Linear Organization
Linear Organization
Linear Organization
IV Semester
These spaces can be linked through a separate and distinct linear space
A linear organization usually consists of repetitive spaces which
are alike in size, form, and function
It may also consist of a single linear space that organizes along its
length a series of spaces that differ in size, form, or function. In both
cases, each space along the sequence has an exterior exposure
Spaces that are functionally or symbolically important to the organization can occur
anywhere along the linear sequence and have their importance articulated by their
size and form
Their significance can also be emphasized by their location:
• at the end of the linear sequence
Offset from the linear organization
At pivotal points of a segmented linear form
Because of their characteristic length, linear organizations express a direction and
signify movement, extension, and growth. To limit their growth, linear organizations
can be terminated by a dominant space or form, by an elaborate or articulated
entrance, or by merging with another building form or the topography of its site .
The form of a linear organization is inherently flexible and can
respond readily to various conditions of its site. It can adapt to
It can be straight
Segmented Curvilinear
Diagonally up a slope Stand vertically as a Tower
The form of a linear organization can relate to other
forms in its context by:
Concave Curve
Convex Curve
Longhouse,a dwelling type of the member
tribes of the Iroquois confideracy in North
Terraced Housing Fronting a village street Village Project,1955,James Stirling
Linear sequences of spaces
1) D.K.Ching …..Form Space & Order