Introduction To Cost Estimating Lec 1
Introduction To Cost Estimating Lec 1
Introduction To Cost Estimating Lec 1
Lecture No 1
Dr Arwa Hussein
• What is an Estimate?
• What is the Purpose of Estimating?
• What is the Role of the Estimator?
• What the Estimator Must Know (Skills)?
• The Components of an Estimate.
• Possible Sources of Errors in Cost Estimates.
What is an Estimate?
• An estimate involves calculating the costs of construction
work on the basis of probabilities.
Dr Arwa Hussein
Types of Companies
• Large Scale.
Design first, Cost Next.
• Small Scale.
Cost First, Design Next.
• It is the process of determining the probable cost
of a Product / Process (Welding) before the
• Indirect Cost.
Over heads.
Admin. Expense.
Selling and Distribution.
Profit, Discount….
Ladder of Cost.
Profit Market
Sales and Price
Distribution Total
Admin. Prodn. Ultimate
Cost cost
Factory Work
Material, Prime
Labour Cost Cost
Material Cost
• It is the cost of Materials required for a
Process (Welding)
• Example:
– Direct: Filler, Flux, Gas, etc.
– Indirect: Cotton wastes, Coolant, etc.
Labour Cost
• It is the cost spent to the workers who are
directly or indirectly involved in
• Examples:
– Direct: Operators, Welders…
– Indirect: Watchman, Supervisor…
• All other expenditure other than Material and
Labour cost is called Expenses.
• Examples:
– Direct: Power consumption, Welding M/C. cost….
– Indirect or overhead cost: Depreciation.
Gas Welding & Cutting Cost
• Direct Material cost = base material cost + Consumable’s Cost
(Filler, O2 & C2H2)
• Over heads.
Welding Cost Parameters
• Joint Design Type
• Weld Size
• Weld Type
• Welding Process
• Electrode Deposition Efficiency
• Others (Safety)
Factors of Welding Cost
Filler metal cost/length (wire fed processes) = {(wire feed speed) x (wt. of
electrode/(m or mm).) x (cost of electrode/Kg.)}/(travel speed)
Cost Per Length - Contd.
Filler metal cost/length (SMAW) = (melt off rate) x (wt. of electrode/length) x
(cost of electrode/Kg.)/(travel speed)(% of electrode used)
Shielding gas cost/length = (gas flow rate) x (gas cost/m 3 )/(travel speed)
Shielding cost/Kg. (gas) = (shielding gas flow rate) x (cost of shielding gas/m 3 )
/(deposition rate)
Lecture No 3
Dr Arwa Hussein
Welding Cost Estimation
• This section will cover cost estimating for steel weldments produced by the
four most common arc welding processes in use today:
• The Gas tungsten arc welding GTAW process is a relatively costly method of
depositing weld metal, and is usually chosen for weld quality or material
thickness and composition limitations, rather than economy.
Welding Cost Estimation
• Welding costs may be divided into two categories;
– Fixed costs involved regardless of the filler metal or welding process selected . Such as,
• material handling,
• joint preparation,
• fixturing,
• tacking,
• preheating,
• weld clean-up, and
• inspection.
• Although some of these items will be affected by the specific process and filler metal
chosen, they are a necessary part of practically all welding operations. Calculating
these costs will depend upon your workers’ capabilities and the equipment you use.
Factors affecting welding costs
• The cost of actually depositing the weld metal will vary
considerably with;
– The filler metal.
– Welding process selected.
The hourly rate and the overhead rate vary from plant to plant and
the actual hourly rates for each plant should be used for this
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
The operating factor is the percentage of time that the welder is actually
Since a large amount of time goes into set-up, preheating, slag removal, and
low. It can range from as low as 10% to as high as 50%, but it is usually in
the area of 20-40%.
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
The operating facting varies from plant to plant and for different types
of weldments.
The deposition rates of the electrodes affect the labor and overhead
The travel speeds for the shielded metal arc welding process are often
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
• This Table shows the electrode consumption for different sizes and types
of welds.
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
• This Table shows the electrode consumption for different sizes and types
of welds.
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
• This Table shows the electrode consumption for different sizes and types
of welds.
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
Cost of Shielded Metal Arc Welding
3. Electric Power Cost
The cost of the electric power is a relatively minor cost factor, but it can become
important when large amounts of welding are required on a certain job.
• There are also many possibilities that exist between these extremes. The
type of equipment used depends on the type of application.
As discussed earlier, the labor and overhead costs are often combined in cost
calculations; this is usually the largest cost factor in welding.
The operating factor in percentage is the same for GTAW as for SMAW, but for
different reasons.
- With GTAW, while little or no slag is produced, more time is needed
for setup, preheating, and changing filler rods.
Cost of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
However, because this process can be used manually and automatically, the
operating factor can vary widely depending on which process you use.
For manual welding, the operating factor is relatively low and may range from
about 10% to as high as 50%, but is normally in the range of 20% to 40%.
Automatic welding generally gives high operating factors because it can usually
proceed to completion without interruption. Operating factors for this can
rise as high as 80% or more, depending on the specific application.
The deposition rates and travel speeds affect the labor and overhead costs
because the rate at which the weld can be completed affects the
productivity; travel speeds used with this process are often fairly low.
Cost of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
Cost of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
2. Filler Metal Cost
• Filler metal costs are made up of the same three factors that
affect SMAW:
Lecture No 4
Dr Arwa Hussein
Welding Cost Estimation
• This section will cover cost estimating for steel weldments produced by the
four most common arc welding processes in use today:
• The Gas tungsten arc welding GTAW process is a relatively costly method of
depositing weld metal, and is usually chosen for weld quality or material
thickness and composition limitations, rather than economy.
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
• Gas metal arc welding can be used to weld many thicknesses and
types of metals as economically as possible. It is usually selected
because it is the least expensive process that can be used for many
• The initial investment for the equipment can vary depending on the
complexity and size of the equipment used. The equipment for a
semiautomatic welding station is much less expensive than the
equipment required for a fully automatic set-up.
• The level of welder skill for gas metal arc welding is generally less than
that required for shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc
welding. This helps to develop welds with a more consistent quality.
• The cost of electrode wires and shielding gases can vary widely
because of price differences between different types and sizes of
electrodes and different types of shielding gas.
• The cost of this welding process consists of four major items: labor
and overhead, electrode, shielding gas, and electric power.
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
1.Labor Cost
•GMAW can be used semiautomatically and automatically, which
means the operator factor can vary widely.
• The deposition rates and travel speeds affect the labor and
overhead costs because the rate at which the electrode wire is
deposited affects the productivity.
• The deposition rates and travel speeds used will be affected by the
size of the electrode wire, the welding current, the thickness of the
base metal, and the type of base metal.
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
• The equation for determining the labor and overhead costs is:
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
2.Electrode Cost
•The cost of the electrode wire per weld is determined by
several factors:
–the weight of the weld deposited,
–the cost per pound of the filler metal, and
–the deposition efficiency of the filler metal.
•The small diameter solid electrode wires used for this process
cost more per pound than larger diameter solid electrode
wires and covered electrodes. Electrode wire is less expensive
per pound when supplied in a reel or large coil, as compared
to a small coil.
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
• The deposition efficiency is about 95% for most welding operations.
Some of the electrode wire is lost to spatter and vaporization.
• This will vary slightly depending on the type of shielding gas. Argon
will generally give higher deposition efficiencies than carbon dioxide
due to the fact that less spatter is produced by spray transfer.
Cost of Gas Metal Arc Welding
Cost Comparison of Manual (SMAW) vs. Semiautomatic (GMAW) and
Automatic (GMAW)
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
• Flux cored arc welding has advantages over other processes which make it
the most economical welding method for many different applications. To
select a welding process for your project or task, you should compare
factors such as deposition rates, welding speeds, joint preparation time,
operator factors, and welding material costs.
• Like GMAW, the initial investment for the equipment can vary
considerably depending on the size and complexity of the equipment
used, and the equipment used is often the same as for gas metal arc
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
• Because of the higher current levels used in flux cored arc welding, larger
power sources may be needed.
• A welder skilled in gas metal arc welding would have very little
trouble learning to weld with flux cored arc welding.
• In flux cored arc welding, the costs of materials will vary depending
on the electrode and whether or not shielding gas is required. The
electric power cost will depend on the machine and the welding
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
1. Labor Cost
• When compared to gas metal arc welding, operator factors are usually
slightly lower with flux cored arc welding because more time is spent
removing slag.
• Since flux cored arc welding uses a continuously fed electrode wire,
operator factors are much higher than shielded metal arc welding, where
much time is spent changing electrodes. Operator factors for machine and
automatic welding can range up to 80% or more, depending on the
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
• The deposition efficiency of flux cored wire is lower than that of solid
wires because the flux core provides shielding gas and a slag covering.
• Gas shielded electrode wires have deposition efficiencies ranging from 80-
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
2. Electrode Cost
• These are higher than self-shielding wires because less of the core
becomes shielding gas and slag.
• With both types of flux cored wires, some wire is lost to spatter and
vaporization. Spatter is generally higher with self shielding electrodes that
also contributes to the lower deposition efficiencies.
• The type of shielding gas used will have an effect on the deposition
efficiency. Carbon dioxide will produce higher spatter levels than argon-
carbon dioxide and argon-oxygen mixtures.
Cost of Flux Cored Arc Welding
Cost Comparisons Between SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and Submerged
Arc Welding of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Fillet Weld in the Horizontal Position
End of Lecture
• Lecture No …..
• Dr Arwa Hussein
• HKSSAP defines depreciation as the ‘allocation
of the depreciable amount of an asset over its
estimated life’.
The Objective of Depreciation
• According to the matching concept, revenues should be matched
with expenses in order to determine the accounting profit.
• The cost of the asset purchased should be spread over the periods
in which the asset will benefit a company.
1. Straight-line
2. Double declining balance
3. Units of production
4. Sum of years digits
Straight-Line Depreciation Method
• Note: Since this is a double declining method, we multiply the rate of depreciation by 2.
• 3. Multiply the rate of depreciation by the beginning book value to determine the
expense for that year. For example, $25,000 x 25% = $6,250 depreciation expense.
• 4. Subtract the expense from the beginning book value to arrive at the ending book
value. For example, $25,000 – $6,250 = $18,750 ending book value.
• 5. The ending book value for that year is the beginning book value for the following year.
For example, the year 1 ending book value of $18,750 would be the year 2 beginning
book value. Repeat this until the last year of useful life.
Units of Production Depreciation Method
Lecture No ……….
Dr Arwa Hussein
Shell Expansion Drawing
• Weight of steel = area projected * thickness*
density of steel*2