07 Dynamics 365 Marketing Customer Stories

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The document highlights customer stories that describe how Dynamics 365 Marketing helped increase sales, improve marketing campaigns, and provide more personalized customer experiences.

Customers mention increased sales, more targeted marketing campaigns, centralizing customer data, and saving time on manual processes using Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Customers use Dynamics 365 Marketing to craft personalized messages, manage events, track member histories, and connect marketing and sales efforts.

Dynamics 365

Customer Evidence
Customer References
Customer evidence
Customers have agreed to participate in Story, case study ,video,
news/media announcement. Nominate Evidence Customer
Dynamics 365 Marketing – customer stories
“With other marketing automation tools, we were only able to blast generic “Since we deployed Dynamics 365, we’ve seen a 70 percent increase in charter
emails to prospects. With Dynamics 365 Marketing, it’s easy to treat people sales. Now we’re getting other departments involved to create a central hub
as individuals and craft highly targeted messages that support a very for all our marketing, sales, and customer-relationship activities.”
personal buying journey.”
Daniel Ziriakus
Adrian Pask Chief Operating Officer, Northrop & Johnson
Vice President, Marketing , Vorne Industries

“These are our strategy pillars: Become part of the fabric of American “Seeing the amount of new business generated through our website after
communities, continue to serve communities after the disaster, and never adding the Marketing app was a big eye opener, especially in our quite
stop imagining how technology can improve how we operate.” conservative industry. It explicitly shows the added value of the marketing
department within the company.”
Art dela Cruz
President and COO, Team Rubicon Rutger Bonsel
General Manager of Marketing, Broekman Logistics

View stories by Industry View stories by Geo View stories by Org Size
Customer stories

Professional services Healthcare services Retail Insurance

Broekman Logistics MVP Healthcare Northrop & Johnson Flex
DHI Manawanui
Actum Digital
Mercer MacKay Digital Manufacturing
Storytelling New Zealand Trade and
Discoveries, Inc. Larsen & Toubro Enterprise
Microsoft Non-profit Vorne
Team Rubicon
UNICEF Netherlands
Education Healthdirect Australia
Transportation Finance
Custom Education Solutions  Project Management
Institute – Minnesota Lufthansa Metro Bank
Customer stories by Geo

New Zealand Trade and Metro Bank Broekman Logistics
Enterprise Germany
Manawanui Lufthansa US DHI
Northrop & Johnson
France UNICEF Netherlands
Australia Team Rubicon
Healthdirect Australia India
Custom Education Solutions 
Larsen & Toubro
Canada Flex
Mercer MacKay Digital MVP Healthcare
Storytelling Discoveries, Inc.
CEE Microsoft
Actum Digital MEA
Project Management
Institute – Minnesota
Customer stories by Organization Size

1-49 50-999 1,000-9,999 10,000+

Discoveries, Inc. Northrop & Johnson Broekman Logistics Larsen & Toubro

Custom Education Solutions  Mercer MacKay Digital MVP Healthcare Team Rubicon
Vorne Metro Bank Microsoft
New Zealand Trade and
Enterprise Project Management Instit Lufthansa
ute – Minnesota
Healthdirect Australia
UNICEF Netherlands
Actum Digital
Worldwide logistics provider connects the dots,
boosts ROI with Dynamics 365 Marketing

Situation Solution Impact

Broekman Logistics prides itself The company already used Microsoft After less than one year live with the
on providing a personal touch to Dynamics 365 Sales and decided to add solution, Broekman Logistics has turned
its customers despite operating in the Dynamics 365 Marketing app, using leads into sales to the tune of a 180
a complex, competitive it to automate email campaigns, track percent ROI, and it has nearly doubled
global environment. interactions, gain valuable insights, make email subscriptions for its annual
more informed decisions, and better customer event.
The company wanted engage with customers.
to support its sales team with a As a further win, managers can now
solution that could speed and target the most valuable events for
improve lead generation. salespeople to attend.

Organization Size Industry

1,000–9,999 employees Professional Services “We connected Dynamics 365 Marketing to our website
and achieved a 180 percent ROI in less than a year.”

Products and Services Country

Rutger Bonsel,
Netherlands General Manager of Marketing, Broekman Logistics
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Case study
Premier yacht brokerage cruises into smarter marketing
and boosts sales by 70 percent with Dynamics 365

Situation Solution Impact

Catering to some of the world’s most Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing With Dynamics 365, Northrop & Johnson
demanding customers is never easy. and Dynamics 365 Sales, along with increased charter sales 70 percent,
Power BI, Northrop & Johnson united its tailored its marketing to individual
Superyacht broker Northrop & Johnson customer data, standardized business customers, drove new efficiencies in sales
needed detailed insights into customer processes, and gained new efficiencies and marketing, and made every
behaviors to provide the exceptional and insights. customer interaction more personalized,
experiences that its customers expect. purposeful, and unique.

Organization Size Industry “Since we deployed Dynamics 365, we’ve seen a 70

50 – 999 employees Retailers
percent increase in charter sales. Now we’re getting
other departments involved to create a central hub
for all our marketing, sales, and customer-
Products and Services Country relationship activities.”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 United States Daniel Ziriakus, Chief Operating Officer,
Dynamics 365 Marketing Northrop & Johnson
Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft 365
Microsoft Power BI
Case study
Digital startup L&T-NxT supercharges global
sales with a fast-tracked Dynamics 365
Situation Solution Impact
Multinational conglomerate L&T-NxT deployed three Microsoft The sales team can now better manage
Larsen & Toubro launched a digital Dynamics 365 business applications— leads, boost sales agility, and increase
startup called L&T-NxT to deliver Sales, Marketing, and Sales Insights. win rates with marquee customers.
cutting-edge digital solutions for its It also uses LinkedIn Sales Navigator to
global customers. connect with prospects. By choosing a Dynamics 365–based
solution, L&T-NxT ensures that its global
With complex technical and customer Working with partner LTI, the startup sales force can access comprehensive
requirements, the startup needed a way completed the implementation in less customer data from any location.
to contact and track its sales and than 30 days.
marketing activities.

Organization Size Industry “Dynamics 365 is the single solution to help us bring
together our experts across the company to collaborate
10,000+ employees Manufacturing and solve complex problems for customers. We’ve gained
transparency across the entire sales cycle, so every
Products and Services Country member has the information and insights to contribute
to the deal.”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 India
Sudip Mazumder, General Manager, Head of Engineering
Dynamics 365 Marketing
and Construction Industry Digital, L&T Group
Dynamics 365 Sales
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights
Microsoft 365 Resources
Microsoft Teams Case study
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Team Rubicon uses Dynamics 365 to serve
communities during crisis

Situation Solution Impact

Team Rubicon serves communities by Team Rubicon uses the Dynamics 365 In just a few weeks of COVID-19
mobilizing veterans to continue their Marketing and Sales solutions to engage response, Team Rubicon has completed
service, leveraging their skills and with more than 120,000 volunteers, 169 missions, surpassing its full year goal
experience to help people prepare, including activating the volunteers with of 140 missions in only a month’s time. 
respond, and recover from disasters and the lowest risk for COVID-19.
humanitarian crises. These include a drive-in testing facility
The Team also uses the Dynamics 365 with Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC  that
Team Rubicon had to quickly pivot their solution to manage communications and is able to process 1,000 tests per day
resources to connect with and organize streamline COVID response nationwide. and 3 more in the planning stages plus a
the COVID-19 response from its 250-bed field medical center in Santa
volunteer teams. Clara, CA.

Organization Size Industry

“We built our volunteer-management system on
120,000 volunteers serving in Nonprofit Microsoft Dynamics 365, and with it, we’ve been able
USA and around the globe to better address our volunteer deployments.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing USA Art delaCruz
President and COO, Team Rubicon
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project
Service Automation
Microsoft Teams Resources
Power BI Case study
Mercer MacKay Digital Storytelling
Professional Services
“We’ve bet our future on Dynamics 365 and it’s paying off. In addition to being a low-
Size: risk software platform to build our marketing solution on, we use it as our own
50 - 999 employees
Country: marketing engine at Mercer MacKay. It sells for us while we sleep.”
—Gail Mercer-MacKay, President and Chief Storyteller, Mercer Mackay Digital Storytelling
Products and services:
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Situation: Solution: Impact:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Technology company specialist Mercer The company jettisoned its siloed MMS saved licensing fees and gained
Microsoft Power Apps MacKay Digital Storytelling (MMS) marketing apps in favor of Microsoft efficiency by consolidating with the
Microsoft Power BI
envisioned greater sales efficiencies and a Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics Dynamics 365 platform. Several high-value
Read full story here
platform to offer customers its marketing 365 Marketing. With Microsoft projects and 300 new customers later, MMS is
expertise, templates, and more. The partner New Signature, it launched enjoying a plethora of profitable new
traditional route would have been its daXai customer portal based on opportunities even as it lays the groundwork
prohibitively expensive—and MMS had Dynamics 365 solutions combined for more innovation.
a tight deadline. with Microsoft Power Apps in just
eight weeks.
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
“By using the Dynamics 365 Marketing events management portal, we created a
Government better customer experience and personalized the interactions, resulting in a 400
50 – 999 employees percent increase in engagement.”
New Zealand —Jonathan Southee, Director Digital Delivery, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Products and services:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Situation: Solution: Impact:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing New Zealand Trade and Enterprise NZTE adopted the Microsoft Dynamics Sales, marketing, and service staff across the
Microsoft Dynamics Sales (NZTE) helps businesses become 365 Sales, Marketing, and Customer agency gained unified access to critical customer
Microsoft Power BI exporters by providing expertise on Service business applications, data, leading to better decision making. NZTE
international trade. But the government extending them with events reduced its IT licensing costs by NZD50,000
Read full story here
agency needed to unify data and gain management functionality and Power and increased customer engagement 400
deeper customer insights, especially BI. It built a customer-facing portal percent.
around marketing events. called myNZTE, which syncs with
Dynamics 365 data.
Discoveries Inc.

”The number of annual leads has increased by 50%” as a result of
Professional Services
utilizing Dynamics 365 Marketing.”
Small 1-49 employees Yuichiro Shimada, President and CEO of Discoveries Inc.

Country: Situation
Solution Impact

A small company, Discoveries Discoveries Inc. created Dynamics 365 Marketing and
Featured Product:
Dynamics 365 Marketing Inc. was looking for ways to "Marketing DX" digital Dynamics 365 Sales are now
Dynamics 365 Sales increase its ability to manage experience using Microsoft the core digital tools for
Microsoft 365
and conduct nearly 80 Dynamics 365 Marketing. Discoveries Inc.’s flexible
seminars a year with only two With it, the company seminar operation.
offsite workers to handle all improved efficiency so it can Employees enjoy less stress
the details. The company saw work productively with only and the business and with
opportunities in improving a small number of people. Marketing at its core, the
the UX for a lean workforce. company is seeing annual
leads increase by 50%.
The sky’s the limit for innovation at Lufthansa
Technik with Microsoft Azure

Situation Solution Impact

In December 2019, Lufthansa Cargo Passenger aircraft were grounded, but With most commercial and headquarter
launched new dynamic sport pricing. the freighter network was busy when teams working from home, this new CRM
Lufthansa released their new CRM for became another important factor to keep
Although COVID-19 locked down the more than 1,000 Sales and Marketing cargo operations up and running to
airline industry, it was an unexpected teams across the globe. provide urgent medical supplies across
accelerator of the digital transformation the globe and to maintain critical
of their CRM system. industry supply chains. Customer service
is next on the list. 

Organization Size Industry “A new solution must hold up to the expectations of

138,353 employees Transportation
our end-users – that’s why we decided for Dynamics
365 with the goal to provide our sales colleagues a
system that really integrates in their day to day work
Products and Services Country and that’s what we achieved...”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Germany Christian Zimmer, Head of Application Development
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales & Operations, Lufthansa Cargo


Case study
Custom Education Solutions “Even as a small business, we can have the sort of high-end, state-of-the-art
Primary and Secondary Education
marketing system you might normally associate with a $100-million enterprise.”
1–49 employees —Denise Retka, Founder and Owner, Custom Education Solutions
United States

Products and services: Situation: Solution: Impact:

Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Custom Education Solutions had The company deployed Microsoft Custom Education Solutions can now
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing marketing, sales, and customer Dynamics 365 Marketing and is better target marketing efforts, and sales
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
relationship data siloed across now rolling out Dynamics 365 staff can more easily follow up on leads.
Read full story here different applications that didn’t talk Sales and Dynamics 365 Business With its full Dynamics 365 deployment,
to each other well, hampering Central. the company will have an end-to-end
customer outreach efforts. solution, from customer engagement to
order fulfillment and billing.
Insurance administrator aligns marketing and
sales, increases demand with Dynamics 365

Situation Solution Impact

Flexible Benefit Service Corporation (Flex) By adding Microsoft Dynamics 365 Using Dynamics 365, Flex has increased
wrestled to respond quickly Marketing to its Dynamics 365 Sales alignment between teams, driven growth,
to customer and partner needs deployment, Flex united its marketing boosted employee efficiency, and
and opportunities. and sales activities in a single solution, improved the customer and broker
providing greater cross-function visibility experience, helping the firm transform
The firm wanted to bring its marketing and helping it nurture more leads and its business—and ultimately improve
and sales teams together, but limited close more sales. the industry.
marketing automation and integration
capabilities made that difficult.

Organization Size Industry “We use the segmentation and other marketing
50-999 employees Insurance automation capabilities in Dynamics 365 Marketing to
help us be far more efficient and harness our Dynamics
365 Sales data for smart marketing campaigns.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 USA Malik Shamsuddin, Head of Marketing,
Dynamics 365 Marketing Flexible Benefit Service Corporation
Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft Power BI

Case study
Social services agency uses Dynamics 365 to
rapidly distribute vital medical equipment

Situation Solution Impact

As COVID-19 struck New Zealand, The organization quickly launched Dynamics 365 enabled Manawanui to
Manawanui needed to send critical Dynamics 365 Marketing to run a successfully contact thousands of
communications to people with campaign in only 11 hours to achieve disabled New Zealanders and their
disabilities as well as capturing their that goal. families to ensure they continued to
requirements for the supply of personal receive support at a critical time.
protective equipment (PPE) by the In addition to delivering essential
Ministry of Health. information, Dynamics 365 Marketing It also captured the PPE requirements of
and Sales will be used by Manawanui to caregivers to aid in the timely delivery of
work with the Ministry of Health and critical PPE request across the country.
other health providers to continue to
provide PPE to those in need.   

Organization Size Industry

“Customers and their caregivers needed personal
50-999 employees Health Services protective equipment quickly. Only 11 hours after
launch, Dynamics 365 was connecting us with New
Products and Services Country Zealanders in need.”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing New Zealand
Marsha Marshall, CEO Manawanui
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Service
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Teams Resources
Microsoft Office 365 Case study
Healthdirect Australia keeps its health network
informed via Dynamics 365 Marketing

Situation Solution Impact

Without a scalable customer Adopting Microsoft Dynamics 365 By building bespoke new capabilities,
engagement platform, Healthdirect Marketing, the nonprofit gained the Healthdirect Australia has not only
Australia found it difficult to keep ability to effectively manage its content expanded its services, but it has also
accurate contact lists and send timely, and communications, quickly deliver given health professionals the
consistent communication to its partners high-quality information, and even information and resources they need to
and health networks across the country. support Australia’s response to help patients achieve better outcomes.

Organization Size Industry “The fact that we had a proven Dynamics 365
50–999 employees Nonprofit Marketing solution in place—including the ability to
add new metadata—put us in a good position right
from the start of the pandemic.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Australia James Harris, Marketing Manager,
Healthdirect Australia


Case study
MVP Health Care uses Dynamics 365 to personalize
member support, promote healthy communities

Situation Solution Impact

To minimize high-cost claims, reduce MVP Health Care used Microsoft MVP Health Care has built single
provider visits, lower rates, and promote Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure, view into the heartbeat of every
healthy communities, MVP Health Care Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Power member and transformed itself into
wanted to replace a makeshift CRM Platform to build a comprehensive, a healthcare innovator.
environment and generate the visibility centralized, fully interoperable member-
it needed to better understand engagement platform with Common It expects to save USD6 million a year
its membership. Data Service. while standardizing processes, driving
more member value, and promoting
healthier communities.

Organization Size Industry “With Dynamics 365, we can build a single view into
1,000–9,999 employees Health Payor the heartbeat of every member, while we deliver
more interoperability to providers, partners,
members, and employees.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 United States Michael Della Villa, Chief Information Officer,
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights MVP Health Care
Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Dynamics 365 Sales Microsoft Power Automate
Dynamics 365 Marketing Microsoft Power BI Resources
Microsoft Power Platform Microsoft Azure Case study
Microsoft Power Apps Microsoft 365
UNICEF Netherlands turns donors into lifetime
supporters with Dynamics 365

Situation Solution Impact

The United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF Netherlands uses Microsoft Customer Insights and Dynamics 365
(UNICEF) Netherlands works tirelessly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights to Marketing help UNICEF Netherlands raise
to save the lives, defend the rights, identify high-value donors and cultivate more funds and secure long-term
and help fulfill the potential of children in long-term relationships. relationships with high-value donors,
need. allowing the organization to deliver
Because Customer Insights works greater impact with more programs
The nonprofit relies on donations, but seamlessly with Dynamics 365 Marketing, designed to save and improve the lives
donors have become increasingly hard to the team can create and optimize of children.  
find and retain. marketing campaigns on
the fly.

Organization Size Industry

50–999 employees Nonprofit “Microsoft is a great collaborator. Its expertise helps us
in our mission to save children’s lives.”
Products and Services Country
Suzanne Laszlo, Executive Director,
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Netherlands UNICEF Netherlands
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights


Case study
Water management solutions company deepens
customer relationships with Dynamics 365 Marketing

Situation Solution Impact

DHI has an extremely broad customer By deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365 Elimination of USD100,000 in
base, making providing tailored Marketing, DHI has created a unified third-party licensing fees.
consultations and solutions source of customer data that empowers
labor-intensive. both modern marketing segmentation Removal of app-centric and
and deeper customer relationships. departmental data silos.

Created a 360-degree view of a

wide-ranging customer base.

Organization Size Industry

“We didn’t adopt Dynamics 365 Marketing because we
50-999 employees Partner Professional were focused on today. We did it because we are focused
Services on tomorrow. It is a flexible, expanding solution that will
support and sustain our vision of creating meaningful
Products and Services Country customer relationships well into the future.”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Denmark
Microsoft Office 365 Pascal Tourres, Head of Group Digital Marketing, DHI


Case study
Manufacturing analyzer doubles leads with
integrated sales and marketing software

Situation Solution Impact

Manufacturers use Vorne Industries Vorne used Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vorne has doubled the number of leads
technology to improve plant Marketing to seamlessly integrate sales that move to product trial, doubled sales
performance. and marketing and give everyone in the efficiency and throughput, and can
company a complete picture of what’s personalize each lead’s buying journey.
Vorne wanted to connect its sales and happening in an account.
marketing processes and speed leads’
progress to a product trial.

Organization Size Industry

“No other product we looked at seamlessly integrates
30 employees Manufacturing marketing and sales like Dynamics 365 Marketing. It’s
an incredibly powerful app and a huge competitive
advantage for us. With Dynamics 365, we’re on track
Products and Services Country to double our sales efficiency and throughput.”
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing United States
Dynamics 365 Sales Ramon Vorne, Chief Executive Officer, Vorne Industries


Case study
Technology company uses marketing automation
and AI to create stronger sales-ready leads

Situation Solution Impact

Though heavily focused on creating and Deploying Dynamics 365 Marketing Creation of an enduring 360-degree view
maintaining customer relationships, synergistically with Office 365, the of customers, leads, and prospects.
ACTUM Digital lacked a centralized, company has developed new means of
permanent home for customer data. collecting and acting upon customer Elimination of data silos.
data, including from automation and
Because of this decentralization, insights real-world interactions. Increased, targeted customer interaction
from customer data were also limited. through automation and segmentation.

Organization Size Industry “The leads that Marketing is generating today are
200 employees Partner Professional much stronger than they used to be. Our colleagues
Services in Sales were surprised by the capabilities of
Dynamics 365 Marketing.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Czech Republic Karel Beránek, Dynamics 365 Product Owner,
Dynamics 365 Marketing ACTUM Digital
Office 365
Power BI

Case study
UK banking disrupted: Metro Bank reinvents
customer service with Microsoft

Situation Solution Impact

Metro Bank wanted to reinvent the The bank deployed Dynamics 365 to Using Dynamics 365 to capture a
customer experience by eliminating provide employees with quick access to complete record of customers’
long lines, complex rules, confusing the customer information they need to interactions with the bank supports more
processes, and too many marketing provide superior service in all channels. personalized service, which helped
offers. It wanted to provide customers produce a nearly 100 percent annual
with the exact information they need, It uses Power BI dashboards and reports growth for Metro Bank.
when they need it, through the channel to monitor business performance data in
most convenient for them. real time. And it deployed Surface tablets Capturing customer signatures on
to collect customer signatures and Surface tablets gave staff 15 percent
It also wanted to monitor daily expedite application processes. more time to spend with the customer
performance metrics to ensure that it and saved £ 750,000 in paper costs.
was meeting customer needs.

Organization Size Industry

Large (1,000 – 9,999 employees) Banking and Capital “By using Surface tablets to collect customers'
Markets signatures, we instantly save £ 750,000 on paper and
have 15 percent more time to devote to the customer.”
Products and Services Country
Microsoft Dynamics 365 United Kingdom Craig Donaldson: CEO, Metro Bank
Customer Service
Dynamics 365 Marketing
Dynamics 365 Sales
SharePoint Resources
Yammer Case study
Microsoft Store simplifies community events
management with Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Situation Solution Impact

To bring Microsoft technology to life Microsoft Store launched the events Store associates can create, schedule,
for communities all over the world, management capabilities in Microsoft and manage in-store events faster and
Microsoft Store hosts more than Dynamics 365 Marketing across all easier. They now have the scalability
200,000 hours of events a year, from physical store locations to manage event to manage ongoing growth and spikes in
gaming to education to business. scheduling, registration, and attendance. demand like those during summer camp
Managing events with its existing
system involved time-consuming and They save time by using centrally located
error-prone manual processes. templates in Dynamics 365 Marketing to
build and manage
their events.

Organization Size Industry

135,000 employees Partner Professional “We use Dynamics 365 Marketing to save time, be more
Services accurate, and drive better results from our events.”
Products and Services Country
Dexter Pizzey, Community Development Specialist,
Microsoft Dynamics 365 United States Microsoft Store, Edmonton, Alberta
Dynamics 365 Marketing


Case study
Project Management Institute – Minnesota
Industry: “Our chapter has been recognized nationally for adopting Dynamics 365 Marketing
because we’ve created sophisticated marketing automation that helps us connect
1,000–9,999 employees easily with our members. We’ve boosted event participation and seen an almost 90
United States percent increase in retained events revenue.”
—Jacque Ince, Director at Large, Project Management Institute – Minnesota
Products and services:
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Dynamics 365 Marketing Situation: Solution: Impact:
Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft Power BI As a mostly volunteer-driven With help from partner TrimaxSecure, PMI-MN connected its event and email
Microsoft Teams nonprofit, Project Management PMI-MN adopted Microsoft Dynamics marketing efforts, leading to a richer
Institute – Minnesota (PMI-MN) 365 Marketing, Sales, and Customer member experience and increased
Read full story here
adopted disparate technology Service to track member histories and participation in events and workshops.
solutions over the years and needed a ensure relevant communications. The Staff more quickly and easily manage
way to centralize member data to chapter also created an events portal for member information, and the chapter
connect events and email marketing. members, volunteers, and speakers. increased retained events revenue by 90
Customer references
Customers have agreed to participate in calls with prospects, name drop,
analyst call. Nominate references Request references
Dynamics 365
marketing reference
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