Extracts, IFD, Estimate & Warrant
Extracts, IFD, Estimate & Warrant
Extracts, IFD, Estimate & Warrant
Class Description
Class I Orders for Army, Navy, Air Force as per their
requirement for manufacture/repair of stores
Class II Payment Work Order from State Governments,
Railways, MES etc.
Class III Services rendered by one Ordnance Factory to
other Ordnance Factory (IFD)
Class IV For services internal to factories other than capital
service. This is also known as Supplementary
Work Order Draft (SWOD).
Class V For Capital services (e.g. Manufacture of
Machines for Stock)
While executing an Extract of an end store, the finishing
factories some times require assistance of a sister
factory in the form of empties, explosives or raw
materials. This is obtained through an IFD on the
authority of the extracts issued by OFB. The IFD
becomes authority for a sister factory to undertake
manufacture of an item. The IFDs get the blanket
sanction of OFB and treated as a Class III Extract. Every
year a matrix of Class III Extract Numbers are issued by
OFB to cover the IFD transactions between two factories
which is required to be quoted by the demanding factory
while placing an IFD on the sister factory.
When an extract for an end store is issued by OFB to the
finishing factory, it is expected that the stores would be
promptly delivered. But as mentioned above, the
finishing factory may have to take assistance of the
sister factory for which it will place an IFD. In some
cases, the sister factory on which the first IFD has been
placed may further place an IFD on the second factory.
Thus the factory which is required to deliver the raw
material or component first is last in the chain to get
information which delays the whole planning schedule. In
order to circumvent this delay, OFB issues a Central
Demand almost simultaneously with the issuance of the
Extract on the intermediate factory (with quantities
covering the requirements of extract) for the empties etc.
which has got the same status as that of an IFD floated
between two factories. CD is thus the authority
simultaneously issued by OFB to intermediate factories
to undertake production of semi – finished jobs (empties)
which are required for executing the extract by the final
issuing/finishing factory to meet the demands of the
Generally, CDs are placed for major sub-assemblies or
components manufactured by Intermediate Factories
and issued to finishing factories. The list of such items
and the intermediate factories where these are required
to be manufactured is decided by OFB in advance. The
intermediate factories take up manufacture of
empties/major sub-assemblies immediately on receipt of
Intimation regarding acceptance of
After receiving the advance copy of
Extract, concerned factory will investigate
whether it can undertake this work in
addition to existing workload. Factory,
after investigation of material and
equipment position and scrutiny of
drawings, intimates OFB of its acceptance
of Extract for manufacture of the item with
probable date of completion (PDC).
Then one copy of Extract is sent to the
concerned factory by OFB and 3 copies are sent
to AHSP (Authority Holding Stores Particulars)
generally Controller of Inspection.
AHSP, after checking the nomenclature,
specifications, drawing and other necessary
particulars to guide for manufacturing of stores,
sends one copy duly vetted to Factory and one
copy to local Inspectorate and retains one copy
for itself. Depot indents are also are sent to
Factory through AHSP. IFDs are sent directly to
Information contained in an Extract
The Extract will contain the following information:
Name of the Factory
Class of Extract
Extract No.
Date of commencement and completion of supply
Nomenclature of stores
Number or quantity on order
One copy of this Extract is also sent to Local
Accounts Officer (LAO) directly by indenter or by
concerned factory on receipt of extract for costing
Entry in Extract Register
After receiving the Extract in the factory, it
is sent to Central Planning for recording
entry in the Extract Register. Thereafter it is
sent to the concerned planning group for
necessary actions. Planning Officer in
consultation with Production Officer decides
which Production Section will undertake the
job/operations involved. Works Office
allocates Work Order Number and Warrant
Action by Planning Section
On receiving the Extract, Planning Section
initiates preparatory work and directs:
Design Office to prepare operation layout,
design of tools, jigs, fixtures, cutters etc. as
Rates & Estimates (R & E Section) to
prepare Labour and Material Estimates.
MCO & PV to procure materials.
Production Shop to undertake manufacture
of jigs & fixtures required.
List of outstanding extracts
At the end of the year, a list of all out-standing
extracts (including those outstanding from previous
years) will be prepared for each class of acts
showing the extract numbers and the quantities
outstanding as per production cards and the list will
be sent to the factory for check and return. In
factories where these lists are prepared by the
Management, the Accounts Office will check the
outstanding shown therein. Any discrepancies
should be settled at once. When an extract from the
outing list is completed, the remark "completed"
should be entered in the outstanding list.
When an extract is altered or cancelled, necessary
note will be made on the extract as well as in the
register or the outstanding list as the case may be.
List of outstanding extracts
For budget purposes, the outstanding values of
all extracts under each class should be worked
out. This will be the amount which is required to
be spent in the next year i.e. any expenditure
already incurred should be excluded. This can
be done by pricing the outstanding quantities at
full standard rates and deducting there from the
value of unfinished semi manufacture, making
an allowance for any undue fluctuation that
might have occurred on account of excess cost
of tools or change in the material values or on
cost charges
Cancellations of extracts
Whenever, a demand or extract is cancelled,
credit will be taken for it in the year in which it is
cancelled irrespective of whether the cancella
tion is effected in the year in which it was placed
or in a later year. On receipt of intimation that a
demand or extract has been cancelled, a report
will be sent to the OFB by the factory through
the Accounts Officer regarding the actual loss
sustained on account of commitments etc.
entered into before °receipt of the cancellation
order, in order that the factories budget may be
reimbursed to the extent necessary.
Cancellations of extracts
The term "actual loss" referred to in above para
will cover the- cost of labour employed and
material used in the manufacture of stores of
which further use cannot be made. It does not
include material purchased and taken into stock
for eventual use in complying with demands that
may be placed later for the same store or for a
store in the manufacture of which similar
material is used.
Cancellations of extracts
When a Class I extract is cancelled, as much of the
expenditure as has already been incurred on it will be
transferred to some other warrants, if possible,
and any scraps or, components returned to store. The
balance of the expenditure should be transferred to
work order 06/00025/00. In the case of all other
extracts, such expenditure should be adjusted to
general indirect charges under orders of the C.C. of A
(Fys), but, where a Class III extract was issued in
satisfaction of some arsenal demand, the expenditure
should be transferred to work order 06/00025/00. In
the case of Class II extracts, a loss statement will be
necessary to write off the net loss under the sanction
of the competent financial authority
Functions of AO
Copies of all extracts as well as
amendments/alternations relating thereto
will be received in the Accounts Office
direct from the OFB or through the
Finance Division OFB, if they relate to
Army, Navy, A.F., M.E.S. or stock orders.
Functions of AO
In the case, where it may appear that the
issue of the extract is objectionable, the
Accounts Officer should expeditiously take
up the matter with the G.M. or the OFB
through the Chief Controller of Accounts
(Fys). The OFB will, if necessary, be
requested to instruct the factory not to
proceed with the extract, which has been
objected to until the objection has been
Functions of AO
A register of extracts (vide Sl. No. 17 of
Annexure `A' to Chapter 1X) will be maintained
in the Accounts Office to watch the receipt of all
extracts issued, the progress of completion of ex
tracts with special reference to the P.D.C., if any,
mentioned in the extracts as well as to ensure
that the quantity ordered on the extract is not
exceeded - in actual manufacture.
When extract is completed, the 'remark
"Completed" will be written against it in the
register. The information will be obtained from
the production cards.
Action by Planning Section
Planning Section is the Custodian of
Extracts and receipt, progressing, closure
and liquidation of the same falls exclusively
in their domain.
Monitoring of Production and Issues and
monitoring of achievement in respect of the
Principal Items to be done by the Planning
Section which also monitors the Vale of
Production, Production in terms of SMH and
Monthly Capacity Utilisation w.r.t. the laid
down targets.
R & E Section will prepare and send
Material Estimate to Planning for initiation
of procurement of material. Planning office
issues both Material Warrant and Labour
Warrant as per Estimates received from R
& E Section to the concerned Production
Shop's who will start manufacturing of the
Rates & Estimates Section (RE)
Used to
Main Warrant Number Type of Warrant
issue sub-warrants
Type Code :-
1 Production Warrant
2 Tool Warrant
0 Quarterly warrant, SWOD, Warrant for
sundry Items or maintenance components of
machines all issued under indirect work orders
Record keeping of warrants in
Each section has to record the details of
warrants issued to it in a register. As the
item against a warrant is taken up for
manufacture, details are recorded on
Material warrant and Manufacture
Details to be recorded are as follows:
Material Warrants:
1) Numbers of Demand Notes for the
material drawn
2) Numbers of Return Note, if any material
has been returned.
Manufacture Warrants:
Except system
When separate warrants are issued for
components and sub-assemblies of a
particular assembly against 40 series of work
order, it is called issue of warrant under
Except System. Components are made and
kept in Central Godown and are drawn on
Assembly Warrants through demand notes.
This system is generally used for issue of
warrants where the order is for bulk quantity.
Sub-warrant system
In this system there is only one warrant
number for Assembly and components of
assembly. Assembly will be given main
Warrant number component will be numbered
with a sub-warrant number as shown below:
Main warrant number will be as00175131000
Sub-warrant number will be as00175131001,
002 , 003 and so on
This system is adopted where order quantity is
small and not of a repetitive nature. In this
system I/Note is prepared for Main Assembly
warrant only and I/Notes are not required to
be prepared for components.
Duration of warrants
Warrants should normally be issued on a
short-term basis, i.e. for such quantities as
could be produced within 3 months.
In exceptional cases longer duration for
warrants may be allowed upto 6 months, but
such cases should be limited to the minimum.
Extension to the life of warrants must, in no
case, be granted for more than once. The
manufacturing section concerned must
ensure closure of warrants within the
specified period.
Rejections taking place in warrants are
recorded by each section on the back side of
the manufacturing warrant and replacement
orders are raised duly certified by Inspection
Section. When the warrants are completed
these replacement orders are forwarded to
Warrant Office along with warrants. In case of
sub-warrants these replacement orders are
forwarded to Warrant Office whenever
rejections take place since replacement
quantities are be authorized on the same
warrant for taking up the manufacture to
complete the main warrant.
In case of Except system of warrants,
replacements are not authorized on same
warrant but the warrant is short closed.
Fresh warrants are issued to cover
rejections. [Replacement warrants are
Warrants on the authority of which work to
cover the manufacture of articles found
defective in the course of manufacture is
Unavoidable Rejection Percentage
Every estimate for manufacture of
components makes a provision for
rejections in terms of percentage (i.e. 5%,
10%, 15% etc.). If rejections against a
warrant are within the U.A.R. percentage
authorised in the estimates, rejections are
termed as normal rejections. If the
rejections against warrants are more than
the authorised percentage, then that
rejection is termed as abnormal rejection
and will have to be regularized as loss.
Unavoidable Rejection
Percentage (U.A.R.)
Warrant Qty. Qty. Rejectio U.A.R. Rejectio Remar
No. ordere complete n % n ks
d d
* Rejection is within UAR % allowed.
** Here 10 Nos. are rejected over and above the UAR % and so a loss statement is to be prepared for 10 Nos.