lifestyle
1 practices and personal 3.6
habits specifically
poor personal hygiene

2 Presence of Scabies 3

3 Family size beyond what 2.6

family resources
 Reflective Journal on Family Nursing Process/
Family Nursing Care Plan

 Family Nursing Care Plan and Scale for Ranking

Family Health Conditions/Problems according to

 Deadline of Submission: DECEMBER 2, 2020

Requirement for RLE/CHN End term

 Identify at least 2 health problems/ conditions in your family or
 Make an FNCP, Problem List and Scale/ Rank the health
problems/ conditions identified.
 Submit/ Post it on your class notes or in our RLE/CHN channel
new conversation.

Guidelines For Family Nursing Care Plan and

Scale for Ranking Family Health / Conditions
Problems Activity
Criteria Incomplete Poor Fair Good
4pts. 6pts. 8pts. 10 pts.

Assessment Assessment portion is Does not include all Includes all pertinent Includes all pertinent
incomplete. pertinent data related data related to nursing data related to nursing
to nursing diagnosis. diagnosis, but also diagnosis and does not
May also include data includes data not include data that is not
that does not relate to related to nursing related to nursing
nursing diagnosis. diagnosis. diagnosis.

Diagnosis Diagnosis portion is Diagnosis is not Diagnosis is Diagnosis is

incomplete. appropriate for client appropriate for client appropriate for client
and ordinal level (first and ordinal level. and ordinal level. and
diagnosis, second diagnosis
diagnosis etc). also includes all parts
. and information is
listed in correct part of

Family Nursing Care Plan Rubric (50 Points)

Criteria Incomplete Poor Fair Good
4pts. 6pts. 8pts. 10 pts.

Planning Goal portion is Goal statement is not client Goal statement is client or Goal statement is client or
incomplete. or family oriented and may family oriented, and family oriented, and
not have measurable contains at least one contains two measurable
criteria or a target date or measurable criteria or a criteria and a target date or
time. target date/time. time.

Implementation Interventions portion is Interventions portion does Interventions portion Interventions portion
incomplete. not include adequate contains adequate number contains adequate number
number of interventions to of interventions to help of interventions to help
help client/family meet client/family meet goal. client/family meet goal.

Evaluation Evaluations portion is Evaluation portion does Evaluation portion does Evaluation portion does
incomplete. not contain data that is contain data that is listed contain data that is listed as
listed as criteria in goal as criteria in goal criteria in goal statement.
statement. May also not statement, but does not Does describe goal as met,
describe goal as met, describe goal as met, partially met, or not met. If
partially met, or not met. partially met, or not met. goal was partially met or
May also not include May also not include not met, includes revision
revision or new evaluation revision or new evaluation and/or new evaluation
Family Nursing Care Plan Rubric date/time. date/time. date/time.
I. Prayer
II. Level Adviser’s Report
III. Dean’s Academic Report
IV. Clinical Coordinator RLE Report
V. Other Matters

 CON Faculty Meeting (Nov.27,2020)

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