7 - Nutrition 1
7 - Nutrition 1
7 - Nutrition 1
• Pancreatic lipase is secreted into the small intestine and requires a further
pancreatic protein, colipase, for activity.
• It is specific for the primary ester links—ie, positions 1 and 3 in triacylglycerols
—resulting in 2-monoacylglycerols and free fatty acids as the major end
products of luminal triacylglycerol digestion.
• Inhibitors of pancreatic lipase are used to inhibit triacylglycerol hydrolysis in
the treatment of severe obesity.
Bile Salts
Bile salts are required for the proper functioning of the pancreatic lipase enzyme
Bile salts help in combination of lipase with two molecules of a small protein called as
This combination enhances the lipase activity.
Bile salts also help in the emulsification of fats
Contents of Pancreatic Juice
Bile Salts and Acids
• Bile salts, formed in the liver and secreted in the bile, permit emulsification of
the products of lipid digestion into micelles together with dietary phospholipids
and cholesterol secreted in the bile as well as dietary cholesterol.
• Micelles are small, and soluble, so they allow the products of digestion, including
the fat-soluble vitamins, to be transported through the aqueous environment of
the intestinal lumen to come into close contact with the brush border of the
mucosal cells, allowing uptake into the epithelium.
• The bile salts remain in the intestinal lumen, where most are absorbed from the
ileum into the enterohepatic circulation.
• Glycerol released in the intestinal lumen is absorbed into the
hepatic portal vein; glycerol released within the epithelium is
reutilized for triacylglycerol synthesis via the normal
phosphatidic acid pathway.
• Long-chain fatty acids are esterified to yield to triacylglycerol in
the mucosal cells and together with the other products of lipid
digestion, secreted as chylomicrons into the lymphatics, entering
the bloodstream via the thoracic duct.
• Short- and medium-chain fatty acids are mainly absorbed into the
hepatic portal vein as free fatty acids.
• Glycerol released in the intestinal lumen is absorbed into the
hepatic portal vein; glycerol released within the epithelium is
reutilized for triacylglycerol synthesis via the normal
phosphatidic acid pathway.
• Long-chain fatty acids are esterified to yield to triacylglycerol in
the mucosal cells and together with the other products of lipid
digestion, secreted as chylomicrons into the lymphatics, entering
the bloodstream via the thoracic duct.
• Short- and medium-chain fatty acids are mainly absorbed into the
hepatic portal vein as free fatty acids.
• Cholesterol is absorbed dissolved in lipid micelles and is
mainly esterified in the intestinal mucosa before being
incorporated into chylomicrons.
• Plant sterols and stanols (in which the B ring is
saturated) compete with cholesterol for esterification,
but are poor substrates, so that there is an increased
amount of unesterified cholesterol in the mucosal cells.
• Unesterified cholesterol and other sterols are actively
transported out of the mucosal cells into the intestinal
• The incidence of a number of chronic diseases is significantly influenced by the kinds
and amounts of nutrients consumed.
• Dietary fats most strongly influence the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), but
evidence linking dietary fat and the risk for cancer or obesity is much weaker
• Plasma lipids and coronary heart disease
• Plasma cholesterol may arise from the diet or from endogenous biosynthesis. In either
case, cholesterol is transported between the tissues in combination with protein and
phospholipids as lipoproteins.
• 1. Low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein: The level of plasma cholesterol
is not precisely regulated but, rather, varies in response to the diet. Elevated levels of
total cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) result in an increased risk for CHD.
• A much stronger correlation exists between CHD and the level of cholesterol in low-
density lipoproteins ([LDL-C]). As LDL-C increases, CHD increases. In contrast, high
levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) have been associated with a
decreased risk for heart disease
• 2. Benefits of lowering plasma cholesterol: Dietary or drug
treatment of hypercholesterolemia has been shown to be
effective in decreasing LDL-C, increasing HDL-C, and reducing
the risk for cardiovascular events. The diet-induced changes of
plasma lipoprotein concentrations are modest, typically 10%–
20%, whereas treatment with “statin” drugs decreases plasma
cholesterol by 30%–60%
• Dietary fats and plasma lipids TAGs are quantitatively the most
important class of dietary fats. The influence of TAGs on blood
lipids is determined by the chemical nature of their constituent
fatty acids. The absence or presence and number of double
bonds (saturated versus mono- and polyunsaturated), the
location of the double bonds (w-6 versus w-3), and the cis
versus trans configuration of the unsaturated fatty acids are the
most important structural features that influence blood lipids.
• 1. Saturated fat: TAGs composed primarily of fatty acids whose
hydrocarbon chains do not contain any double bonds are referred to
as saturated fats. Consumption of saturated fats is positively
associated with high levels of total plasma cholesterol and LDL-C and
an increased risk of CHD. The main sources of saturated fatty acids
are dairy and meat produts and some vegetable oils, such as coconut
and palm oils