Art of Icy Influenza
Art of Icy Influenza
Art of Icy Influenza
Max Rogers
The following pages are an insight into the pre
production and production of a fantasy narrative inspired
animation on influenza attacking the body. This topic
was from a pick of four and we were assigned to create
a two minute animation of our own take on the topic.
• Act 2
As the virus breaks through the music begins to become more powerful as RNA is released
menacingly making their way to the nucleus of the cell. The nucleus reads the RNA’s ‘data’
causing the nucleus to freeze then the RNA makes its way to the cell’s membrane and is encased
within the proteins and lipid Bilayer as it forces its way out.
• Act 3
The music calms again as the flu virus leaves the frozen dying cell as it heads to another cell
within the lungs. As it makes its way more flu viruses begin to push through the dying cell and the
camera begins to zoom out to reveal other viruses leaving dying lung cells accompanied by the
more powerful section of the music. The screen once again fades to black accompanied by a
terrible cough
Concept Art – Influenza Virus
Concept Art – Virus travels through
respiratory system
Concept Art – Pneumonia affected Alveoli
(Pre-Pitch environment)
Changes after Pitch
After the pitch there were a few comments on the
animation which needed to be investigated. Spacing
was an issue, I needed to really think about the size of
my virus in comparison to its environment. And this
issue of spacing would also give the environments a
sense of place which would mean the audience would
understand where my animation was taking them. Dr.
Klappa also highlighted the dislike of the sentinel-like
tentacles comparing the look of the virus to a “surfer
dude”. I was advised to change the movement into more
rigid like my pre-viz to resemble a naval mine.
Influenza Virus Model
This was a huge scene in the animation, very large in data size
because of the amount of geometry in the scene making it rather
temperamental. However I like the opening of the shot with its
lighting and when the camera shows the many flu virus within the
lung the glow effect that they all possess works really well.
The top image is from the render
I took however after some thought I
realised that this wasn’t epic enough
and led me to re render the scene out
and adding extra flu virus copies and
Icicles into the scene.