Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Dr.-Ing. Getahun Mekuria
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Faculty of Technology Addis Ababa University (AAU)
Forces on a Sat
Where m = satellite mass; v = satellite velocity in the plane of orbit; r = distance from the center of the earth (orbit radius); and Q = Keplers Constant (or Geocentric Gravitational Constant) = 3.986004105 km3/s2.
Note that
Fout ! Fin
This result gives the velocity required to maintain a satellite at the orbit radius r. Note that all other forces acting on the satellite, such as the gravity forces from the moon, sun, and other bodies, are neglected.
Keplers Laws
Keplers laws of planetary motion apply to any two bodies in space that interact through gravitation. The laws of motion are described through three fundamental principles.
Keplers Laws
Keplers First Law
the path followed by a satellite around the earth will be an ellipse, with the center of mass of earth as one of the two foci of the ellipse
The size of the ellipse will depend on satellite mass and its angular velocity
Keplers Laws
Keplers Second Law
for equal time intervals, the satellite sweeps out equal areas in the orbital plane
Satellite orbital velocity is not constant; the satellite is moving much faster at locations near the earth, and slows down as it approaches apogee.
Keplers Laws
Keplers Third Law
the square of the periodic time of orbit is proportional to the cube of the mean distance between the two bodies
where T = orbital period in seconds; a = distance between the two bodies, in km; Q = Keplers Constant = 3.986004105 km3/s2
Keplers Laws
If the orbit is circular, then
Under this condition, a specific orbit period is determined only by proper selection of the orbit radius. This allows the satellite designer to select orbit periods that best meet particular application requirements by locating the satellite at the proper orbit altitude
Keplers Laws
A graph showing orbit period in hours versus the mean altitude of the orbit in kilometers
Orbital Parameters
Apogee the point farthest from earth. Perigee the point of closest approach to earth. Line of Apsides the line joining the perigee and apogee through the center of the earth. Ascending Node the point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane, going from south to north. Descending Node the point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane, going from north to south.
Orbital Parameters
Line of Nodes the line joining the ascending and descending nodes through the center of the earth. Argument of Perigee, [ the angle from ascending node to perigee, measured in the orbital plane. Right Ascension of the Ascending Node, N the angle measured eastward, in the equatorial plane, from the line to the first point of Aries (Y) to the ascending node. The eccentricity is a measure of the circularity of the orbit
Elliptical Orbit Circular Orbit
Orbital Parameters
where e = the eccentricity of the orbit; ra = the distance from the center of the earth to the apogee point; rp = the distance from the center of the earth to the perigee point
Orbital Parameters
The inclination angle, Ui, is the angle between the orbital plane and the earths equatorial plane
Inclined Orbit Equatorial Orbit Polar Orbit Prograde Orbit Retrograde Orbit
Orbital Parameters
36,000 km
Satellite Orbits
Please note that:
Q ! g.Re2 g Y ! g. r
1 2
r3 2T T! g Re
1 2
Re is radius of the earth. The value varies with location. For example, Re at the equator = 6378.39 km (6378 km) Re at the pole = 6356.91 km (6357 km) g gravitational constant = 9.8087 m/sec
The minimum number of Orbital parameters to define and locate a stallite in space are six: Eccentricity, (e) Semi-Major Axis (a) Time of Perigee; Right Ascension of Ascending Node ( ; ) Inclination Angle (Ui) Argument of Perigee ([).
Right Ascension of Ascending Node ( ; ) the angle in the equatorial plane measured counter-clockwise from the direction of the vernal equinox direction to that of the ascending node; Inclination Angle (Ui) inclination angle of the orbital plane measured between the equatorial plane and the plane of the orbit; Argument of Perigee ([) the angle between the direction of ascending node and direction of the perigee
Orbital Parameters
Apogee and Perigee, Speeds and Distances from center of the earch interms of eccentricity, e, and semi-major axis, a
ra rp ra rp
Vp ! Va !
Q ra a rp Q rp a ra
ra ! a (1 e) rp ! a (1 e)
Satellite Location
Apogee and Perigee, Speeds and Distances from center of the earch interms of eccentricity, e, and semi-major axis, a
Re E ! sin h R e o 1 Re ! sin r
where K is the central angle The apex angle required at the satellite to produce a given coverage Acov must satisfy
Geometric Distances
Important Geomteric Distances to calculate: Slant Range:- the distance between the satellite and earth station, Rs Look Angles:- the azimuth and elevation angles The look angles are the coordinates to which an earth station antenna must be pointed to communicate with a satellite. The azimuth angle az is the angle at which the earth stations disk is pointing at the horizon The elevation angle U is the angle by which the antenna bore sight must be rotated to lock on to the satellite.
Geometric Distances
LE = latitude of the earth station in degrees (+ for NH, - for SH) LS = Latitude of the satellite in degrees (LS= 0 for Geo sats) M = location of subsatellite point lE =earth station longitude, in degrees lS =satellite longitude, in degrees
Geometric Distances
Rs ! R r 2 2rRe cos K
2 e
Rv sin K ! cos(K U )
Find the geocentric Radius Rv [in km] from :
The above equations developed for elevation angle U give the geometric value. The true elevation angle Ut, taking into account the average atmospheric refraction, can be approximated by:
U t ! 0.5 U U 4.132
For the southern hemisphere (SH) the 180 term is to be deleted. The magnetic heading of the antenna should be
E H ! a z (E
Where (e is the deviation between the true North pole and North magnetic pole
Geometric Distances
Examples Consider an earth station located in Washington, DC, and a GSO satellite located at 97 W. The input parameters, using the sign conventions described earlier are: Earth Station: Washington, DC Latitude: LE =390 N=+39 Longitude: lE =770W=77 Altitude: H = 0km Satellite: Latitude: LS =00 (inclination angle=0) Longitude: lS =970W=97 Find the range, Rs, the elevation angle, U, and the azimuth angle, az, to the satellite.
Satellite Payload
The space segment equipment carried aboard the satellite can be classified under two functional areas: the bus and the payload
The Bus
The bus refers to the basic satellite structure itself and the subsystems that support the satellite. The bus subsystems are:
the physical structure, power subsystem, altitude and orbital control subsystem (AOCS) thermal control subsystem, and Telemetry, Tracking, command and Monitoring subsystem (TTC&M).
The Bus
Physical Structure Home to all components onboard The basic shape of the structure depends of the method of stabilization Two methods are commonly employed: spin stabilization three-axis or body stabilization Stabilization is employed to keep the satellite stable and pointing in the desired direction, usually to keep the antennas properly oriented toward earth
The Bus
Physical Structure Spin Stablization usually cylindrical in shape satellite is required to be mechanically balanced about an axis for GSO satellites, the spin axis is maintained parallel to the spin axis of the earth
The Bus
Physical Structure Three-axis Stablization satellite is maintained in space with stabilizing elements for each of the three axes, referred to as roll, pitch, and yaw The entire body of the spacecraft remains fixed in space, relative to the earth, which is why the three-axis stabilized satellite is also referred to as a body-stabilized satellite.
The Bus
Power Supply Subsystem Solar Panels of highest efficiency (20 25%) at BOL and 5...10% at EOL, which is normally 15 years Back-up Battries (Ni-Cd, NiH2) Accounts for 10...20% of the total payload (weight of the satellite) Power conditioning unit is also included in the power subsystem, for the control of battery charging and for power regulation and monitoring.
The Bus
Altitude Control Subsystem The attitude of a satellite refers to its orientation in space with respect to earth. Attitude control is necessary so that the antennas are pointed correctly towards earth Four detectors are used to establish a reference point, usually the center of the earth, any shift in orientation is detected by one or more of the sensors. A control signal is generated that activates attitude control devices to restore proper orientation. Gas jets, ion thrusters, or momentum wheels are used to provide active attitude control on communications satellites
The Bus
Orbital Control Subsystem Satellites undergo forces that would cause the satellite to drift in the east-west (longitude) and north-south (latitude) directions, as well as in altitude Have to be compensated for with active orbital control jets. Orbital control is usually maintained with the same thruster system as is attitude control
The Bus
Thermal Control Subsystem Satellites experience large temperature variations Thermal radiation from the sun heats one side of the spacecraft, while the side facing outer space is exposed to the extremely low temperatures of space. Much of the equipment in the satellite itself generates heat, which must be controlled. Low orbiting satellites can also be affected by thermal radiation reflected from the earth itself. Several techniques are employed to provide thermal control in a satellite: Thermal blankets and thermal shields Radiation mirrors Heat pumps Thermal heaters
The Bus
Tracking, Telemetry, Command and Monitoring Subsystem TTC&M subsystem provides essential spacecraft management and control functions to keep the satellite operating safely in orbit. The TTC&M links between the spacecraft and the ground are usually separate from the communications system links Tracking refers to the determination of the current orbit, position, and movement of the Spacecraft The telemetry refers to collection of data from sensors on-board the spacecraft and the relay of this information to the ground. Examples: voltage and current conditions in the power subsystem, temperature of critical subsystems, status of switches and relays in the communications and antenna subsystems, fuel tank pressures, and attitude control sensor status. Command is the complementary function to telemetry. The command system relays specific control and operations information from the ground to the spacecraft, often in response to telemetry information received from the spacecraft
The Payload
The Payload subsystems are:
The Transponder subsystem. and The antenna subsystems
The Payload
The Transponder subsystem Transponder refers to the series of components that provides the communications channel, or link, between the uplink signal received at the uplink antenna, and the downlink signal transmitted by the downlink antenna. Typical communications satellite will contain several transponders, and some of the equipment may be common to more than one transponder. Each transponder generally operates in a different frequency band, with the allocated frequency spectrum band divided into slots, with a specified center frequency and operating bandwidth. The C-band FSS service allocation, for example, is 500MHz wide. A typical design would accommodate 12 transponders, each with a bandwidth of 36 MHz, with guard bands of 4MHz between each. A typical commercial communications satellite today can have 24 to 48 transponders, operating in the C-band, Ku-band, or Ka-bands.
The Payload
The Transponder subsystem Two-Types of Transponders Frequency Translation Transponder
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem The antenna systems on the spacecraft are used for transmitting and receiving the RF signals The antenna system is a critical part ... because it is the essential element in increasing the strength of the transmitted or received signal to allow amplification, processing, and retransmission. The most important antenna parameters are: gain, beamwidth, Sidelobes Four common types of antennas used in satellite systems: linear dipole, horn antenna, parabolic reflector array antenna.
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Dipole antennas: primarily at VHF and UHF for TTC&M important during launch operations, where the spacecraft attitude has not yet been established, and for satellites that operate without attitude control or body stabilization (particularly for LEO systems). Horn antennas used at frequencies from about 4 GHz and up, when relatively wide beams are required, such as global coverage from a GSO satellite provides gains of up to about 20 dBi, with beamwidths of 100 or higher If higher gains or narrower bandwidths are required, a reflector or array antenna must be used.
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Parabolic Reflector antennas: The most often used antenna for satellite systems, particularly for those operating above 10 GHz Parabolic reflector antennas are usually illuminated by one or more horn antenna feeds at the focus of the paroboloid. Parabolic reflectors offer a much higher gain than that achievable by the horn antenna alone. Gains of 25 dB or higher, beamwidths of 10 or less, are achievable
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Array antennas: Steerable, focused beam can be formed by combining the radiation from several small elements made up of dipoles, helices, or horns. Beam forming can be achieved by electronically phase shifting the signal at each element. By proper selection of the phase characteristics between the elements, direction and beamwidth can be controlled, without physical movement of the antenna system. The array antenna gain increases with the square of the number of elements. Gains and beamwidths comparable to those available from parabolic reflector antennas can be achieved with array antennas.
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem
The gain of the ideal antenna with a physical aperture area A is defined as
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Horn Antennas: Pyramidal Gain
4T G ! 10 logL 2 AB dBi P
P U E ! 54 deg B
3-db Beamwidth in the H- Plane
P U H ! 78 deg A
where L is the pyramidal horns efficiency, typically 50%
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Horn Antennas: Conical Gain
3-db Beamwidth
U bw
Example: The earth subtends an angle of 17.30 when viewed from geostationary orbit. Estimate the dimensions and gain of pyramidal horn and conical horn antennas, which will provide global coverage at 4.5GHz.
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Parabolic Reflector antenna Gain
Where U a , Ue are the 3-db azimuth and elevation beamwidths, respectively and
L is the Parabolic Reflectors efficiency, 60 typically 55%....75%
P U a } 65 deg D L
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem
Example: A paraboloidal antenna working at 1.8GHz and having a diameter of 9.5m is required to achieve a gain of 41.5 dB. Find the necessary efficiency. How much gain variation is associated with 4.5% efficiency variation?
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Reflector/Lense antenna Configurations
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Reflector/Lense antenna Configurations
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Reflector/Lense antenna Configurations
The Payload
The Antenna Subsystem Helical antenna
3-db Beamwidth
52 ! cu
P3 deg N(s
Where: cu = TD N (s L P
helix circumference number of turns spacing b/n turns length of helix wavelength
Ps ! AaL m a f el k s
Where: Ps = effective solar system power (w). ks = solar constant = 1370 W/m2. Aa = solar array area required for the cells = LxB (sq.m). af = loss factor for uncovered (unused) array area, good estimate is 20% el = electrical losses, due to losses in panel wiring, and transmission losses in the cell cover glasses. Good estimate is 20%. Lm = solar cells conversion efficiency; depends on the material used. For example:
Lm = 26% for gallium arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor Lm = 23% for monocrystalline silicon Lm = 10% for polycrystalline silicon.