Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship Milestone #1: Institute of Engineering and Management PVID - 22842
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship Milestone #1: Institute of Engineering and Management PVID - 22842
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship Milestone #1: Institute of Engineering and Management PVID - 22842
Milestone #1
Institute of Engineering and Management
PVID - 22842
Introduction and Composition
Soumili Chakraborty Ananya Das Risavdeb Patra
Good communication skills Quick Learner has the ability to learn new things Let’sCapIt
Good planner Good listener Innovator PVID - 22842
What makes us a good team to solve the problem we chose?
Not failing to meet the deadline and doing the work required on time.
Active participation
Respect for each and everyone
Hands on experience in the field chosen (i.e. media and entertainment).
Goal oriented
In the fast paced 21st Century, content creation is Already existing alternatives to this problem
popular everywhere. There are more than 37 are websites like Rev who caption videos at
million content creators on just youtube itself. With
content creation comes immense load of work. It is a nominal charge and already available
not just creating the content that a creator has to video and photo editing softwares. But
worry about he or she has to edit the videos or the using them the creator would have to do all
photos, caption them and create thumbnails for the work himself or herself
their videos. We surveyed over 100 people who are
either content creators or are interested to be in We conducted a survey where 59.4% of the
future and around 42.6% of them said that it takes people who are content creators and 21.8%
around 1 hour to 4 hours to complete all the other
work excluding making the actual content. We, at
who are not content creators thought that it
Let’sCapIt help content creators to edit, caption and would be amazing if someone else did all
finalize their videos for upload, so that they can that other work for them!
completely focus on the quality of their content!
Questions Results
How many customers did you interview? We interviewed above 100 customers ( 101
customers to be exact) using a google form
How many of them agree that this is a problem to 59.4% who are content creators and 21.8% who are
be solved? not content creators. So, a total of 81.2% of the
customers agree that this is a problem to be
How many of them said they can already solve this 18.8% of the customers have already solved this
problem and do not need a solution? problem.
Question 1 :
Are you interested in Content Creation?
Question 2:
Are you a Content Creator on any
Question 3:
Do you think that there is more work to
content creation that just recording videos?
Question 4:
If you are a content creator, how much time do
you spend editing, captioning and creating
thumbnails or covers for your videos?
Question 5:
Will you be interested if someone else does all the other work (i.e. editing, captioning
and creating thumbnails) that will finalize your video after you are done recording at
a nominal charge?
Market Type :
New Market
Customer Segments :
Demographic Customer Segments
TAM (Total Addressable Market) :
There are currently more than 20,000 YouTubers in Kolkata, West Bengal.
SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market) :
There are currently more than 4000 YouTubers in North Kolkata, West Bengal.
SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) :
42.6% of the people who took the market survey are content creators. Besides, there are more than 1000 content creators in
Bagbazar, North Kolkata, West Bengal.
Niche :
Content Creators on YouTube
An aspiring content creator Wants to reach 10 lakh subscriber on YouTube
on YouTube with 10,000 Wants to create more content
Subscribers and a PhD student. Wants that the other works after she finishes recording
NAME : Sourima Chakraborty her video to be done by someone else.
AGE (in years) : 25
Not being able to manage her studies and content.
PERSONALITY : Unable to find an organization that manages her videos
Enjoys time alone, loves reading, creative, makes videos and finalizes them for upload.
about painting and books, writer, blogger and an artist.
Sourima is an extremely passionate content creator, but with Sourima is 25 year old PhD student who is also a content
her PhD being an exhaustive course she hardly finds the time creator. She makes painting video logs and content about
to create content anymore! She records videos but never reading. She is also a passionate writer and a singer.
finds the time to edit them and upload them.
We at Let’sCapIt offer an easy solution to make content creation on YouTube an easy and time
saving process. Currently customers are addressing the problem by working on the raw
videos themselves and they are spending a lot if time in finalizing it for upload. We at
Let’sCapIt want to reduce this extra time that the customers are spending after recording the
actual videos. Our solution offers the customers the benefits of time saving and less
workload. The details of our offering consist of:
Editing, captioning and creating thumbnails for raw recorded videos to make it available for
This business will work in our market as there are many struggling content creators who love
recording videos but can not upload them as they do no have the time to finalize them.
your PV
logo here
Saves time Gets whole content and
Content creators can focus more videos reviewed and
on their own content. finalized in one single place.
Gets content i.e. videos finalized Delivery in the least amount
for upload at a single place.
of time possible.
Contract signed with client.
Payroll for freelancers.
Adsense on Website
MarkItUp (Direct) Rev (Indirect) Let’sCapIt
Product Benefits Time saving but costly Easy captioning Finalizing the raw videos for
upload in less time
Solution / Product Group of worker who Software which captions in Team of freelancers
manage videos by creators less time assigned to do the work
UVP – Unique Value First in the market None Cost friendly and saves time
Proposition a lot
Market Review Worth it but costly Efficient but have to do the Very efficient and user
work by themself friendly
Price Depends on the creator $0.5 per video minute $1 per video
Benefits Why would the customer switch to your
1) Time saving
The customer would switch to our product as
2) All in one platform we will deliver the entire work in 1 hour while
it actually takes more than 4 hours. The entire
3) Videos being managed by professionals
process or service is very affordable the
4) Basically having to do nothing other than customer has to pay almost negligible amount
just recording the videos. of money. The entire videos will be managed
in a very organized way the customer need not
5) The entire service at a very affordable price go here and there to get different jobs done.
6) First video to be done for free as sign of An all in one platform which supports content
goodwill. creators and helps them grow.