Leadership 22

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Conflict Management

Prepared By: Roz Rizgar, Roshna Jamal, Gashbin Khidr, Hana Khalid
Supervised By: Mr: ramand , Mr: Emad
What is conflict?

Conflict is defined as a clash between

individuals arising out of a difference in
thought process, attitudes, understanding,
interests, requirements and even sometimes
perceptions. A conflict results in heated
arguments, physical abuses and definitely loss
of peace and harmony.
Why does conflict occur?

We all have our own objectives, goals, values and priorities that we consider
to be important.

• Differences in personalities
• Inactive listener
• Poor communication
• A difference in values
• Performance issues
Categories (Types) of conflict

• Intrapersonal:- is conflict experienced by a single individual, when his or

her own goals, values or roles diverge.
• Interpersonal:- is conflict due to differences in goals, value, and styles
between two or more people who are required to interact.
• Intragroup:-is conflict within a group or team, where members conflict
over goals or procedures.
• Organizational (Intergroup):-is when conflict between groups inside and
outside an organization disagree on various issues.
Problem Solving VS Mange Conflict

• Problem solving is a very general description. It includes issues regarding

planning, elaboration, development, deployment, delivery, strategy, contract
disputes, budget issues, resource constraints, scheduling issues, conflict
resolution and more.

• Conflict management is specific to problems/issues between employees,

management of customers, in regards to differing personalities. Conflict
resolution is a type of problem solving.
Dimension Of Conflict

conflict has been viewed negatively as a power struggle, Several assumptions

drive the perception of conflict as negative:

 Harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal.

 Conflict occurs because of personal problems.
 Conflict should never be forced, because anger, the predominant emotion,
will escalate the conflict.
 Management of conflict should be polite and orderly.
(Wilmot & Hocker, 2001, pp. 11–13).
When conflict is viewed from a positive perspective, there are a number of benefits
to be gained. Assumptions underlying a positive perception of conflict include:

• • Conflict is inevitable; learning to manage it effectively is necessary.

• • Conflict helps people discuss their goals.
• • Managing conflict can help to resolve resentments and increase
understanding (Wilmot & Hocker, 2001, pp. 15–16).
The Conflict Process
Leader Nurse Roles in The Manage Conflict:

 In fact establishing open communication and employing active listening skills can help leaders and nurse managers
to manage the conflicts.
 Nurse leaders and managers need to work to engage all staff members as a team to create safe, quality
patient outcomes. 
 Mutual respect: Those involved in the conflict may need a reminder to be respectful and focus on the
issue and not the other person.

 Needs versus wants: The nurse leader and manager must help those involved differentiate between what
they need and what they want.
 Compassion and empathy: Those involved in the conflict may need assistance understanding each other
and hearing the other person’s position.
 Staying in the “I”: The nurse leader and manager reminds those involved to focus on “I” statements and
avoid using “you” statements and avoid blaming.
Common Cause of Organizational Conflict

• Unclear job roles.

• Poor communication.
• Inadequate training.
• Poor work environment.
• Diversity of gender, culture …
• Increase in workload.
Conflict Styles (strategies) In Nursing And
Health Care
Strategies to manage to resolution conflict
between members in the work place:

• Collaborating Style (win-win): A combination of being assertive and

cooperative, those who collaborate attempt to work with others to identify
a solution that fully satisfies everyone’s concerns.
• Competing Style : Those who compete are assertive and uncooperative and
willing to pursue one’s own concerns at another person’s expense.
• Accommodating Style (lose-win): The opposite of competing, there is an
element of self-sacrifice when accommodating to satisfy the other person.
While it may seem generous, it could take advantage of the weak and
cause resentment.

• Compromising Style(no win- no loss): This style aims to find an

expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties
in the conflict while maintaining some assertiveness and cooperativeness.

• Avoiding Style( lose-lose): involves withdrawing or hiding from the

conflict. The strategy is not always effective in resolving conflict and
just postpones the conflict. Because the conflict is not resolved, it
may reappear again later.
Common Conflict Resolution

1. Don't Ignore Conflict

2. Clarify What the Issue Is

3. Bring Involved Parties Together to Talk

4. Identify a Solution
Assessment of the Conflict Situation (PEPS

• PEPRS assessment guide method use in assessing conflict within the health care
environment. The major compinents of the framework are :
■ Parties involved
■ Events/issues
■ Power
■ Regulation of conflict
■ Style of conflicts
Managing Unit Conflict

• Confrontation.
• Third-party consultation.
• Behavior changes
• Responsibility charting.
• Structure change
• Soothing one party
Tips for Managing Conflict
• Accept conflict
• Listen actively
• Analyze the conflict
• Check Understanding
• Separate the person from the problem
• Focus on the future
• Share your interests
• Be creative
• Be specific
• Maintain confidentiality
• Move past positions
• neutral language
Role of Negotiation in the manage conflict:

• Negotiation is a common way for people to resolve problems and deal with
conflict. It happens when people wish to talk to each other to find a solution
to the problem.
• It actually focused on the win-win situation
Case study
• This story is based on a true example that experienced by ourselves, by looking back to the last year (late January) ,
we had to do training in Adult subject, after the first semester, we divided into some subgroups and each went to
different part or hospital settings, and the cycle was continued until nearly one month. One day we were in
emergency department, we saw an old man he had hip bed sore (pressure ulcer) his age was seemed to be nearly
70 or more years old, his family asked the nurse in emergency department to do dressing for the wound , it was
really danger! You could easily see the hip bone!
but the nurse said that it is not his business, and told them you can ask the ICU nurses to do that it’s their own
And when they asked them , also they said the same, that it’s not their business and ask the emergency department
nurses to do it.
Both of them avoided themselves to do it for the poor old man.
We noticed that this conflict between nurses made bad effect on the patient outcome.
But finally one nurse came to do dressing for the patient but with angry face.

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